


stand----standing; play----playing
have---having; take----taking
put---putting; begin---beginning
tie---tying; die---dying






1、 分词作状语分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。
分词(短语)作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句中主语相一致。.当现在分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前时, 则用现在分词的完成式,且所表示动作与谓语动作同时发生, 则用现在分词的一般式。完成或被动关系用过去分词。
(1)现在分词The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking.
(2)过去分词Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station. Given better attention, the plants could grow better.
2、"while ( when, once, until, if , though等连词)+分词"结构现在分词或过去分词作状语时,有时可以在分词前加while,when, once, although, until, if等连词。
When leaving the airport, she waved again and again to us. While waiting for the train, I had a long talk with my sister about her work……
Once recovered, he threw himself into his work and made every effort to do it well.
Although working very hard, he failed to pass the final exam. If translated word by word, the passage will be difficult to understand.
We will go on with our experiment as soon as we get the added fund.
This is really an exhausting day to all of us!
We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight.
After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I forced myself to take a long walk along the beach the next day.
More and more developing countries established strategic partnership with developed countries
4、分词作宾语补足语现在分词在see, watch, hear, observe, notice, feel, find, glimpse, glance等感官动词和look at, listen to等短语动词以及have, keep, get, catch, leave, set, start, send等使役动词后面与名词或代词构成复合宾语,作宾语补语的成分。
1) 做表语:
He was very amused.
That book was rather boring.
exciting, interesting, encouraging, disappointing, confusing, touching, puzzling.
2) 作定语:
上面所出现的现在分词都可以用作定语, 修饰一个名词:
That must have been a terrifying experience.
I found him a charming person.
现在分词短语还可以放在名词的后面修饰名词, 相当于一个定语从句:
There are a few boys swimming in the river.
There is a car waiting outside.
3) 作状语:
Following Tom, we started to climb the mountain.
Opening the drawer, he took out a box.
Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.
现在分词短语还可以表示原因, 相当于一个原因状语从句:
Not knowing her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her.
Being unemployed, he hasn’t got much money.
现在分词短语还可以表示时间, 相当于一个时间状语从句:
Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.
Returning home, he began to do his homework.
Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis.
Be careful when crossing the road.
Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
Having finished her work, she went home.
例如, see, hear, catch, find, keep , have 等.
I see him passing my house every day.
I caught him stealing things in that shop.
I smelt something burning.
She kept him working all day.
1) 作表语:
We were so bored that we couldn’t help yawning.
She felt confused, and even frightened.
They were very pleased with the girl.
I’m satisfied with your answer.
He is not interested in research.
2) 作定语:
She has a pleased look on her face.
The teacher gave us a satisfied smile.
cooked food a written report
fried eggs boiled water
frozen food armed forces
required courses fallen leaves
finished products a forced smile
the risen sun new arrived visitors
What’s the language spoken in that country?
They’re problem left over by history.
The play put on by the teachers was a big success.
Is there anybody injured?
Do you know the number of books ordered?
Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent.
Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.
They came in, followed by some children.
Depressed, he went to see his elder sister.
When treated with kindness, he was very amiable.
过去分词也同样可以作宾语的补语, 接在某些动词后面
I will have the clothes washed tomorrow.
When they get back home, they found the room robbed.
1. __________ with the best students, I still have a long way to go.
A. Having compared B. To compare
C. Compared D. Compare
( ) 2. The music of the film _________ by him sounds so ___________ .
A. playing, exciting B. played, excited
C. playing, excited D. played, exciting
( ) 3. __________ against the coming hurricane, they dared not leave home.
A. Warned B. Having warned
C. To warn D. Warn
( ) 4. In __________ countries, you can’t always make yourself _______ by speaking English.
A. English-speaking, understand B. English-spoken, understand
C. English-speaking, understood D. English-spoken, understood
( )5. After _____________ the old man, the doctor suggested that he ___________ a bad cold.
A. examining, should catch B. examined, had caught
C. examining, had caught D. examined, catch
( ) 6. _____________ , Tom jumped into the river and had a good time in it.
A. Be a good swimmer B. Being a good swimmer
C. Having been good swimmer D. To be a good swimmer
( ) 7. ________ how to read the new words, I often look them up in the dictionary.
A. Having not known B. Not to know
C. Don’t know D. Not knowing
( ) 8. As his parent, you shouldn’t have your child ___________ such a book.
A. read B. to read
C. reading D. be reading
( ) 9. He returned from abroad ______________ that his mother had been badly ill.
A. heard B. having been heard
C. having phoned D. having been phoned
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D



1.do-doing 做 2.stand-standing 站 3.sleep-sleeping 睡觉
4.eat-eating 吃 5.sing-singing 唱 6.drink-drinking 喝
7.read-reading 读 8.look-looking 看 9.walk-walking 散步
10.watch-watching 看11.draw-drawing 画 12.fly-flying 飞
13.open-opening 打开14.jump-jumping 跳 15.do-doing 做
16.paint-painting 绘画 17.pick-picking 捡 18.play-playing 玩
19.garden-gardening 做园艺工作 20.talk-talking 说话 21.cook-cooking 烹饪 22.see-seeing 看见
23.learn-earning 学习 24.catch-catching 抓住
25.climb-climbing 爬 26.count-counting 数数
27.clean-cleaning 打扫 28.fish-fishing 钓鱼
1.come – coming 来 2.dance - dancing 跳舞 3.close - closing 关 4.make – making 制造 5.ride – riding 骑 6.write - writing 写
7.take - taking 拿走 8.phone - phoning 打电话 9.dance-dancing跳舞
9.move – moving 移动 搬 10.have – having 有 11.leave-leaving 12.wake-waking
1.sit- sitting 做 2.hop - hopping 单脚跳 3.swim- swimming 游泳 4.run - running 跑 5.cut – cutting 切 6.put – putting 放
7.get-getting 得到 8.shop-shopping 购物 9.skip-skipping 跳绳 10.begin-beginning 开始 11.forget-forgetting 12.stop-stopping 13.travel-travelling
1.lie-liying 2.die-dying


以上就是关于现在分词举例0个,现在分词的发音规则的全部内容,以及现在分词举例10个 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月08日12时50分22秒
下一篇 2023年01月08日12时54分18秒


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