

  1. I don't know where he lives.
  2. Can you tell me when the party starts?
  3. She didn't remember how she got there.
  4. Do you know why he's upset?
  5. The reason why he's late is traffic.
  6. That's the place where we met for the first time.
  7. The time when we arrived was already late.
  8. I don't remember the reason why we canceled the meeting.
  9. The way he speaks is very impressive.
  10. I can't remember the name of the person who recommended this book to me.
  11. The reason why I came here is to see you.
  12. I'm not sure how much it will cost.
  13. The day when we got married was the happiest day of my life.
  14. I don't know why he's ignoring my calls.
  15. The place where we're going is very beautiful.
  16. Can you tell me when the next train arrives?
  17. I'm not sure how to solve this problem.
  18. The reason why he's not here is because he's sick.
  19. Do you know where she's from?
  20. The way he dresses is very peculiar.
  21. I don't remember the reason why we broke up.
  22. The time when we met was a long time ago.
  23. The reason why he's angry is because you didn't invite him to the party.
  24. I'm not sure where I put my keys.
  25. The place where we're staying is very comfortable.
  26. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest supermarket?
  27. The way he behaves is very strange.
  28. I don't know when she'll be back.
  29. The reason why I'm here is to study English.
  30. I'm not sure how long the movie will be.
  31. The day when we went to the beach was very sunny.
  32. The reason why he's successful is because he works hard.
  33. I don't remember where we parked the car.
  34. The place where we had dinner was very romantic.
  35. Can you tell me why he's so happy?
  36. The way he sings is very beautiful.
  37. I don't know when the store closes.
  38. The reason why I don't like him is because he's rude.
  39. I'm not sure where to find the information you need.
  40. The time when we arrived was very late.
  41. The reason why she's not here is because she's on vacation.
  42. I don't remember how to solve this math problem.
  43. The place where we're going to is very far.
  44. Can you tell me where the nearest gas station is?
  45. The way he cooks is amazing.
  46. I don't know why she's crying.
  47. The day when we went to the zoo was very fun.
  48. The reason why he's not answering the phone is because it's broken.
  49. I'm not sure how to use this software.
  50. The time when we met was very brief.
  51. The reason why I'm interested in this job is because of the salary.
  52. I don't remember where we left our bikes.
  53. The place where we're going is very crowded.
  54. Can you tell me how to make this cake?
  55. The way he teaches is very effective.
  56. I don't know when the concert starts.
  57. The reason why I'm not going is because I'm busy.
  58. I'm not sure where to find the answer to this question.
  59. The day when we went to the museum was very educational.
  60. The reason why he's unhappy is because he failed the exam.
  61. I don't remember where I put my glasses.
  62. The place where we're going to eat is very expensive.
  63. Can you tell me why he's so angry?
  64. The way he dances is very graceful.
  65. I don't know when the next flight leaves.
  66. The reason why I'm tired is because I didn't sleep well.
  67. I'm not sure where to go for the weekend.
  68. The time when we arrived was very early.
  69. The reason why she's not coming is because she's sick.
  70. I don't remember how to play this song on the guitar.
  71. The place where we're going to stay is very cozy.
  72. Can you tell me where the nearest hospital is?
  73. The way he paints is very abstract.
  74. I don't know why he's laughing.
  75. The day when we went to the amusement park was very exciting.
  76. The reason why he's not texting back is because he's busy.
  77. I'm not sure how to fix this broken vase.
  78. The time when we met was very memorable.
  79. The reason why I'm not going to the party is because I don't know anyone there.
  80. I don't remember where we left the laptop.
  81. The place where we're going to study is very quiet.
  82. Can you tell me how to make this soup?
  83. The way he writes is very creative.
  84. I don't know when the next bus arrives.
  85. The reason why I'm not happy is because I didn't get the job.
  86. I'm not sure where to park the car.
  87. The day when we went to the park was very relaxing.
  88. The reason why he's not coming to the meeting is because he's on a business trip.
  89. I don't remember how to spell this word correctly.
  90. The place where we're going to shop is very trendy.
  91. Can you tell me why he's so nervous?
  92. The way he acts is very convincing.
  93. I don't know when the store opens.
  94. The reason why I'm not sleeping well is because of stress.
  95. I'm not sure where to find the key to the safe.
  96. The time when we arrived was very chaotic.
  97. The reason why she's not eating is because she's on a diet.
  98. I don't remember where we left our luggage.
  99. The place where we're going to play is very fun.
  100. Can you tell me how to cook this steak?
上一篇 2023年12月05日18时30分11秒
下一篇 2023年12月06日08时05分20秒


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