一首英文情歌 男生独唱唱的 歌词中含有 seasons song 如果有知道的请回复 歌名 歌手和歌词
seasons in the sun英文歌词
《seasons in the Sun》
goodbye to you my trusted friend. 再见了,我忠实的朋友.
we're known each other since we were 9 or 10. 我们从孩提时就已相识,相知.
together we've climb hills and trees. 我们一起爬山,爬树.
learned of love and abc. 学会去爱和其他基本知识.
skinned our hearts skinned our knees. 我们心意相同,情同手足.
goodbye my friend it's hard to die. 再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去.
when all the birds are singing in the sky. 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
now the spring in the air. 空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
pretty girls are everywhere. 到处是漂亮的女孩.
think of me and i'll be there. 想我了,我就会与你同在.
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the hills. 但我们一起爬山
that we climbed were just seasons out of time. 那些日子已经逝去.
goodbye papa please pray for me. 再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.
i was the black sheep of the family. 我是家里的害群之马.
you tried to teach me right from wrong. 你费尽心思教我明辨是非.
too much wine too much song. 我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中.
wonder how i got along. 真不知道我以前是如何过日子的.
goodbye papa it's hard ti die. 再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.
when all the birds are singing in the sky. 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
now the spring in the air. 空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
little children are everywhere. 小孩子在到处嬉戏.
when you see them i'll be there. 当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone. 犹如季节更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone. 犹如季节更迭已消逝.
goodbye michelle my little one. 再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱.
you gave me love help me find the sun. 你给了我爱,帮我找到希望.
and every time that i was down. 每当我意志消沉时.
you should always come around. 你总会来到我的身边.
and get my feet back on the ground. 鼓励我振作起来.
goodbye michelle it's hard to die. 再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去.
when all the birds are singing in the sky. 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
now the spring in the air. 空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
with the flowers everywhere. 到处都是美丽的花朵.
i wish that we could both be there ! 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚!
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the hills. 但我们一起爬山
that we climbed were just seasons out of time. 那些日子已经逝去.
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone. 犹如季节更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone. 犹如季节更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun. 我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun. 也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wine and the song. 但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone. 犹如季节更迭已消逝.
seasons in the sun的歌词
seasons in the sun(中英对照版)
goodbye 2 u're my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友.
we're known each other we're 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知.
together we've climb hills trees.我们一起爬山,爬树.
learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识.
skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足.
goodbye my friend it's hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去.
when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩.
think of me i'll be there.想我了,我就会与你同在.
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the hills.但我们一起爬山
that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去.
goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.
i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马.
u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.
too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中.
wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的.
goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.
when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏.
when u see them i'll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在.
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.
goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱.
u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望.
and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时.
u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边.
and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来.
goodbye michelle it's hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去.
when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵.
i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚!
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the hills.但我们一起爬山
that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去.
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.
we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
the seasons song 歌词
歌手:The Jaws
专辑:The Jaws
迹部:なあ 思えてるか?(呐,你还记得吗?)
Do you...do you remember?
俺达 始めて 出会ったあの春の日(我们初遇的那个春日)
梍___SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____のピンクが 时の流れいろどり(樱花为时光染上了粉色)
迹部&慈郎:全てが真新しい匂いに 満ちていたよな(充满着全新的气息)
慈郎:见つめあう目に 照れたようなあいさつ(互相凝视的目光里 有些害羞的问好)
目线外して 见上げた空(移开视线 望向天空)
飞行机云が まっずぐ未来に(飞机留下的线云 就好象我们笔直的未来之路)
鎌苅:なあ 思えてるか?(呐,你还记得吗?)
Do you...do you remember?
みんなで 本気で 戦ったあの夏の日(大家都在认真战斗的那个夏日)
焼けつ太阳 深まる木々の绿(炎炎燃烧的太阳 幽深树丛中的绿色)
鎌苅&忍足:毎日限界を更新し お前と竞った(每天都在刷新自己的极限 和你的竞争中)
忍足:つながるハ―ト ひとつになるたましい(心与心相连 精神合而为一)
笑颜を饰る 额の汗(用笑容掩饰着额上的汗珠)
きらめく笑颜 まぶしいよ君が(你明亮的笑容 如此耀眼)
合:色々あるね 生きるって(生命中总是不断经历着)
毎日が 昨日になる(每一天都会成为昨天的历史)
だけど 君と迎えよう 新しいあした(和你一起迎来崭新的明天)
大人になる 少しずつ(稍微成熟一点)
経験を 积み重ねて(积累了经验)
试练 乗り越えるたびに 强くなる绊(在经历试练的过程中结成更强的羁绊)
今 お前に伝えたい言叶(现在想传达给你的话语)
日吉:ねえ 思えてるか?(呐,你还记得吗?)
Do you...do you remember?
意见が 合わずに ぶつかったあの秋の日(意见不合发生冲突的那个秋日)
ほてった体を ク―ルダゥンさせる风(微微发热的身体被凉风吹醒)
日吉&日向:寂しくひとひら落ち叶が 舞う セピアなフリ―ス(寂寞的落叶孤单飘舞 变成深棕色的画 面)
日向:険悪ム―ド いたたまれない空気(恶劣的情绪 令人不安的气氛)
ピユアすぎるから 仕方ないね(因为太过于单纯 所以没办法啊)
ケン力しようよ だって仲间だぜ(不如吵一架 因为我们是朋友嘛)
凤 长太郎:ねえ 思えてるか?(呐,你还记得吗?)
Do you...do you remember?
挫折を 感じて 落ちこんだあの冬の日(因为遇到挫折 颓丧不振的那个冬日)
冻てつく街并み 何も言わず歩いた(我们在寒冷的街上 无言地并肩走着)
凤 长太郎&桦地:隣のお前の体温だけが かすかな温もり(身边传来的只有你的体温 那微微的温暖)
桦地:やりきれないね 泣くほどじゃないけどさ(快要忍受不了 却又不能哭泣)
こんな时には 默ったまま(这个时候只有沉默)
ハ―ト直结 それだすべてオッケ―(直连的心什么都能化解)
合:色々あるね 生きるって(生命中总是不断经历着)
毎日が 昨日になる(每一天都会成为昨天的历史)
だけど 君と迎えよう 新しいあした(和你一起迎来崭新的明天)
大人になる 少しずつ(稍微成熟一点)
経験を 积み重ねて(积累了经验)
试练 乗り越えるたびに 强くなる绊(在经历试练的过程中结成更强的羁绊)
今 お前に伝えたい言叶(现在想传达给你的话语)
そして 再び春 季节は巡る...(然后春天再次到来 季节不断轮回着)
らららららら らららららら
らららららら らららららら
らららららら らららららら
以上就是关于theseasonssong的歌词 ,The Jaws的《Seasons》 歌词的全部内容,以及theseasonssong的歌词 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。