


  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
  5. five
  6. six
  7. seven
  8. eight
  9. nine
  10. ten
  11. eleven
  12. twelve
  13. thirteen
  14. fourteen
  15. fifteen
  16. sixteen
  17. seventeen
  18. eighteen
  19. nineteen
  20. twenty
  21. thirty
  22. forty
  23. fifty
  24. sixty
  25. seventy
  26. eighty
  27. ninety
  28. one hundred
  29. first
  30. second
  31. third
  32. fourth
  33. fifth
  34. sixth
  35. seventh
  36. eighth
  37. ninth
  38. tenth
  39. eleventh
  40. twelfth
  41. thirteenth
  42. fourteenth
  43. fifteenth
  44. sixteenth
  45. seventeenth
  46. eighteenth
  47. nineteenth
  48. twentieth
  49. thirtieth
  50. fortieth
  51. fiftieth
  52. sixtieth
  53. seventieth
  54. eightieth
  55. ninetieth
  56. hundredth
  57. half
  58. quarter
  59. third
  60. fourth
  61. fifth
  62. sixth
  63. seventh
  64. eighth
  65. ninth
  66. tenth
  67. dozen
  68. gross
  69. score
  70. dozen and a half
  71. one and a half
  72. two and a half
  73. three and a half
  74. four and a half
  75. five and a half
  76. six and a half
  77. seven and a half
  78. eight and a half
  79. nine and a half
  80. ten and a half
  81. foot
  82. yard
  83. inch
  84. mile
  85. centimeter
  86. meter
  87. kilometer
  88. gram
  89. kilogram
  90. pound
  91. ounce
  92. cup
  93. pint
  94. quart
  95. gallon
  96. liter
  97. milliliter
  98. square inch
  99. square foot
  100. square meter


上一篇 2023年10月17日16时20分50秒
下一篇 2023年10月17日16时29分37秒


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