小学四年级英语作文介绍房间 ,四年级英语作文my house怎么写


四年级英语作文my house怎么写

  相信大家都有属于自己的小房间吧,我也不例外。我很喜欢自己的小房间,怎么写一篇我的房间的英语作文呢?下面是我给大家精心挑选的四年级英语作文my house,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!

  四年级英语作文my house篇1

  Even in the rural areas of a moderately prosperous society, there are still a lot of red brick houses, and some rooftops are not red tiles but black ones, and my home is black tile.

  That has not been fully black, but some of the blue, between tile with patches of moss, originally the house was very old, as a result, more let a person have the feeling of a kind of feudal society. Due to the thick roof, in summer, the room is cool, even if there is no air conditioning, in the hottest weather, hanging a electric fan is enough, also this to drill in admired by people in the dense buildings, and I love it, why are reluctant to move. If live in this house, must not be less trees and flowers around it, which can perform the function of decoration, house will not bare appear drab, and is also the most important, tall, dense branches and leaves can have very good "prevent bask in segregation" effect, at least not WuKeShu, fortunately, my yard is thick, there are just two or three years longer, my mother is a man like a melon planted beans again, climb on the wall, dense DouJia, look look, eyeful green, at the bottom of the full court of vitality and hope, the old old house was quiet is located behind the layers of trees, shaded by numerous branches, at first glance, really kind of quietly elegant and mysterious.

  This house also has its disadvantages, such as narrow and crowded, household decoration, do not want to be neat and easy, POTS and pans are always crowded together, more not put large objects in the room, if encounter a rainy day, even worse, the atmosphere of the heat and humidity aside, mud tread on the ground, and more let me uncomfortable, when I eat bread or drink water on his head suddenly fell off a piece of thing, fell into the bowl, you see, the original is the soil, but also has polluted the thing, so this time I will be angry, even want to immediately move into a new house, but the number is much, also become accustomed to. Such a variety of small problems, do not cut my special feelings of old house, in the shade, our family had left sitting under the tree enjoy cool air laughing memories; In front of the bush, there was a keen hope of mother's hard work.

  I can't forget all this in any way, so how can I forget that this is the kind and lovely old house I've been with for 20 years

  四年级英语作文my house篇2

  I have my own room, a small world of my own.

  Let me introduce my room. My room toward the west, there is a very large French window, the window is a orange desk, there is I love to look at ordinary times above books, there are many commonly used my pen. It is these books and pens that have taught me a lot of new knowledge and a lot of understanding.

  On the right side of my desk is my hanger, which is filled with my beautiful clothes all year round. The left side of the desk is a delicate and cabinet's bed, there is a pink pillow on the bed and pink flowers, this is mom made specific for me, because I like the pink. There is also a bookcase in the room, there are many books in the bookcase, favorite dad bought me the book, the little girl he knows that I am a love reading, every street forget take two books home for me, I am also a tidy person, so I let the book also line up team, lead a comfortable life. I have a class for them, the first is the composition and the comic, the second is the classic and the fairy tale, the third is the science and nature class. Rightness, forgot to introduce you to the appearance of the bookcase, its color is yellow, bookcase on both sides of the plate has a lifelike sculpture art, such as which zha, hand-woven cloth, ssangyong one bead, etc.

  The wallpaper in my room is the color of the sea. When the wind blows, the room is filled with blue. I want a room, sometimes feel myself in the middle of the sea, especially in the summer, the hot weather and warm sunshine can feel the smell of the sea, in my room has a unique desk lamp, its shape is love, every night, when me light my lamp, as if the whole body is on the eyes of love, let me more feel the warmth of warmth and room.

  How, I said so many, you must be touched! Do you like my baby room? When I take you to my room, you will be satisfied and enjoy my happy little house.

  四年级英语作文my house篇3

  Sixty years, the glorious years of the command, 60 years, the great changes of the Chinese landscape. In 2009, our great motherland welcomed her 60th birthday. Time is water, time is like an arrow from a string, entering the new century, the Chinese economy is developing rapidly. People's lives have become more and more popular, and our house has changed greatly with the strength of our motherland.

  "Move, move," as my sister and I cheered, my family moved into a new house.

  My new house is tall and beautiful. The outside is covered with white tiles, and the walls are covered with aluminum alloy glass. In the morning, the glass is green, the glass is transparent in the evening, still can be a mirror photograph, be clear. Walking through the door, I saw a few big white cranes soaring on the wings, so beautiful. The ground is also paved with ceramic tile, smooth and smooth, still can shine the shadow. It will shine in the sun, but it will be beautiful. It is a lamp that looks like a lotus flower. It is big and beautiful. It has three colors. The petals are white. The light of the magic color, foil my home colorful and colorful!

  There was a refrigerator in the kitchen, and the exterior of the fridge was white, and I gave it a drawing of mong wang. And microwave ovens, eco-energy POTS... All is well that is all.

  Now take a bath, my home no longer need to burn hot water, but use solar energy, both convenient and economical. Before I thought about it, I was going to collect firewood and burn the fire. Now the water is improving and I will never be as tired as I used to be.



,四年级英语作文my house怎么写图1



My room is very simple but warm. My room’s color is white. At first, I think it is too drap, but now think it is comfortable for not too much color. There is a small bed, a desk, a bookshelf and a wardrobe in the room. It is very simple, right? But on the bed there are a lot of lovely dolls on my bed. There are teddy bear, Mickey Mouse, dolls and so on. I love the most is the bookshelf. On the shelf, there are different kinds of books. All of them are my favorite. I love my room.


,四年级英语作文my house怎么写图1



 Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room.The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s my favourite color—purple.It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed.There are some books and a pen on the dresser. I like watching TV.The TV is before the bed.I an lie to watch TV on the bed.I have a piano.The piano is near the TV set.Sometimes,I play the piano.And the computer is near the window.I often play the piano.This is my room.Do you like my room?What about your room? 



,四年级英语作文my house怎么写图1



My favorite room in my reading, writing, listening to music,doing things they like, but also be free fantasy. Whenever the after school came home, I burst into the room, forcing the less than special greeting to the dolls are their comfortable in her arms sitting desk, and singing songs. replaced by large casual wear, the pressure of schoolwork all disappear without a trace.
In addition, the room is my sister's secret base in chatting, my mother often in the window watching us happy along the  probe, and the sum of us laughing in unison, sometimes playing with playing with toys on the chaotic, but I am still feel that this is a warm paradise.
I really liked our room, even  if not always greasy with Xian Fan, it is always quiet and free of waiting for me, I wish I  could always be together, and it is.




  It's small but nice. I have a bia bed and it is very soft and comfortable. There is aovely Teddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my mother. I have a small desk and I usually do my homework there. In the corner, there is a shelf. There are a lot of books on it.There is also a closet. All my clothes are in it. I often clean my room, so it is very tidy.

,四年级英语作文my house怎么写图4



英文:My room is not big, but it is very warm. Many dolls will be placed at the head of the bed to sleep with me at night. There are my daily necessities on the desk at the head of the bed. I often read in front of the desk. 

There is also a small balcony in the room. I will put some potted plants there. The wardrobe can be used to store clothes and play hide and seek for my friends and me.

,四年级英语作文my house怎么写图5


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