seasons作文五句话 ,my favorite season作文五句话带翻译


my favorite season作文五句话带翻译

My favorite season is winter. Although it is the coldest season of the year, I like it best because there is winter holiday and Spring Festival in winter. Besides, I can go skating and skiing in winter. When it snows heavily, I can play with the snow and it is very intersting. So winter is my favorite season.
如果写其他季节,请 追问

,my favorite season作文五句话带翻译图1

the four seasons作文五句话

1 There are four seasonsin a year.
In spring,it is warm. we can play with our friends.Fly a kite,catch the fish in the river, draw pictures,many things we can do!
In summer,that is very hot!So we can go swimming,play go out home.
In autumn,that is cool.So I like autumn,because my birthday is in autumn,and many friut,vegetables we can eat.
In winter,what a cold seson!But we can make a snowman,play with snow!what a happy season!
These are four seasons!
2There are
here in Beijing, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is warm and sometimes windy. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers come out.Children go out of the house in their beautiful clothes, Everything seems beautiful . It is hot in summer and sometimes it rains heavily. Autumn is the busiest season of the year. It is cool in autumn. So autumn is a good season to travel. Winter is the coldest season. People wear warm clothes. It sometime snow.修改修改,我也是搜的,看了没错误

,my favorite season作文五句话带翻译图2

The Four Seasons作文

There are four seasons here in Beijing, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is warm and sometimes windy. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers come out.Children go out of the house in their beautiful clothes, Everything seems beautiful . It is hot in summer and sometimes it rains heavily. Autumn is the busiest season of the year. It is cool in autumn. So autumn is a good season to travel. Winter is the coldest season. People wear warm clothes. It sometime snow.

,my favorite season作文五句话带翻译图3


Spring, summer, autumn and winter, four seasons make a year.

Spring is a new season. Flowers are beautiful. Grass is green. Now, the birds are singing again, Today, I am going to the park. There is nice. Oh! I am so happy!

Summer usually very hot! But summer is a wonderful season. Do you know why? We can swim! There are no people on the street. Because they going to swimming. Look at the swimming-pool! I want to go there, too!

Now is autumn. The weather is very cool and windy! Leaver is brown. They are fall. They like butterflies very much! And, in the autumn, we can eat a lot of fruit! So, autumn is a good season!

Winter comes! Every thing is white! It has snow. So winter is beautiful! I can play with snow. I can play on the ice. I can make some snowman! Some animals sleep in the winter as well.

I like all seasons! They have nothing in common with each other! I remember a song. It’s “Hello spring! Now it is summer. Autumn is near. Winter is here. Four seasons make a year.”

,my favorite season作文五句话带翻译图4

以上就是关于seasons作文五句话 ,my favorite season作文五句话带翻译的全部内容,以及seasons作文五句话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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