怎么庆祝生日英语作文 ,关于过生日英语作文写自己





  My birthday is on##.My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year.On that day,we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner.We chat,watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves.When we are playing,my parents prepare a delicious dinner.My friends and I like the dishes very much.Of course,I can get some gifts from parents and friends.I am very happy because they always know what I want and need.But,on the other hand,when the birthday comes,I am a year older,so that I must be more sensible and independent.Last but not the least,it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents.They work hard and do their best to bring me up.




  Today is my birthday and I'm so excited about it.In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said,"Today is my birthday,don't forget it!"At school,I got many gifts and cards from my classmates and had a lot of fun.But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

  When it was time to leave school I couldn't wait to go home.When I open the door,there wasn't anybody in the house.There was only a note that said,"Coming home late tonight,mum and dad."I try to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be!I was so sad that I couldn't eat anything.I just did my homework and waited for them.

  And then,things changed completely.It was about time for dinner,my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house.When I got there I couldn't believed my eyes.Everybody was there:my parents,my relatives,my friends and even my classmates.There was so many gifts and a big cake.What a surprising birthday party!We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.





  It was October 12th yesterday.My friends held a birthday party for me.In the morning,they came to my home early,and they brought many presents for me.I liked them very much.I invited them to the KTV,we sang songs,danced and played games.About 5:30 p.m.,we went my home.My mother had cooked a delicious dinner for us.After dinner,we watched TV and at about 8:30 p.m.we ate birthday cake.There were fifteen candles on my birthday cake.I made a silent wish,and then I blew the candles out in one breath.I had an interesting birthday party.We had a good time in the party.I was so grateful to what they did for me.



翻译1:Memorable gifts
I have a memorable gift, that was my friend sent me a birthday cake. Although it is impossible to remain up to now, but that day I was very touched.
That was my birthday, I had almost forgot that day is my birthday, but my friends are still remembered, but also specifically to buy a cake to my house. This is my best birthday ever, and the best gift.
Perhaps many people feel insignificant, can this gift is always hidden in my heart.
翻译 2:Unforgettable gift
I have a wonderful gift, it is my friend for my birthday cake. Although it is impossible to now, but that day I it was really moving.
It was my birthday, I have almost forgotten it was my birthday, but my good friend was also recalled that also specially bought a cake to my home. This is the best birthday, is the best gift.
Perhaps many people feel that insignificant, but this gift has always hidden in my heart.
翻译3:The unforgettable gift
I have an unforgettable gift, that is my friend gives my birthday cake.Although is unable to remain the present, but that day my really good move.
That is celebrates a birthday in me, I all almost have forgotten that day am my birthday, but my good friend also remembered actually, but also bought a cake to come my family specially.This is I best birthday, also is the best gift.
Perhaps many people all think not worthy of mentioning, but this gift forever hides actually in my heart.



I will plan a party for my parents respectively. I won’t let them know my plan. I will do everything secretly in order to give them a surprise.
I will use my own money which come from the red envelopes they offered to me to order flowers, birthday cake and candle.
I will prepare everything ready before they come home after work.
As soon as they step in the our home, I will turn on light and switch on the song of ”Happy Birthday to you”, and spreads flower leaves over them by the assistance of my friends.
Then I will kneel down and say: I love you, mom. Happy birthday!”



I have close friends about his birthday. I went to his house guest. He began one week ago for his birthday. He bought himself new clothes and shoes, wear very handsome. His mother is for the hospitality me and his other relatives. We are noon to eat some simple surface. Is the longevity of those. In the evening soon. His father Kaichesong us to eat, eat very happy. After I gave him for his meticulous preparation for gifts, he was very happy. He said that next year's birthday to join me too.我的好朋友快要过生日。我去他家做客。他从一个星期前就开始准备他的生日。他为自己买了新的衣服和鞋子,穿起来很帅气。他的妈妈很热情的招待了我和他的另外一些亲戚。中午我们很简单的吃了一些面。那些是长寿面。很快就到了傍晚。他的爸爸开车送我们去吃饭,吃得很开心。结束后我送给了他精心为他准备的礼物,他很开心。他说,明年的生日要和我一起过。假如你认为好的话,请做为最佳答案,谢谢.


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