

  1. I had finished my homework before I went to bed.
  2. She had already eaten breakfast before she left the house.
  3. They had been married for 10 years before they decided to have children.
  4. He had never seen such a beautiful sunset before.
  5. By the time I arrived, they had already started the meeting.
  6. The plane had landed before the passengers realized it.
  7. She had lost her keys, so she couldn't get into the house.
  8. They had been waiting for the bus for over an hour when it finally arrived.
  9. He had studied English for 5 years before he moved to the United States.
  10. The restaurant had closed by the time we got there.
  11. She had been working at the company for 10 years before she was promoted.
  12. I had never been to Paris before I went on vacation there.
  13. The movie had already started when we got to the theater.
  14. They had been living in the same apartment for 3 years before they decided to move.
  15. He had finished the book before the deadline.
  16. She had already taken a shower before she got dressed.
  17. They had been friends since elementary school.
  18. I had seen that movie before, but I didn't mind watching it again.
  19. The store had sold out of the dress before I could buy it.
  20. He had been practicing the piano for 2 hours before he took a break.
  21. She had never been on a rollercoaster before, but she loved it.
  22. They had been dating for a year before they got engaged.
  23. I had visited that museum many times before, but it never gets old.
  24. The cake had already been eaten by the time I got to the party.
  25. He had been a doctor for 20 years before he retired.
  26. She had already packed her bags before she left for the airport.
  27. They had been planning the trip for months before they finally went.
  28. I had never tasted such delicious food before I went to that restaurant.
  29. The flowers had already wilted by the time we got back.
  30. He had been living in the city for a long time before he moved to the suburbs.
  31. She had already finished her coffee before she ordered another one.
  32. They had been married for a year before they bought their first house.
  33. I had never ridden a horse before, but it was a lot of fun.
  34. The sun had already set by the time we got to the beach.
  35. He had been studying for the exam for weeks before he took it.
  36. She had never been to a concert before, but she enjoyed it.
  37. They had been working on the project for months before they finished it.
  38. I had already seen the movie, so I didn't need to watch it again.
  39. The store had been closed for hours before we got there.
  40. He had been practicing his speech for days before he presented it.
  41. She had never tried sushi before, but she liked it.
  42. They had been saving money for years before they bought their dream car.
  43. I had already read the book, so I told her how it ended.
  44. The party had already started by the time we arrived.
  45. He had been a teacher for 30 years before he retired.
  46. She had already made plans for the weekend before I asked her out.
  47. They had been traveling for months before they returned home.
  48. I had never been to a baseball game before, but it was exciting.
  49. The concert had already ended by the time we got there.
  50. He had been working on the project for a long time before he finished it.
  51. She had never seen the ocean before, but she was amazed.
  52. They had been saving for a trip to Europe for years before they went.
  53. I had already eaten dinner, so I didn't order anything.
  54. The store had been out of stock for weeks before they got more.
  55. He had been playing the guitar for years before he formed a band.
  56. She had already made plans with her friends before I asked her to hang out.
  57. They had been studying for the test for weeks before they took it.
  58. I had never been to New York City before, but I loved it.
  59. The train had already left by the time we got to the station.
  60. He had been working for the company for a long time before he got a promotion.
  61. She had already seen the movie, so she didn't want to watch it again.
  62. They had been living in the same town for years before they moved away.
  63. I had never been to a music festival before, but I had a great time.
  64. The store had already closed by the time I got there.
  65. He had been studying English for years before he became fluent.
  66. She had never been to a ballet before, but she enjoyed it.
  67. They had been planning the party for weeks before it finally happened.
  68. I had already bought a ticket, so I didn't need to wait in line.
  69. The restaurant had been booked for weeks before they got a reservation.
  70. He had been playing soccer for years before he joined a team.
  71. She had already made plans with her family before I invited her to dinner.
  72. They had been saving for a down payment on a house for years before they bought one.
  73. I had never been to a comedy show before, but it was hilarious.
  74. The park had already closed by the time we got there.
  75. He had been working on the project for months before he presented it.
  76. She had never been to a fashion show before, but she loved it.
  77. They had been preparing for the marathon for months before they ran it.
  78. I had already seen the play, so I didn't need to buy a ticket.
  79. The store had been closed for renovations for months before it reopened.
  80. He had been practicing basketball for years before he made the team.
  81. She had already planned a trip with her friends before I asked her out.
  82. They had been studying for the final exam for weeks before they took it.
  83. I had never been to a haunted house before, but it was scary.
  84. The museum had already closed by the time we got there.
  85. He had been working at the company for years before he became the CEO.
  86. She had already seen the movie, so she didn't want to watch it again.
  87. They had been living in the same city for years before they moved to a new one.
  88. I had never been to a wine tasting before, but it was interesting.
  89. The store had already sold out of the shoes before I got there.
  90. He had been practicing skiing for years before he went on a ski trip.
  91. She had already made plans for the weekend before I asked her to go on a date.
  92. They had been studying for the bar exam for months before they took it.
  93. I had already been to that restaurant, so I recommended it to my friend.
  94. The museum had been closed for renovations for months before it reopened.
  95. He had been playing the piano for years before he performed in a concert.
  96. She had already made plans with her boyfriend before I invited her to a party.
  97. They had been saving for years before they could afford to buy a house.
  98. I had never been to a poetry reading before, but it was inspiring.
  99. The store had already been robbed before the police arrived.
  100. He had been working on the book for years before it was finally published.
上一篇 2023年07月05日11时54分30秒
下一篇 2023年07月05日11时56分40秒


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