

  1. I am a student.

  2. She is a teacher.

  3. He likes playing basketball.

  4. They are from Canada.

  5. We have a meeting at 10 o'clock.

  6. You need to finish your homework.

  7. My mother cooks delicious food.

  8. The cat is sleeping on the sofa.

  9. He is reading a book in the library.

  10. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

  11. She enjoys listening to music.

  12. He is good at playing the guitar.

  13. They are going to travel to Europe.

  14. We are learning English grammar.

  15. You should take care of yourself.

  16. My father works in a hospital.

  17. The dog barks loudly.

  18. She sings beautifully.

  19. He dances gracefully.

  20. The bird flies in the sky.

  21. They are watching a movie.

  22. We are having a picnic in the park.

  23. You can't eat too much junk food.

  24. My sister studies in a university.

  25. The car is parked in front of the house.

  26. He is painting a picture.

  27. She writes a letter to her friend.

  28. They are playing tennis in the court.

  29. We are waiting for the bus at the station.

  30. You have to finish your work on time.

  31. My parents are coming to visit me.

  32. The flowers bloom in the spring.

  33. He is swimming in the pool.

  34. She is jogging in the park.

  35. They are laughing and having fun.

  36. We are singing a song together.

  37. You must wear a helmet when riding a bike.

  38. The house is located near the beach.

  39. He is driving a car to the airport.

  40. She is taking a photo of the scenery.

  41. They are having a barbecue in the backyard.

  42. We are making a cake for the party.

  43. You should drink more water to keep healthy.

  44. My brother is playing video games in his room.

  45. The train arrives at the station at 8 o'clock.

  46. He is studying hard for the exam.

  47. She is cooking dinner for her family.

  48. They are walking along the beach.

  49. We are playing cards with friends.

  50. You have to pay attention to the traffic lights.

  51. My grandparents live in the countryside.

  52. The baby is sleeping in the crib.

  53. He is hiking in the mountains.

  54. She is shopping in the mall.

  55. They are camping in the forest.

  56. We are watching TV on the sofa.

  57. You can practice English by reading books.

  58. The beach is crowded with tourists in the summer.

  59. He is playing chess with his friend.

  60. She is knitting a sweater for herself.

  61. They are having a party at their house.

  62. We are planting flowers in the garden.

  63. You need to brush your teeth before going to bed.

  64. My aunt is teaching English in a school.

  65. The river flows through the city.

  66. He is taking a bus to the airport.

  67. She is waiting for her friend at the cafe.

  68. They are taking a walk in the park.

  69. We are having a family reunion on the weekend.

  70. You should wear warm clothes in the winter.

  71. My cousin is playing basketball with his teammates.

  72. The concert starts at 7:30 pm.

  73. He is playing the piano in the concert.

  74. She is teaching her daughter to ride a bike.

  75. They are enjoying the sunset at the beach.

  76. We are having a barbecue party in the backyard.

  77. You can't use your phone while driving.

  78. The museum is closed on Monday.

  79. He is taking a photo of the sunset.

  80. She is practicing yoga in the park.

  81. They are having a conversation in English.

  82. We are learning how to cook Chinese food.

  83. You must wear a seatbelt when driving a car.

  84. My uncle is repairing his car in the garage.

  85. The plane takes off from the airport at 9 o'clock.

  86. He is playing soccer with his friends.

  87. She is shopping for clothes in the department store.

  88. They are taking a taxi to the hotel.

  89. We are having a picnic on the beach.

  90. You should eat more fruits and vegetables.

  91. My friend is studying abroad in the USA.

  92. The book is interesting and informative.

  93. He is practicing his English speaking skills.

  94. She is writing a diary in English.

  95. They are dancing to the music in the club.

  96. We are visiting the historical site in the city.

  97. You can improve your English by watching English movies.

  98. The beach is beautiful and relaxing.

  99. He is playing the guitar and singing a song.

  100. She is painting a picture of the scenery.

上一篇 2023年06月23日18时13分26秒
下一篇 2023年06月23日18时15分36秒


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