it作为代词在阅读中的用法 ,it that 作代词时的区别是什么怎么使用



(1)it作无人称代词:it作无人称代词表示自然现象、气候、时间、距离等.it是形式主语没有词汇意义.如: 1)It is very cold today.(气候) 2)It is three o'clock.(时间) 3)It is along way from here.(距离)
(3)his(was)+形容词十不定式(to do),it为形式主语,不定式短语为真正主语. (过去分词)
(4)his+{形容词}+that(what,how,whether...),it为形式主语,that引导的为主语从句. (名词)
(5)It+不及物谓语动词+that引导的主语从句.这些动词有:seem,appear,turn out,follow,happen等.
(6)It may well be that引导的主语从句.
(7)it作形式宾语: 1)某些及物动词+it+形容词十不定式; 2)某些及物动词+it+形容词+that... 在上述两种句型中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语,或that引导的宾语从句.
(8)it用于强调句型: It is(was)十被强调的成分+that(which,who) 强调句型是简单句,可以用来强调句中主语、宾语和状语,但不能强调定语和谓语.在这种句型中把his...that去掉,句子仍成立. 代词在句中分析与翻译的

,it that 作代词时的区别是什么怎么使用图1


— What’s this?
— It’s a cat.
(1)—Who’s it?
—It’s Sam.
(2)—Who’s the baby in the picture?
—It’s my younger brother.
(1)It’s two o’clock now.
(2)It’s very cold in spring in the northern China.
(3)It’s about 100 kilometers from our town to the big city.
(1)It is not known where she has gone.
(2)It’s bad for your eyes reading in bed.
(3)It is clever of him to work out the math problem.
四、用于强调句,构成“It+be +被强调部分that…”结构。
如:It’s in the small shop that I bought the important book.
(一)It's time for sb. to do sth. / It's time for sth.意为"是(某人)该干……的时间了"、"
例如: 1. It's time for supper /to have supper.该吃晚饭了。
2. It's time for me to study.我该学习了。
(二)It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.意为"(某人)花……时间做某事"。
1. It takes twenty minutes to go to school by bike.
2. It took me a week to finish reading the book.
(三)It is one's turn to do sth.意为"轮到某人做某事了"。
例如:It's your turn to be on duty tomorrow. 明天轮到你值日了。
(四)It is / has been +时间段+since +一般过去时,意为"自从……以来已过
例如:1. It is / has been four days since I caught a cold. 我感冒已四天了。
2. It is / has been two weeks since we met last. 自从我们上次见面以来已过了两周。
(五)It seems /seemed +that从句,意为"看起来好像……"。
例如:It seemed that our team was going to win. 我们队看起来好像要赢了。
(六)It's+表语+to do sth.。
例如:It's a good idea to go out for a walk. 出去散步是个好主意。
(七)It's +adj.+that从句。
例如:It's true that I may fall behind the other students.我真可能落在别的学生后面。
(八)It's+adj.+of(for)sb.+to do sth.。
如果形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质等的,如 kind,good,nice,clever等用of;
如果形容词仅仅是描述行为的则用for,这类形容词常见的有difficult,easy,hard, important,dangerous等。
例如:1. It is nice of you to come to see me.你能来看我真好。

,it that 作代词时的区别是什么怎么使用图2

it 的用法

IT 的用法1.做代词,代替刚提到的过的一件事情。a. 可以指一个具体的东西。b. 可以指前面所谈的事情或情况.eg. a. It’s a nice room.b.You promised to write the article, and you must do it.2.做代词代替指示代词 this, thateg. ---What’s this? ------ It’s a flag.3.起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物,it 所指的东西不很具体。a.有时指某个动作的人。b .有时指引起某种情况的事物。eg. a.. ----Who is knocking at the door? ---- It’s me.b.It’s the wind shaking the window.4.指环境,情况等。eg. It’s very quiet at the moment.5.指自然现象(天气,气候,明暗等)eg. I’s getting cold (dark, late, etc.).6.指季节,时间eg. It was late autume (early spring, mid summer, etc).7.指距离eg.It’s only five miles (half an hour’s walk).8.用于强调结构,在这里it 可以说没有意思。它只帮助改变一个句子的结构,使某一成分受到强调,改变结构的办法是:IT + be + 要强调的部分+ that(who, whom) + 句子其他部分强调的部分是人用who(m), 其他情况多用thateg. It was Mary who (that) met your sister in the zoo yesterday.It was your sister that (whom) Mary met in the zoo yesterday.It was in the zoo that (where) Mary met your sister yesterday.9.做形式主语,代替一个由不定式,动名词短语或是从句表示的主语,使原来的这些主语可以放在句子后部,避免头重脚轻。a. 真正的主语是不定式。Eg.It’s our duty to attend to this letter.b.真正的主语是动名词。Eg.It’s no use talking to him about it.c.真正的主语是从句, 这个从句可以用that 引起,也可以用一个连接代词或连接副词引起。Eg.It happened that I wasn’t there that day.It’s doubtful whether she will be able to come..10.做形式宾语,代替一个由不定式,动名词,或是宾语从句,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面。而用it做形式宾语,放在宾语补足语之前.Eg.I think it no use arguing with him.

,it that 作代词时的区别是什么怎么使用图3


①They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.
②Is this your dog?No, it isn’t.
③They got a baby and it was a ten-pounder
③I hate it when people talk with a full mouth..
⑴.指天气:It is a lovely day, isn’t it? ⑵.指时间: It was nearly midnight when she came back.
⑶.指日期:It is April First today. ⑷.指距离:It is some 3000 kilometers from A to B.
⑸.指价值:It is three dollars. ⑹.指温度:Today it is 30 degrees centigrade.
①Who is it there? It's I (me/you/he.....). ②I thought it was Mary, but it was not she.
③Her face lighted when she saw who it was.
2.泛泛的指某件事: (有时泛指一般情况)
①It doesn’t matter. ②It is a shame, isn’t it? ③How is it going?(情况怎样)
④It says in the newspaper that......
3.it用在一些词组中,it 没有特别的意思
The last train's gone. Come on, we'll foot it.(来,咱们步行吧。)
⑴It is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certain....) that 从句 常译为"┅清楚的(显然的,真的,可能的,肯定的...)"  
It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree. = That he’s round and tall like a tree is very clear.
⑵It is important ( necessary, right, strange, natural...) that 从句 常译为┅是重要的(必要的,对的,奇怪的,自然的┅).that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省去,建议记住该句型中的形容词。
①It is important that we (should) learn English well.②It is necessary that he (should) remember these words.
⑶It is said (reported/ learned/believed/thought/known/told/hoped.....) that 从句 常译为"据说(据报道,据悉...)"。   
①It is said that he has come to Beijing. ②It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.
⑷It is suggested ( advised/ ordered / demanded/ insisted/ commanded... ) that 从句.that 后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省;常译为"据建议;有命令...)  
①It is suggested that the meeting ( should ) be put off.  
②It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours.
⑸It is time ( about time ,high time ) that从句(虚拟语气:动词用过去时did)
① It is time that children went to bed.
⑹It is the first ( second ... ) time that从句(从句用现在完成时 have done )
It was …(从句用过去完成时had done )常译为"是第一(二)...次..."。
It is the first time I have been here. = This is the first time I have been here
⑺It is a pity ( a shame /an honour/a good thing/a fact,/a surprise/... ) that从句.
that后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should可省去.表示出乎意料,常译为"竟然"。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。
①It is a pity that such a thing ( should ) happen in your class. 这种事竟然发生在你们班上,真是遗憾!  
②It is a pity that he is ill. 他生病了,真遗憾!
⑻It happens (seems, looks, appears ) that从句.常译为 “ 碰巧…,似乎是…,看起来…”
①It happened ( so happened ) that he met his teacher in the street. 碰巧...
②It seems that he will be back in a few days. 看来...
. ⑴ It is kind ( of sb. ) to do sth. 不定式的逻辑主语是由 of引起,主句中的形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的褒义或贬义形容词。 常见的词有:
bad , brave , careless, clever , cruel , foolish , good (好心的), honest , horrible , kind , lazy , modest , naughty , nice(有教养的), polite, rude , silly , stupid , wise , wrong(错误的)等。 这个句型可以改写为:sb. is kind to do sth. 。  如:It is kind of you to say so. = You are kind to say so.
⑵It is necessary ( for sb. ) to do sth. .不定式的逻辑主语是由for引起,主句中的形容词通常是表示重要性,紧迫性,频繁程度,难易,安全等情况的中性形容词。 常见的形容词有:
important, necessary, natural easy , safe , common , normal , hard , difficult , dangerous , unusual, rare , impossible , pleasant
如:It is important for her to come to the party. = It is important that she (should ) come to the party.
⑶It takes sb. ... to do sth. 常译为"做...要花费某人..."。   
如:It took thousands of people many years to build the Great Wall.

It is no good / no use / useless doing sth. 常译为 “┅有好处或没有用”   
①It is no good learning English without speaking English.
②It's useless trying to argue with Shylock.
We think it important to learn a foreign language.
该句型中的it 作形式宾语,该结构中常用的动词有:think, believe, make ,find consider, feel; 如:
We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day.  
He felt it important learning English well.  
They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days.
The Internet makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers.
CF: keep sth, in mind / keep in mind that
1.强调句型: It is/was + 被强调部分 + that 从句 (被强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用)
①It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
②It was they that (who ) cleaned the classroom yesterday.
特例:It is not until + 被强调部分 + that ... 该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语"直到...才...",可以说是 not ... until ... 的强调形式。
It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.

,it that 作代词时的区别是什么怎么使用图4

以上就是关于it作为代词在阅读中的用法 ,it that 作代词时的区别是什么怎么使用的全部内容,以及it作为代词在阅读中的用法 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年06月24日11时51分10秒
下一篇 2022年06月24日12时00分54秒


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