一分钟天气预报英文演讲 ,上海1月22日天气预报



Gentlemen, ladies, and now for me to give you introduced to the Shanghai September 22 Weather: 22 days, is a Tuesday, day and night, overcast with light rain, the maximum temperature of 25 ℃, the temperature 22 ℃, with northeasterly, Level 3-4 class. Dressing Index: the cooler, we recommend a long-sleeved shirt plus pants and other spring and autumn transition to a single installation. Elderly and the infirm are advised to forward knit long-sleeve ... cold index: suitable for all weather conditions, no significant cooling process, a low probability of occurring colds. I wish you all good health.
中文:先生们,女士们,现在由我来给大家介绍下上海9月22日天气预报:22日,是星期二,白天和晚上有小雨阴,最高气温 25℃ ,最低温 22℃,有东北风,级别为3-4级。穿衣指数:较凉爽,建议着长袖衬衫加单裤等春秋过渡装。年老体弱者宜着针织长袖...感冒指数:各项气象条件适宜,无明显降温过程,发生感冒机率较低。祝大家身体健康。



多雨雪天气长江中下游地区有明显降水 受活动频繁的弱冷空气影响,未来三天,北方大部地区气温起伏明显。内蒙古东部、东北、云南、贵州西部等地将以晴或多云天气
More rainy and snowy weather in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have significantly frequent precipitation events by weak cold air, the next three days, temperatures in most areas north obvious ups and downs. Eastern Inner Mongolia and northeast China, Yunnan, Guizhou and the western region, such as weather will be sunny or cloudy



Welcome to today's weather forecast,may everyone feel gloomy during that
time as it rains for seveal days.however I will bring a piece of good news for you. GuangZhou would be sunny in the following three days. In today's night it would be couldy , then,temperature would dorp down sightly.It would be sunny in tomorrow and cloudy in the day after tomorrow.In the day next, It would be light rain or shower.The south eastwind level 2-3, gust 4 degrees.The maximum temperature is 33-35 Centigrade in tomorrow , and the minimum temperature is 22—25 Centigrade in the day after tomorrow moring, in the next day's night,the minimum temperature is 20-22 Centigrade.



Weather Forecast
A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be havey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the coulds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we have no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week.
This is roughly the weather forecast on a local channel here in Portland during the weekend...one of the most bizarre and honest weather forecasts I've ever watched. It is refreshing to see that at least one of these so-called meteorologists (AKA weather men ... or women) understands the truth about the business -- one can never predict the weather, just like one can never predict life. 翻译太麻烦了


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