
英语中的原因状语从句是指通过使用连词 "because" 或 "since" 来表达一个事件或行为的原因。以下是40个常用的原因状语从句例句:

  1. I couldn't go to the party because I had to study for a test.
  2. Since it was raining, we decided to stay indoors.
  3. I don't like coffee because it keeps me up at night.
  4. Since he was feeling sick, he stayed home from work.
  5. She failed the exam because she didn't study enough.
  6. Since it's a holiday, the stores are closed.
  7. I didn't eat lunch because I was too busy with work.
  8. Since he was running late, he missed the train.
  9. She was tired because she stayed up all night.
  10. Since he was allergic to seafood, he couldn't eat the sushi.
  11. I didn't see the movie because I had already watched it.
  12. Since she was on a diet, she refused to eat the cake.
  13. He didn't finish the project because he ran out of time.
  14. Since it was too cold outside, we stayed indoors.
  15. I didn't bring an umbrella because I didn't think it would rain.
  16. Since he was afraid of heights, he didn't want to go on the roller coaster.
  17. She missed the bus because she overslept.
  18. Since he had a headache, he decided to take a nap.
  19. I don't like spicy food because it upsets my stomach.
  20. Since it's a holiday, the banks are closed.
  21. She didn't attend the meeting because she had a doctor's appointment.
  22. Since he had to work late, he missed the concert.
  23. I don't like horror movies because they scare me.
  24. Since it was a long drive, we decided to stop for lunch.
  25. She didn't finish the book because she found it boring.
  26. Since he had a flat tire, he was late for the appointment.
  27. I don't eat meat because I'm a vegetarian.
  28. Since it was a weekend, we decided to go on a road trip.
  29. She didn't go to the party because she didn't know anyone there.
  30. Since he had a previous commitment, he couldn't attend the wedding.
  31. I didn't go to the gym because I was feeling lazy.
  32. Since it was a special occasion, we decided to dress up.
  33. She didn't want to go to the concert because she didn't like the band.
  34. Since he was on a tight budget, he couldn't afford to go on vacation.
  35. I don't drink alcohol because I don't like the taste.
  36. Since it was a beautiful day, we decided to go for a walk.
  37. She didn't want to go to the amusement park because she gets motion sickness.
  38. Since he had to finish a project, he couldn't attend the party.
  39. I don't like spicy food because it gives me heartburn.
  40. Since it was a holiday, we decided to have a barbecue.


上一篇 2023年05月29日12时14分51秒
下一篇 2023年05月29日12时15分16秒


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