


  This morning , I went shopping for my mother, my pen friend Mary wanted to go with me, she though it was a good chance to learn Chinese , so we went together.

  There are many kinds of goods in the markets, Marry was very happy to talk to the sellers, so were they.

  We wanted to buy some chicken for lunch, I encoraged Mary to ask for price, Marry was a little nevous, she ask the seller:" How much is the cock?" ,the seller said:" yeah..., I am not sure whether it is a cock or a hen" .

  Mary didn't know what to do, she looked at me, I laughed " How much is the chicken?' " Yes , yes, I see. " All of the people laughed.

  Then we went to buy some eggs, I asked Mary :" Do you want to buy hens' sons or daughters?" Mary shouted:" I can say eggs". We laughed again, the people looked at us in surprie, Mary stopped me " Be quiet, please". Then we bought some fruit and went home happily.

  What an interesting shopping experience!
  Yesterday afternoon,I went to Suguo Supermarket .I wanted to buy a birthday present for my father.

  There are a lot of things in the supermarket.There are drinks,food,clothes and so on.

  I found a beautiful wallet.It is black.There are many stars on it.

  I liked it very much.I paid 20 yuan for it.

  My father will be happy when he gets the present.I think.
  In a casual talk, one of my colleagues reminded me that I hadn’t updated my wardrobe for quite a long time, adding if I remained in the same clothes, the summer would elapse soon.

  Looking back on the past few months, I did care little about my dressing.

  For one thing, I am always fully engaged.

  Most of the time, I have to bury myself in my present job, preparing lessons, marking the students’ paper, or instructing the problem children.

  I couldn’t drag myself from those trifles. Even so, lots of school work stillremains to be done.

  For another, as we all know, the prices of food and natural energy are going up sharply.

  The soaring prices ofcommodities turn many consumers back.

  It’s no surprise that a decent shirt will cost us at least 260 RMB.

  Every time I draw a fewhundred Yuan from bank, it is always used up within several days.

  Who could explain this phenomenon? Thereby, I would rather not buy new clothes if not for something particular.

1. 关于购物经历的英语范文3篇

2. 关于购物的英语短文阅读

3. 关于购物英语短文阅读




Last Saturday, Yang Ping went to the supermarket. She wanted to buy something for her sister because that day was her sister's birthday. She walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress. She thought her sister would like it. The dress cost fifty yuan, but Yang Ping decided to buy it. When her sister got this present, she was very happy.


Nowadays,with the developing of the rapid economic,the city air has been polluted heavily.moreover,a great number of new style transportion tools e out leading to tough traffic. reading a bicycle has been called on to decline the pollution.
I had a fetable experience of learning to ride a bicyle.,i was scared to ride on the bicycle on my father was always after me closely. with the help of my father,after a long time, i am not afraid to ride alone.that is to say,i've learned well.i am grateful for dad.he gave me the courage to overe the difficulty. since that,when i e across any problems,i will think of my father and the power he gives me.


买得最划算的一次,是人家把单位发的正品露华浓以极恐怖的低价拿到淘宝上来卖著好玩……Buy the most cost-effective once, family unit hair quality goods LouHuaNong with extremely low get up terrorist taobao sell good play... 那段时间我没事做,天天呆家上网,就死一个劲地翻化妆品区的宝贝,那个卖家是第一次卖DD,虽然东西非常超值,但是大约她不知道怎么给宝贝取标题更吸引眼球,好象她就胡乱起了一个“化妆品15到45元大优惠”之类的名字,登在上面几天也无人问津,连看的人好象都没有,结果我当时也是够百无聊赖地,就点进去看了一下,结果,就被我淘到宝了……During that time, I have no matter to do, everyday stay home online, vigorously over the dead baby, the seller co *** etics is first time to sell things DD, although very good value, but about her baby don't know how to take more eye-catching headlines, as if she is needless up a "co *** etics 15 to 45 now preferential as" name, ascend in the above a few days also deserted, even he who looks like all have no result, I at that time is enough than resignation1 land, some go to see it once, result, is I cleans out treasure to... 价格我还是不说了,免得被大家打……The price I didn't talk, lest by everyone playing... 东西我拿到专柜去检验过,虽然以前我自己也买过,可是还是去了,BA看了之后跟我说:是真货。这个BA是熟人,不会骗我,于是我就放心用了,很开心~Things I get counters to inspected, although before I myself also bought, but still went, BA after looking say with me: to be genuine. The BA acquaintance, can't cheat me, so I can count used, very happy ~ 还有一次买了一个要出国的JJ闲置转让换米的一瓶全新的EL欢沁,100ML的,150包快递给我了,也是正品~Still once bought a going abroad the JJ idle transfer change meters a bottle of new EL huan wage-earners, 100ML canister, 150 bales express to give me, and quality goods ~ 她登陆这瓶香水后,东西显示了不到15分钟就入了我的贼眼,所以没被别人抢到,爽到极点啊~~


My first test
The new term begins, we entered the five grade, each student is very happy, excited, we are all put into the study of tension.
After more than o weeks, ushered in the first math exam. Leaf teacher said to us: "tomorrow we want to test the first unit, please the students to prepare." In the evening, I carefully review the math, and then go to sleep. The second day, the papers sent down, I read the papers, they do it. To do behind the o application problems, I met a "stumbling block", I scratched his head, or do not e out. Well, I'm just like ants on the hot pot ". Ring, class, "I do not ah, how do ah, I certainly can not get out."
In the afternoon, the paper hair down, I can not wait to read the paper, "82 points! No, how could it be?" I blamed myself. "I did so badly in the first exam. How can I be so stupid."."
After this exam, I seriously think and reflect, I think that learning is not enough, learning methods may not be too scientific. My future, must make a change of my previous learning methods: homework after, be sure to promptly do. After class, to do serious review and preview; examination of the time, I must learn moderation, careful. After doing this, I will have more progress.



一个阳光明媚的星期天,  我和妈妈约好去超市,这次购物由我来做主,我很兴奋,心想:这次我终于能如愿以偿地自由购物了。




On last week ,I and my mother went to shopping .I bought some clothes ,it is very beautiful .My mother bought a piar of shoes ,a piar of shorts .It is beautiful,too.My mother bought a T-short for my bother and my bother love it very much .It is green and yellow .After we go home ,we all go to bed .Because we go homeso late .


A Pleasant Learning Experience
Today I learned about present progressive tense. It is a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance. It is not difficult for me, because I master its basic use. So I helped many clas *** ates. In a short time, all students in my class master this grammar well. Clas *** ates appreciate or admire me and our English teacher praises me. I bee the hero of my class suddenly. It is a pleasant learning experience. It also encourages me to study hard, so that I can have the chance to be hero.


我和妈妈准备去米兰超市购物。走着走着,终于到了超市门口,购物的人们进进出出、络绎不绝。“这里的人真多啊!”我不禁赞叹起来。随着人流我和妈妈进入超市,里面热闹非凡!商品应有尽有、琳琅满目,多的让人目不暇接。 首先我和妈妈来到了水果区,货架上摆满了各种各样的水果,有红彤彤的苹果,香甜的哈密瓜,月亮似的香蕉,还有一串串晶莹剔透的葡萄…真是谗人!妈妈选了一些苹果和葡萄。正看着大家都在津津有味地挑选水果时,突然我眼前一亮,呀!这不是我喜欢吃的小熊饼干吗?原来我已经不知不觉地走到食品区了。这里的货架上放满了各种口味的饼乾,有甜味的,咸味的。除了饼干还有五彩缤纷的糖果,美味的薯片,各种各样的饮料......看的我眼花缭乱。妈妈走过来说:“明天早餐就喝牛奶配面包。” 我看到伊利小盒牛奶的单价是2元一盒,我又看伊利大盒牛奶正好在打折,一盒大的才4元5角。我想:买两盒小盒牛奶,爸爸妈妈不仅喝不成,而且要花4元钱。但买一大盒牛奶,我们全家都可以喝,而且只要4元5角,多划算呀!便拿起一大盒牛奶。又选了面包。去找买水果的妈妈。 走出食品区,我和妈妈又来到了蔬菜区,这里可真像一个“大菜园”,有绿油油的韭菜、长长的豆角、红红的胡萝卜、嫩绿嫩绿的黄瓜、红的发亮的西红柿……妈妈选了我爱吃的黄瓜和西红柿。突然,我看见了榨菜,就随便拿了一包,妈妈走过来对我说:“有没有合格证?”我看了看,说:“有!”妈妈接着又盘问:“那过期了没有?”我又看了看有效期,“是2008年4月28日生产的,到6月2日就过期了,今天是6月4日,已经过期了。”看来买一样东西要看有没有合格证,还要看看过期了没有。 接着我和妈妈又逛了日常用品区等。购物完后,我和妈妈直奔收银台,把选好的东西放到柜台上,付完钱后便乘着电梯回家了。 在回家的路上,我想:超市的货物品种越来越多了,市场的繁荣,给我们的生活带来了无穷的乐趣。




An Interesting Shopping Experience
This morning , I went shopping for my mother, my pen friend Mary wanted to go with me, she though it was a good chance to learn Chinese , so we went together.
There are many kinds of goods in the markets, Marry was very happy to talk to the sellers, so were they. we wanted to buy some chicken for lunch, I encoraged Mary to ask for price, Marry was a little nevous, she ask the seller:" How much is the cock?" ,the seller said:" yeah..., I am not sure whether it is a cock or a hen" .Mary didn't know what to do, she looked at me, I laughed " How much is the chicken?' " Yes , yes, I see. " All of the people laughed.
Then we went to buy some eggs, I asked Mary :" Do you want to buy hens' sons or daughters?" Mary shouted:" I can say eggs". We laughed again, the people looked at us in surprie, Mary sped me " Be quiet, please". Then we bought some fruit and went home happily.
What an interesting shopping experience!




Once, I went to the stationery store and bought a reading note.

When I got to the stationery store, I saw everything in the stationery store, such as school supplies, small toys, gifts and notebooks.

but I didn't see the trace of reading notes after walking many times. I went to the cashier and asked the cashier, ah! It turned out that the reading notes were hidden in the deepest part of the cabinet.

In this reading note, a little girl with braids is reading the book attentively, next to a pink mini bear. Turning to the first page, you can see the title.

author and reading time. Below, it will let us write the main content, the words and sentences I like, and let us make a sentence with the words we like, which can be filled in and written at the same time.

Then turn to the second page, you can see that you can fill in the harvest of reading and the comments of parents and teachers.

The above items are very interesting. I bought this reading note to make my reading performance better and better.







My Shopping Day
1,I like going shopping.I will tell you about my shopping day.
Today, my friend with me went to the Shopping Center.There are all kinds of things. I wanted to buy a shirt.We looked at many ,but no one was liked.Then, I saw a pink shirt ,it's so beatiful! We came up there,the shopkeeper asked kindly:"Can I help you ?" I answered:"Yes,I like this shirt.How mush is it?"
He said:"30 yuan." Then I tried it on,it fits me well! I am happy ."OK,I will take it.Here money is." We said bye to her .And we bought many other things.
2,It is a great day,my mother and I went shopping all day.The weather is sunny and warm,and we are all very happy.First,we shopped at a supermaeket.We bought some food there:like bread,mutton and milk.We also bought friut:bananas,apples and oranges.Second,we bought some beautiful clothes in a clothes store.Third,we bought many books in a book store.I think it is a exciting day.这是开心的一天,我和妈妈一整天都在购物。天气是晴朗和温暖的,并且我们大家都非常高兴。首先,我们在购物中心购物。我们买了一些食物有:像面包,肉和奶。我们还买了水果:香蕉,苹果和桔子。第二,我们在一家服装店买了一些漂亮的衣服。第三,我们在书店买了很多书。我认为这是一个令人兴奋的一天。


以上就是关于购物经历英语作文60字,最开心的一次购物经历英语作文的全部内容,以及购物经历英语作文60字 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年02月09日14时10分32秒
下一篇 2023年02月09日14时12分57秒


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