













  让步和转折关系:but,even if,even though,however,nevertheless,nonetheless,still,though,yet,in spite of,despite,at any rate,in any case,whoever,whatever等。

  对比和比照关系:on the contrary,unlike,different from,as,like,in contrast,by contrast,in comparison,just as,by comparison,conversely等。

  表示列举的连词:first,second,third...;firstly,secondly,thirdly…;first,next,then...;in the first place,in the second place...;for one thing,for another thing...;to beginwith,to conclude...等。

  递进和补充关系:also,further,furthermore,likewise,similarly,moreover,in addition,what’s more,too,either,neither,not...but...,not only...but also...,apart from,besides等。

  因果关系:seeing that,because,since,as,now that,so,therefore,thus,hence,accord-ingly,consequently,in consequence,as a result,for,due to,owing to,then等。

  时讲关系:at the same time,meanwhile,when,while,as,after,before,since,until,as soon as,once,ago等。

  目的关系:that,so that,lest,for fear that,in order to,in order that,for the purpose of,so as to等。

  条件关系:unless,if,suppose,in case,SO far as,on condition(that),so/as long as,pro-vided(that)等。








  In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words, which makes up the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words(56)which we become familiar in daily conversation,which we(57), that is to say, from the(58)of our own family and from our friends, and (59)we should know and use(60)we could not read or write. They (61)the common

  things of life with all the people who(62)the language. Such words may be called "popular",since they belong to the people(63)and are not excluded(64)a limited class.

  On the other hand, our language(65)a large number of words which are comparatively(66)used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little(67)to use them at home or in the market-place. Our(68)acquaintance (熟悉)with them comes not from our mother' s(69)or from the talk of our schoolmates,(70)frombooks that we read, lectures that we(71), or the more(72)conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular(73)in a style properly higher above the habitual (74)of everyday life. Such words are called "learned", and the(75)between them and the"popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of language study process.

  56. A. at

  B. with

  C. by

  D. through

  57. A. study

  B. imitate

  C. stimulate

  D. learn

  58. A. mates

  B. relatives

  C. members

  D. fellows

  59. A. which

  B. that

  C. those

  D. ones

  60. A. even

  B. despite

  C. even if

  D. in spite of

  61. A. mind

  B. concern

  C. care

  D. relate

  62. A. hire

  B. apply

  C. adopt

  D. use

  63. A. in public

  B. at most

  C. at large

  D. at best

  64. A. in

  B. from

  C. with

  D. on

  65. A. consists

  B. consists of

  C. makes

  D. composeg

  66. A. seldom

  B. much

  C. greatly

  D. often

  67. A. possibility

  B. way

  C. reason

  D. necessity

  68. A. primary

  B. first

  C. principal

  D. prior

  69. A. tips

  B. mouth

  C. ears

  D. tongue

  70. A. besides

  B. and

  C. yet

  D. but

  71. A. hear of

  B. attend

  C. hear from

  D. listen

  72. A. former

  B. formula

  C. formal

  D. forward

  73. A. theme

  B. topic

  C. idea

  D. point

  74. A. border

  B. link

  C. degree

  D. extent

  75. A. relation

  B. distinction

  C. connection

  D. similarity


  56.【答案精解】B。本题考查固定搭配。be/become familiar with sth./sb.:熟悉某人/物。本句的意思是“有些词汇是我们日常所熟悉的。”

  57.【答案精解】D。本题考查词义以及搭配辨析。D项learn可以与from构成固定搭配leam from:向…学习。

  58.【答案精解】C。本题考查习惯用法。一般指家庭成员用members of the family或family members表示。


  60.【答案精解】C。本题考查连词的词义辨析与句子关系。even:甚至;despite:尽管…但是;even if:即使;in spite of:尽管…但是。根据句意选C。


  62.【答案精解】D。本题考查词义辨析。根据句意,应该是指“使用该语言的人”即thepeople who use the language,因此选D。

  63.【答案精解】C。本题考查词义辨析。in public:在公众场合;at most:最多;at large:普遍;at best:最多。根据题意,应该是“普遍在使用”,因此选c。


  65.【答案精解】B。本题考查动词与介词的固定搭配。consist of:组成。




  69.【答案精解】D。本题考查习惯用法。from motller’s tongue:从妈妈的嘴里(话里)学习语言。


  71.【答案精解】B。本题考查词义辨析。hear of:听说;attend:参加活动;hear from:收到来信;listen:听。能与讲座(1ectures)搭配的是attend,attend lectures:听讲座。










when,while, as(当……时); since/ever since(自从……);

till, until(直到……); whenever/every time(每当……);

before(在……前), after(在……后);

the day(在……那天);once(一旦……),

as soon as, the moment, immediately, the instant, instantly, directly, the minute, the second, no sooner...than, hardly(scarcely)...when(一……就,刚要……就)等。


now,nowadays;at present,presently(此刻,眼下;马上,即将),



from now/then on(从这时/那时起);

meantime/in the meantime, meanwhile(同时,期间);

at that time,then;once(曾,曾经);

previously,formerly,in the past,earlier(以前,曾经),


as yet,so far(到目前为止);at once(同时),simultaneously(同时,同步);

as from(自……起),previous to(先于……),following(在……以后)等。


first, second, third...; firstly, secondly, thirdly...finally; first, next, then..., last; in the first place, in the second place...; for one thing, for another thing...(一方面,另一方面;列举理由);

to begin/start with, to conclude;last but not the least,finally(最后);

and then,next,and equally important(同样重要的是);

for example/ for instance/e.g., such as;that is/i.e.;some...others...still others(一些……另外……还有……);including等。


并列连词(连接并列成分;可表示句内或句间的逻辑):or,and, not only...but also...,both...and..., either...or(或者,或者),neither...nor...(既不,也不)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:also, too, as well (as),once again/once more,vice versa(反之亦然)等。



副词、介词(短语)及其他:then,also/too, again,anyhow/anyway(无论如何),even, indeed(确实;其实,实际上), further, furthermore, moreover, whats more(此外,而且);

besides (that), in addition (to), additionally,best of all(最好的是),worst of all(最糟的是), actually, in fact, in effect, above all(首先,最重要的是),most important,in particular,particularly(尤其,特别),especially, notably(尤其,特别)等。



从属连词:though/although,as,while/when(虽然,尽管),even if/though(即使),even now/then/so(尽管,虽然),whatever(无论什么),wherever(无论哪里),whoever(无论谁),however(无论怎样),

whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时),no matter...(不论),whether...or(不论……还是),granting/granted (that)(即使,就算),admitting (that), assuming (that)(即使),for all(that)(虽然,尽管)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:notwithstanding(虽然……,尽管……;尽管如此),still,yet, nevertheless,none the less,all/just the same,anyway, for all that(虽是这样,尽管如此),admittedly(诚然,无可否认);

for anything,for (all) the world,for love or money,at all costs,at all events,at any rate/cost/risk,in any case/event/way,by all means,under all circumstances(无论如何,无论怎样);

after all.../for all.../with all ones(faults,learning etc),in spite of/despite(the fact that)(虽然……,尽管……)等。



副词、介词(短语)及其他:however, yet,still,nevertheless, nonetheless,notwithstanding;instead(代替,反而), instead of(代替……);not...but, rather than(而不是);fortunately, unfortunately;in fact, in effect, otherwise(要不然)等。





conversely, on the contrary, contrarily,by contrast, in contrast (to)(相反的);rather(相反,而是);meanwhile/meantime/in the meantime,at the same time(同时,然而);unlike(不像……),by/in comparison (with)((与……)比较起来),

contrary to(与……相反),compared with/to...(与……相比较),some...others...still others,on (the) one hand...on the other hand等。


连词:(not)the same as,(not) as...as...(not so...as)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:like, likewise, similarly, identically,equivalently,equally, correspondingly,in the same way等。




从属连词:because, as(因为), since(由于,既然),now (that)(由于,既然), in that(由于,在……某方面),granted(that),seeing(that)(由于,既然),given that,considering (that)(考虑到,因为),

on the grounds (s) that(由于), for the reason that(由于), for fear that(由于担心……,惟恐),lest(惟恐,担心),in as much as/inasmuch as(因为,鉴于)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:because of,due to, owing to, thanks to;given;on account of, in (the)light of, in view of(考虑到,鉴于……), by/in virtue of(凭借,由于……),on grounds of, by reason of(=because of), for fear of等。


从属连词:so/that/so that(结果),so...that/such...that/to such a degree that /to such a extent that(如此……以至于)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:therefore, thus, hence, consequently(因此),accordingly(相应地,由此);for this reason,on this account,in this way(因此,因此),as a result,as a consequence, in consequence, then(那么,既然如此)等。


从属连词:if,unless(除非),as(so)long as(只要),so far as(只要), on condition (that) (条件是), provided/providing (that)(假如,在……条件下), suppose/ supposing (that)(假定,假设),

only if(只要,只有),if only(但愿,要是……就好了,接虚拟语气), in case(that)(如果),in the event that(如果发生,万一), but that(要不是,主句用虚拟)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:in that case (即然那样),in case of, in the event of(如果发生,万一);but for(要不是),failing(如果不能,如果没有)等。


从属连词:so that/ so that(为了,以便),lest(以防),in case(以防,以免),for fear that(以防),in order that(为了)等。

副词、介词(短语)及其他:for this reason, for this purpose,for the purpose of(为了……), in order to, so as to;with a view to(旨在,目的是……); for fear of(以免,以防……)等。


in a word,in brief,in short,to conclude/in conclusion,to summarize/in summary/to sum up, altogether, overall,on the whole,all in all,generally speaking,generally,in general(总之,总的来说);

in other words(换句话说),that is(也就是说),as has been said/stated(正如所述),in simpler terms,to put it simply(简单来说),

finally, at last,in my opinion, as far as I know(在我看来), as we all know(众所周知), as I have shown(如我所述),of course,then,thus,therefore等。


namely(即,也就是说), that is, in other words, frankly speaking(坦白地说), to put it differently(换句话说), in the case of...(这样,在这种情况下)等。


1. 英语作文中的连接词

(1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top ofthat,another,first?second?third等。

(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,lat-r,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。 (3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in frontof,behind,beside,eyond,above,below,tothe right?left,around,outside等。

(4)表示比较的过渡词:in thesameway,justlike,justas等。 (5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on theotherhand,onthecon-ary,in spite of,even though等。

(6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,hen,thus,otherwise等。 (7)表示目的的过渡词:forthisreason,forthispurpose,so that等。

(8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,withoutnydoubt,truly,torepeat,aboveall,mostimportant等。 (9)表示解释说明的过渡词:forexample,in fact,in thiscase,foractually等。

(10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,atlast,inconclusion,asIhaveshown,inoth-rword,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,asha *** een stated等。

2. 英语作文中优秀连接词

表示强调的连接词 still,Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all,significantly,obviously,interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially,clearly.表示比较的连接词 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.表示对比的连接词 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.表示列举的连接词 for example, for instance, such as, take 。

for example. Except (for), to illustrate.表示时间的连接词 later,next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while.表示顺序的连接词 first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.表示可能的连接词 presumably, probably, perhaps.用于解释的连接词 in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms.表示递进的连接词 What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.表示让步的连接词 although, after all, in spite of。, despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen.表示转折的连接词 however,rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand,unfortunately. whereas; some, others; here, there; on the contrary; in contrast to; in spite of; not only。

but also; while;although;nevertheless,years ago。today; this。

that; the former。the later; then。

now; the first。whereas the second; once。

now表示原因的连接词 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to.表示结果的连接词 as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence.用于总结的连接词 on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short.其他类型连接词 Mostly,occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, monly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case。

3. 写英语作文时常用的连接词有哪些

常用连接词: 表选择关系或对等关系的连e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333365646364接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。


英文连接词像胶水一样将相关联的句子连接起来,国际心理学家、语言学家、教育家Chris Lonsdale 龙飞虎又把它称之为“胶水词”。胶水词就像英语的骨架一样重要,学会了胶水词,同时拥有词组的累积,就可以轻松灵活的造出任何需要的长句。

4. 【英语中常用的连接词】

表层次:First; Second; What's more; In addition; Apart from this; Last but not least; 表观点:Personally; In my opinion; As far as I am concerned; As far as I know; What I want to stress is that…(我想强调的是…); … hold the opinion that… 某人持有…的主张; According to *** ,…依照某人的观点看,…; 表转折:However,…… ; ….,but … 表让步:Although/ Though,…; Despite the fact that…;表因果:Because/ As…..; Since/ Now that,…Therefore,…; ….,thus,…; ….,so… ; 表递进:not only…,but also…; …as well as; 表概括:In a word; In short; To sum up; Only in this way can we do it well (只有通过这种办法,我们才能把它做好.注意:该句型用倒装语序) ;。

5. 英语作文连接词

1. in/ by contrast 对比之下 2. unfortunately 不幸地 3. though/ although 尽管 4. even though 即使 5. anyway 无论如何 6. after all 毕竟 7. all the same 依然; 照样 8. in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 9. fortunately 幸运地 10. however 然而 11. in spite of 尽管; 虽然 12. at the same time 同时; 然而 13. otherwise 否则 14. on the contrary 相反 15. especially 尤其 16. There are o sides to everything.有关 “承” 的连接词语, 用来承接上下文.1.by this time 此时 2. at the same time 同时 3. after a while 过了一会儿 4. after a few days 几天以后 5. second/ secondly 第二; 第二点 6. in addition 另外7. besides/ what's more 另外 8. by the way 顺便提一句 9. in other words 换句话说 10. in particular/ particularly 特别地 11. worse still 更糟的是 11.in the same way 同样地 12.obviously 明显地 13. no doubt 无疑地 14. for example/ for instance 例如 15. therefore 因此 16. indeed 的确 17. unlike 不象… 18. certainly 当然 19. for another 其次 20. still 仍然 21.similarly 同样地英语作文中表因果的连接词 therfore consequently because of for the reason thus hence due to owing to so accordingly thanks to on this account since as on that account in this way for as a result as a consequence有关 “起” 的 l 连接词语, 用语开篇或引出扩展句. 1. at first/ in the beginning 起初 2. at present 现在; 当今3. recently/ lately 最近 4. first/ firstly/ first of all 第一 5. generally speaking 一般地说 6. on the whole 总的说来 7. It is well understood that … 8. There goes a saying that …. 9.for one thing… for another/ also 首先…其次 10.presently 此刻; 现在 11. to begin with/ to start with 首先; 第一 12. in general 一般来说 13. on the one hand… on the other hand 一方面… 另一方面 14. As the saying goes, '…。

6. 【英语作文中的连词高级连词】

【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法.如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】以下内容截取自该书的Day 5,“连词(linkers)”那一章一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to二、表结果的连词hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that三、表目的的连词thereby, in order to四、举例关系中用的连词take。

for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。五、类比与对比关系时用的连词similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast六、让步关系中用的连词despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as七、假设关系中用的连词otherwise, provided that, unless八、限定关系in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning。

7. 英语作文中的常用连词越多越好

常用的连词: 1)表层次: first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least also, and then, next, besides and equally important too moreover besides in addtion finally 2)表转折; by contrast although though yet at the same time but despitethe fact that even so in contrast nevertheless even though for all that noithstanding on the contarary however in spite of on the other hand otherwise instead still regardless 3)表因果; therfore consequently because of for the reason thus hence due to owing to so accordingly thanks to on this account since as on that account in this way for as a result as a consequence 4)表让步: still nevertheless concession granted naturally in spite of all the same of course despite even so after all 5)表递近: furthermore moreover likewise what is more besides also not only。

but also。 too in addtion 6)表举例: for example for instance for one thing that is to illustrate as an illustration a case in point 7)表解释: as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely in other words 8)表总结: in summary in a word thus as has been said in brief in conclusion altogether in other words to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms indeed in short in particular that is in other words of course on the whole to put it differently namely in all therefore to summarize。



  first,then / next,after that / next,finally / last /
  Above all/in the first place/first and for most /last but not the least
  to begin/start with…
  and equally important,
  for one thing…for another thing
  on (the) one hand…,on the other hand…,
  in a word,in the end ,in conclusion,to conclude,in short,to sum up,in summary ,to summaries


以上就是关于表示列举的连词,英语完形填空的解题方法与技巧的全部内容,以及表示列举的连词 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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下一篇 2023年01月31日15时51分38秒


  • 哥哥在刷牙的拼音,刷牙的拼音怎么读

    本文目录 1.刷牙的拼音怎么读 2.小明在刷牙的拼音怎么写 3.洗脸刷牙的拼音怎么写 4.刷牙的拼音 刷牙的拼音怎么读 刷牙的汉语拼音是 shuā yá 刷 : ㄕㄨㄚˋ 部首:刂 笔划:8 五笔:nmh(简)nmhj(全) 牙:部首:牙 笔划:4 五笔:ah(简)ahte(全) 小明在刷牙的拼音怎么写 小明在刷牙的拼音:xiǎo míng zài shuā yá 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油 洗脸刷牙的拼音怎么写 洗口刷牙吃早餐的拼音:xǐ kǒu shuā yá chī zǎo cān 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油 刷牙的拼音 刷 牙拼音 shua ya 第一声第二声 以上就是关于哥哥…

  • 儿童的单词英语怎么读 ,小孩的英语怎么说

    本文目录 1.小孩的英语怎么说 2.儿童的英文单词怎么说? 3.英语单词儿童怎么读音发音 4.儿童的英语怎么说 小孩的英语怎么说 英文是:child 英[tʃaɪld] 释义: n.儿童,小孩,孩子;产物;子孙;幼稚的人;弟子 n.(英)蔡尔德(人名) [复数:children] 短语: Destiny's Child天命真女;天命真女合唱团;真命天女;天命真女组合 扩展资料: 词语辨析:baby,child,infant,youngster 这些名词均有“孩子”之意。 1、baby日常用词,一般指从刚出生的婴儿到满两岁的或非常小的孩子,常含钟爱意味。 2、child普通用词,含义广,无感情色…

  • 写一篇带动词的日记 ,日记带四字词语

    本文目录 1.日记带四字词语 2.日记要有四字词语和修辞手法 3.用一系列动词写一种活动 4.带动词的日记20字 日记带四字词语   一进奶奶的家,我就大声地喊:“爷爷奶奶,我们来给你们拜年了!祝爷爷奶奶新年快乐、身体健康、万事如意!”我是爷爷奶奶最小的孙子,他们最疼我,看到我来给他们拜年,又听了我一番吉祥祝福的话,乐得爷爷奶奶眼睛都眯成了一条缝!爷爷亲切地抚摸着我的头说:“谢谢我的乖孙子,奶奶爷爷也祝你新年好!学习好!在新的一年里快快乐乐的成长!”随后又给我发了压岁钱——一个鼓鼓的大红包。这时,姑姑姑父、大伯大妈他们两家人也相继来到了奶奶家。看到人多热闹如此喜庆的气氛,我就故意调皮的挨个给他…

  • firefighter用谐音怎么读 ,fireman怎么读

    本文目录 1.fireman怎么读 2.他是一名消防员用英语怎么说 3.firefighter英语怎么读 4.消防员英语怎么读 fireman怎么读 fireman读音:英 ['faɪəmən]、美 ['faɪərmən]。 释义:n. 消防队员;司炉工。 用作名词 (n.) A brave fireman rescued the woman. 一个勇敢的消防队员救了这女人。 The well-trained fireman can get over this tall wall easily. 受过严格训练的消防员可以轻而易举地越过这道高墙。 The fireman smashed the …

  • 你可以去和他真诚的道歉英语 ,你应该主动向他道歉英语翻译you should offer

    本文目录 1.英语翻译 “你应该跟他们道歉并且得到他们的原谅”用英语怎么说`` 2.你应该主动向他道歉用英语怎么说 3.如何用英语接受别人的道歉 4.向他道歉英语 英语翻译 “你应该跟他们道歉并且得到他们的原谅”用英语怎么说`` you should say sorry to them and beg their pardon 你应该主动向他道歉用英语怎么说 You should offer to apologize to him. 如何用英语接受别人的道歉 “我真的觉得很对不起。”I'm extremely sorry. Excuse me:因为可能要打扰别人或是打断别人谈话,用它提前表示歉…

  • 三大从句思维导图高清 ,定语从句宾语从句表语从句思维导图

    本文目录 1.定语从句宾语从句表语从句思维导图 2.三大从句 3.英语三大从句的区别 4.英语的三大从句是什么 定语从句宾语从句表语从句思维导图 to cope with physical privation. They lived apart from the men and went to war in their own regiments. The tales tell us that they conquered men on the field of battle. Amazons occur in Greek literature in the Iliad of Homer, f…

  • only if 英文 ,英语如何区分哥哥弟弟

    本文目录 1.英语如何区分哥哥弟弟 2.英语中主语,谓语,宾语,定语,怎么区别什么? 3.if only和only if的意思 4.only if only when 英语如何区分哥哥弟弟 only if, 只要,只有:That Only Happened If 这只发生如果…… if only 表示要是……多好,只要,一种期盼,if only it look forward if not 如果不,表条件 假设,if you not leave 如果你没离开的话 what if 假如……会怎么样 What if you could do sth 如果你可以做某事 英语中主语,谓语,宾语,定语,…

  • 你会做什么的英语作文怎么写 ,昨天晚上干什么的英语作文

    本文目录 1.昨天晚上干什么的英语作文 2.英语作文这个假期你做了什么 3.每周的课余时间约为 4.英语作文题目大小写规则 昨天晚上干什么的英语作文 “你在早晨中午傍晚晚上会干些什么”英语作文如下: Hello ,everyone! My name is (你的名字).I'm a (你的年龄)years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of (你的居住地). I'm an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone…
