












背日常英语单词 什么词汇

Sunday 星期日
Monday 星期一
Tuesday 星期二
Wednesday 星期三
Thursday 星期四
Friday 星期五
Saturday 星期六
一月 January 二月 February 三月 March四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December
Tiger 老虎
Giraffe 长颈鹿
Lion 狮子
Deer 鹿
Leopard 豹
Monkey 猴子
Elephant 大象
Chimpanzees 黑猩猩
Horse 马
Bear 熊
Donkey 驴
Kangaroo 袋鼠
Ox 牛
Hedgehog 刺猬
Sheep 绵羊
Rhinoceros 犀牛
Dog 狗
Camel 骆驼
Cat 猫
Hippopotamus 河马
Pig 猪
Crocodile 鳄鱼
Chicken 鸡肉
Snake 蛇
Rabbit 兔子
Frog 青蛙
Duck 鸭子
Tortoise 乌龟
Goose 鹅
Fox 狐狸
Panda 熊猫
Squirrel 松鼠
Zebra 斑马
Mouse 老鼠
Wolf 狼
Peacock (雄)孔雀
Owl 猫头鹰
Sparrow 麻雀
Toco toucan Miss ma 这个字典里没有
shrimp 虾
Dragofly 蜻蜓
Fly 苍蝇;飞虫
Cicada 蝉
Mantis 螳螂
Cricket 蟋蟀
Pigeon 鸽子
Crane 鹤
Penguin 企鹅
Ostrich 鸵鸟
Crab 蟹
Ant 蚂蚁
Bee 蜜蜂
Ladybird 雌鸟
Parrot 鹦鹉
Swan 天鹅
Eagle 鹰
Fish 鱼
Butterfly 蝴蝶
Mosquito 蚊子
adder, viper 蝰蛇
albatross 信天翁
alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄
alpaca 羊驼
anchovy 凤尾鱼
anglerfish 安康鱼
anopheles 按蚊,疟蚊
ant 蚂蚁
anteater 食蚁兽
antilope 羚羊
armadillo 犰狳
ass, donkey 驴
badger 獾
bald eagle 白头鹰
bat 蝙蝠
bear 熊
beaver 河狸
bedbug, bug 臭虫
bee, honeybees 蜜蜂
beetle 甲虫, 金龟子
billy 雄山羊
bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟
bison 美洲野牛
blackbird 乌鸫
boa 王蛇
boar 雄猪, 种猪
brood 鸡的统称
buck 公兔
buffalo 水牛
bull, ox 雄牛
bullfrog 牛蛙
bullock, steer 小阉牛
bumble bee 大黄蜂
butterfly 蝴蝶
cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶
caiman, cayman 凯门鳄
calf 小牛, 牛犊
calf( pl. calves) 年幼的牛
camel 骆驼
canary 金丝雀
carp 鲤鱼
cat 猫
caterpillar 毛虫
catta 雌猫
cattle 牛
centipede 蜈蚣
chaffinch 苍头燕雀
chameleon 变色龙,避役
chick 小鸡
chicken 鸡, 雏鸡
chimpanzee 黑猩猩
chinchilla 南美栗鼠
chub 鲢鱼
cicada 蝉
clam 蚌
cob 雄天鹅
cobra 眼镜蛇
cod 鳕鱼
colt, foal 马驹,小马
condor 秃鹰
copperhead 美洲腹蛇
coral snake 银环蛇
cormorant 鸬鹚
cow 雌牛, 母牛
crab 蟹
crayfish 小龙虾, 喇蛄
cricket 蟋蟀
crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄
crow 乌鸦
crucian 鲫鱼
cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟
cuttloefish 乌贼
cygnet 小天鹅
deer 鹿
dog 狗
dog 雄狗
dolphin 河豚
donkey, ass 驴
dormouse 睡鼠
dove 鸽
dragonfly 蜻蜓
dromedary 单峰驼
drone 雄蜂
duck 鸭
duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽
eagle 鹰
eel 鳗鱼
elephant 象
ewe 母羊
ferret 雪貂
flea 跳蚤
flock 绵羊的统称
fly 苍蝇
foal, colt, filly 幼马
fox 狐
frog 青蛙
gaggle 鹅的统称
gander 雄鹅
gander, wild goose 雁
gannet 塘鹅
gavial 印度鳄
gazelle 小羚羊
gelding 阉割的马
giant salamander 娃娃鱼, 鲵
gibbon 长臂猿
gilt 小母猪
giraffe 长颈鹿
glowworm, firefly 萤火虫
goat 山羊
golden eagle 鹫
goldfinch 金翅雀
goose 雌鹅
goose 鹅
gopher 囊地鼠
gorilla 大猩猩
gosling 幼鹅
grass snake 草蛇
grasshopper 蚱蜢
grouse 松鸡
guanaco 原驼
Guinea pig 豚鼠
guinea, fowl 珍珠鸡
gull, seagull 海鸥
hake 无须鳕
hare 野兔
hawk, falcon 隼
hedgehog 刺猬
heifer 小母牛
hen 母鸡
herd 牛的统称
herd 猪的统称
hermit crab 寄居蟹
heron 苍鹰
herring 青鱼, 鲱
hinny 驴骡
hippopotamus 河马
hog 阉猪, 肥猪
horse 马
horsefly, gadfly 厩蝇,牛虻
hummingbird 蜂雀
hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
iguana 鬣蜥
Japanese beetle 日本金龟子
jenny ass 雌驴
kangaroo 袋鼠
kid 年幼的山羊
kingfisher 翠鸟
kite 鹞
kitten 小猫
kitten, kitty, ***** 小猫
koala 考拉, 树袋熊
ladybird 瓢虫
lamb 羊羔,羔羊
large prawn 大对虾
lark 百鸟,云雀
leopard 豹
lion 狮
lizard 蜥蜴
llama 大羊驼
lobster 龙虾
locust 蝗虫
louse, lice 虱子, 白虱
lynx 猞猁
macaw 金刚鹦鹉
mackerel 鲭,鲐
magpie 喜鹊
male ant 雄蚁
mallard 野鸭, 凫
mare 母马
marmot 土拨鼠
moccasin 嗜鱼蛇
mole 鼹鼠
monkey 猴子
mosquito 蚊
moth 蛾
mouse 家鼠
mule 骡
mullet 乌鱼, 黑鱼
mussel 淡菜,贻贝
mustang 野马
mutton 羊肉
nanny 雌山羊
nightingale 夜莺
Norway lobster 蝉虾
octopus 章鱼
orangutan 猩猩
ostrich 鸵鸟
otter 水獭
owl 枭,猫头鹰
ox 牛
oyster 牡蛎
pale clouded yellow 纹黄蝶
panther, puma 美洲豹
parakeet 长尾鹦鹉
parrot 鹦鹉
partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
pelican 鹈鹕
penguin 企鹅
perch 鲈鱼
pheasant 雉, 野鸡
pig, swine 猪
pigeon 野鸽
piglet, shoat 年幼的猪
pike 梭子鱼
plaice 鲽
plover 千鸟
pony 矮马
porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪
porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚
poult 小火鸡
prawn 虾
praying mantis 螳螂
ptarmigan 雷鸟
pup 年幼的狗
python 蟒蛇
quail 鹌鹑
queen ant 蚁后
queen bee 蜂王
rabbit 兔
rabbit 兔子
ram 雄绵羊
rat 鼠
rattlesnake 响尾蛇
ray 鳐鱼
red mullet, surmullet 羊鱼
reindeer 驯鹿
rhinoceros 犀牛
robin 知更鸟
sailfish 旗鱼
salamander, triton, newt 蝾螈
salmon 鲑鱼
sardine 沙丁鱼
scallop 扇贝
scops owl 角枭,耳鸟
scorpion 蝎子
sea bream 海鲷
sea horse 海马
sea turtle 海龟
sea urchin 海胆
seal 海豹
shark 鲨鱼
sheep 绵羊
shrimp 对虾
silkworm moth 蚕蛾
silverfish 蠹虫
skipjack 鲣鱼
sloth 獭猴
snail 蜗牛
snake 蛇
snipe 鹬
sole 舌鳎
sow 雌猪
sparrow 麻雀
spider 蜘蛛
spider crab 蜘蛛蟹
spiny lobster, rock lobster 大螯虾
squid 枪乌贼,鱿鱼
squirrel 松鼠
stallion 雄马
starling 八哥
stink bug 椿象
stork 鹳
sturgeon 鲟鱼
sulphur butterfly 白蝴蝶
sunfish 翻车鱼
swallow 燕子
swallowtail 凤尾蝶
swan 天鹅
swift 褐雨燕
swordfish 剑鱼
tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫
tarantula 多毛毒蜘蛛
tarpon 大海鲢
teal 小野鸭
termite 蚁
thoroughbred 纯种马
thrush 画眉
tiger 虎
toad 蟾蜍
tom 雄火鸡
tomcat 雄猫
tomcat 雄猫, 公猫
tortoise 玳瑁
trout 鳟鱼
tuatara 古蜥蜴
tunny, tuna 金枪鱼
turbot 大菱鲆
turkey 火鸡
turtle 龟
turtle dove 斑鸠
vicuna 小羊驼
vole 田鼠
vulture 秃鹫
wall lizard 壁虎
walrus 海象
wasp 黄蜂, 胡蜂
water buffalo 水牛
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
whale 鲸
white ant 白蚁
whitethroat 白喉雀
whiting 小无须鳕
wiggler 孑孓
wildcat 野猫
wolf 狼
woodpecker 啄木鸟
worker ant 工蚁
yak 牦牛
zebra 斑马
horse 马
stallion 雄马
mare 雌马
foal, colt, filly 幼马
gelding 阉割的马
donkey, ass 驴
donkey 雄驴
jenny ass 雌驴
hinny 驴骡
mule 马骡
cattle 牛
bull, ox 雄牛
cow 雌牛
calf( pl. calves) 年幼的牛
herd 牛的统称
water buffalo 水牛
yak 牦牛
sheep 绵羊
ram 雄绵羊
ewe 雌绵羊
lamb 年幼的绵羊
flock 绵羊的统称
mutton 羊肉
goat 山羊
billy 雄山羊
nanny 雌山羊
kid 年幼的山羊
pig 猪
boar 雄猪
sow 雌猪
piglet,shoat 年幼的猪
herd 猪的统称
dog 狗
dog 雄狗
bitch 雌狗
pup 年幼的狗
rabbit 兔
buck 公兔
goose 鹅
gander 雄鹅
goose 雌鹅
gosling 幼鹅
gaggle 鹅的统称
chicken 鸡
cock,rooster 公鸡
hen 母鸡
chick 小鸡
brood 鸡的统称
duck 鸭
turkey 火鸡
tom 雄火鸡
poult 小火鸡
cat 猫
tomcat 雄猫
catta 雌猫
kitten 小猫
horse 马
mare 母马
colt, foal 马驹,小马
pony 矮马
thoroughbred 纯种马
mustang 野马
mule 骡
ass, donkey 驴
ox 牛
buffalo 水牛
bull 公牛
cow 母牛
calf 小牛, 牛犊
bullock, steer 小阉牛
heifer 小母牛
pig, swine 猪
boar 种猪
hog 阉猪, 肥猪
gilt 小母猪
piglet 猪崽
sheep 羊
ewe 母羊
goat 山羊
lamb 羊羔,羔羊
zebra 斑马
antilope 羚羊
gazelle 小羚羊
deer 鹿
reindeer 驯鹿
giraffe 长颈鹿
camel 骆驼
dromedary 单峰驼
llama 大羊驼
guanaco 原驼
alpaca 羊驼
vicuna 小羊驼
elephant 象
rhinoceros 犀牛
hippopotamus 河马
cat 猫
tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫
tomcat 雄猫, 公猫
kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫
lion 狮
lynx 猞猁
panther, puma 美洲豹
leopard 豹
tiger 虎
wildcat 野猫
bison 美洲野牛
yak 牦牛
dog 狗
badger 獾
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
otter 水獭
fox 狐
hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
wolf 狼
squirrel 松鼠
dormouse 睡鼠
beaver 河狸
marmot 土拨鼠
ferret 雪貂
bear 熊
rabbit 兔子
hare 野兔
rat 鼠
chinchilla 南美栗鼠
gopher 囊地鼠
Guinea pig 豚鼠
marmot 土拨鼠
mole 鼹鼠
mouse 家鼠
vole 田鼠
monkey 猴子
chimpanzee 黑猩猩
gorilla 大猩猩
orangutan 猩猩
gibbon 长臂猿
sloth 獭猴
anteater 食蚁兽
duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽
kangaroo 袋鼠
koala 考拉, 树袋熊
hedgehog 刺猬
porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪
bat 蝙蝠
armadillo 犰狳
whale 鲸
dolphin 河豚
porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚
seal 海豹
walrus 海象
horse 马
stallion 雄马
mare 雌马
foal, colt, filly 幼马
gelding 阉割的马
donkey, ass 驴
donkey 雄驴
jenny ass 雌驴
hinny 驴骡
mule 马骡
cattle 牛
bull, ox 雄牛
cow 雌牛
calf( pl. calves) 年幼的牛
herd 牛的统称
water buffalo 水牛
yak 牦牛
sheep 绵羊
ram 雄绵羊
ewe 雌绵羊
lamb 年幼的绵羊
flock 绵羊的统称
mutton 羊肉
goat 山羊
billy 雄山羊
nanny 雌山羊
kid 年幼的山羊
pig 猪
boar 雄猪
sow 雌猪
piglet,shoat 年幼的猪
herd 猪的统称
dog 狗
dog 雄狗
bitch 雌狗
pup 年幼的狗
rabbit 兔
buck 公兔
goose 鹅
gander 雄鹅
goose 雌鹅
gosling 幼鹅
gaggle 鹅的统称
chicken 鸡
cock,rooster 公鸡
hen 母鸡
chick 小鸡
brood 鸡的统称
duck 鸭
turkey 火鸡
tom 雄火鸡
poult 小火鸡
cat 猫
tomcat 雄猫
catta 雌猫
kitten 小猫
horse 马
mare 母马
colt, foal 马驹,小马
pony 矮马
thoroughbred 纯种马
mustang 野马
mule 骡
ass, donkey 驴
ox 牛
buffalo 水牛
bull 公牛
cow 母牛
calf 小牛, 牛犊
bullock, steer 小阉牛
heifer 小母牛
pig, swine 猪
boar 种猪
hog 阉猪, 肥猪
gilt 小母猪
piglet 猪崽
sheep 羊
ewe 母羊
goat 山羊
lamb 羊羔,羔羊
zebra 斑马
antilope 羚羊
gazelle 小羚羊
deer 鹿
reindeer 驯鹿
giraffe 长颈鹿
camel 骆驼
dromedary 单峰驼
llama 大羊驼
guanaco 原驼
alpaca 羊驼
vicuna 小羊驼
elephant 象
rhinoceros 犀牛
hippopotamus 河马
cat 猫
tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫
tomcat 雄猫, 公猫
kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫
lion 狮
lynx 猞猁
panther, puma 美洲豹
leopard 豹
tiger 虎
wildcat 野猫
bison 美洲野牛
yak 牦牛
dog 狗
badger 獾
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
otter 水獭
fox 狐
hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
wolf 狼
squirrel 松鼠
dormouse 睡鼠
beaver 河狸
marmot 土拨鼠
ferret 雪貂
bear 熊
rabbit 兔子
hare 野兔
rat 鼠
chinchilla 南美栗鼠
gopher 囊地鼠
Guinea pig 豚鼠
marmot 土拨鼠
mole 鼹鼠
mouse 家鼠
vole 田鼠
monkey 猴子
chimpanzee 黑猩猩
gorilla 大猩猩
orangutan 猩猩
gibbon 长臂猿
sloth 獭猴
anteater 食蚁兽
duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽
kangaroo 袋鼠
koala 考拉, 树袋熊
hedgehog 刺猬
porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪
bat 蝙蝠
armadillo 犰狳
whale 鲸
dolphin 河豚
porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚
seal 海豹
walrus 海象
rose 玫瑰花
tulip 郁金香
balsam 凤仙花
canna 美人蕉
lily 百合花
jasmine 茉莉
sweet pea 香豌豆花
sunflower 向日葵
geranium 大竺葵
morning-glory 牵牛花
cosmos 大波斯菊
pansy 三色堇
poppy 罂粟花
marigold 金盏花
carnation 麝香石竹
amaryllis 孤挺花
dahlia 大丽花
pink 石竹花
crocus 番红花
iris 蝴蝶花
hyacinth 风信花
daffodil 黄水仙
chrysanthemum 菊
marguerite, daisy 雏菊
gladiolus 剑兰
cantury plant 龙舌兰
magnolia 木兰
yucca 丝兰
orchid 兰花
freesia 小苍兰
cyclamen 仙客来
begonia 秋海棠
anemone 银莲花
wisteria 柴藤
redbud 紫荆
dogwood 山茱萸
hawthorn 山楂
camellia 山茶
hydrangea 八仙花
hibiscus 木槿
peony 芍药
azalea 杜鹃
rhododendron 杜鹃花
daphne 瑞香
gardenia 栀子
lilac 紫丁香
night-blooming cereus 仙人掌
apple 苹果
pear 梨
orange 桔子
quince 柑橘
apricot 杏
plum 洋李
pistil 雌蕊
ovary 子房
petal 花瓣
anther 花药
stamen 雄蕊
nectar gland 蜜腺
sepal 萼片
stalk 花柄
pollen 花粉
pine 松
cerdar 雪松类
larch 落叶松
juniper 杜松
cone 松果
cypress 柏树
bamboo 竹
box 黄杨
poplar 白杨
cottonwood 三角叶杨
osier 紫皮柳树
willow 垂柳
birch 白桦
maple 枫树
sequoia 红杉
fir 冷杉
hemlock spruce 铁杉
spruce 云杉
yew 紫杉
eucalytus 桉树
locust 洋槐
wattle 金合欢树
camphor tree 樟树
rosewood 紫檀
ebony 乌檀
sandalwood 檀香木
satinwood 椴木
linden 椴树
rowan 欧洲山梨
teak 柚木树
elm 榆木树
oak 橡树
acorn 橡树果
sycamore 美国梧桐
ginkgo 银杏树
holly 冬青
coco 椰树
date 枣椰树
hickory 山核桃树
plane tree 悬铃树
beech 山毛榉
horse chestnut 七叶树
blackthorn 黑刺李
baobab 猴面包树
elder 接骨木
myrtle 桃金娘科植物
cycad 苏铁
oil palm 油棕榈树
treetop 树梢
branch 树枝
twig 小树枝
bough 大树枝
knot 树节
trunk 树干
leaf 树叶
sprout 新芽
sapling 树苗
stump 树桩
root 树根
root hair 根毛
taproot 主根
bark 树皮
resin 树脂
pith 木髓
cambium 形成层
ring 年轮
wood 木材
azalea 杜鹃花
begonia 秋海棠
Brazil 巴西木
cactus 仙人掌
camellia 山茶花
carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)
Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花
Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花
chrysanthemum 菊花
dahlia 大丽花
daisy 雏菊
datura 曼陀罗
epiphyllum 昙花
fringed iris 蝴蝶花
fuchsia 倒挂金钟
gardenia 栀子
India canna 美人蕉
jasmine 茉莉
lilac 丁香
lily 百合
mangnolia 木兰花
mangnolia 玉兰花
morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)
narcissus 水仙花
oleander 夹竹桃
orchid 兰花
pansy 三色堇
peony 牡丹
peony 芍药
phalaenopsis 蝶兰
rose 玫瑰
rose 月季
setose asparagus 文竹
touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花
tulip 郁金香
violet, stock violet 紫罗兰
water hyacinth 凤眼兰
palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色
palegreen 苍绿色
paleturquoise 苍绿色
palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色
pansy 紫罗兰色
papayawhip 番木色
peachpuff 桃色
peru 秘鲁色
pink 粉红
plum 杨李色
powderblue 粉蓝色
purple 紫色
red 红色
rosybrown 褐玫瑰红
royalblue 宝蓝色
rubine 宝石红
saddlebrown 重褐色
salmon 鲜肉色
salmon pink 橙红色
sandy beige 浅褐色
sandybrown 沙褐色
sapphire 宝石蓝
scarlet 猩红色
seagreen 海绿色
seashell 海贝色
shocking pink 鲜粉红色
sienna 赭色
silver 银白色
skyblue 天蓝色
slateblue 石蓝色
slategray 灰石色
smoky gray 烟灰色
snow 雪白色
springgreen 春绿色
steelblue 钢蓝色
stone 石色
tan 茶色
teal 水鸭色
thistle 蓟色
tomato 番茄色
turquoise 青绿色
turquoise blue 翠蓝色
violet 紫色
wheat 浅黄色
white 白色
whitesmoke 烟白色
winered 葡萄酒红
yellow 黄色
yellowgreen 黄绿色
beige 米色
black 黑色
brown 咖啡色
cream 雪白
khaki 卡其色
grey 灰色
navy 丈青色
offwhite 灰白色
palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色
palegreen 苍绿色
paleturquoise 苍绿色
palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色
pansy 紫罗兰色
papayawhip 番木色
peachpuff 桃色
peru 秘鲁色
pink 粉红
plum 杨李色
powderblue 粉蓝色
purple 紫色
red 红色
rosybrown 褐玫瑰红
royalblue 宝蓝色
rubine 宝石红
saddlebrown 重褐色
salmon 鲜肉色
salmon pink 橙红色
sandy beige 浅褐色
sandybrown 沙褐色
sapphire 宝石蓝
scarlet 猩红色
seagreen 海绿色
seashell 海贝色
shocking pink 鲜粉红色
sienna 赭色
silver 银白色
skyblue 天蓝色
slateblue 石蓝色
slategray 灰石色
smoky gray 烟灰色
snow 雪白色
springgreen 春绿色
steelblue 钢蓝色
stone 石色
tan 茶色
teal 水鸭色
thistle 蓟色
tomato 番茄色
turquoise 青绿色
turquoise blue 翠蓝色
violet 紫色
wheat 浅黄色
white 白色
wheat 土黄色
whitesmoke 烟白色
winered 葡萄酒红
yellow 黄色
yellowgreen 黄绿色

背日常英语单词 什么词汇



九年级英语作文 篇1

   Unit1How can we become good learners?



  (1)What about listening to…?

  (2)Try to guess …by…

  (3)The more…,the more…

  (4)…is the secret to language learning.

  (5)I think…should…

  (6)It’s a good idea to…


  为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“how to be a good learner”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。


  How to be a good learner

  To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning.

  We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we’d better ask others for help.As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy.

  I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner.

   Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!



  (1)I love…because…

  (2)I think they are…to…

  (3)You’ll have good luck in the New Year.

  (4)Chinese people have been celebrating…for centuries.


  假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友Tom对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封80 词左右的电子邮件。介绍一两个中国的传统节日、如春节、中秋节等。


  Dear Tom

  I am very glad to tell you something about spring festival.

  It’s a traditional festival in china. It comes in winter.

  It’s time to get new. We usually clean and decorate our houses carefully before it comes. I always help my mother clean the windows and wash the clothes. We put on Chunlian on the doors and chuanghua on the windows.

  It’s time to say goodbye to the last year, and say hello to the New Year. Everyone goes home to get together with their families, no matter how far it is. They must have dinner together on that day. They must visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to them. When the kids greet their grandparents, they can get money.

   Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restaurants are?



  (1) Let me tall you how to get there.

  (2) You can walk along...

  (3) Turn left/right to...

  (4)Go straight along...




  Dear Rob,

  Are you free next Sunday? There will be a concert in Hongqi Theater. I have two tickets and I hope you can go with me. Now let me tall you how to get there.

  First , you can walk along Zhaowuda Road after you leave your home. Thenturn left onto Third Street. Go straight along Third Street. When you get to Walking Street,turn right.Then go along the street until you see Hongqi Theater on your right.

  I will meet you at the gate of Hongqi Theater.

  Yours, Liu Ming

   Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

  本单元话题为“我们怎样变化的”,主要围绕人或事物从过去到现在所发生的变化展开描述。写作时首先要理清写作的逻辑顺序,注意过去与现在的对比。在句式的使用上,既可用used to do/be…,but now…,也可以直接用一般过去时描述过去的.情况,用一般现在时描写现在的情况,各种句式交替使用,以免文章显得呆板。


  (1)…used to do/be

  (2)How/what about you?

  (3)…has/have changed a lot in the last few years.


  请你以Changes in people’s life 为题描述最近几年人们生活上的变化。词数80词左右。

  提示:1. 人们的联系方式、娱乐方式的改变

  2. 人们的出行方式及居住环境的改变


  Changes in people’s life

  Great changes have taken place in people’s life in the last few years.

  In the past people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by sending letters. They would listen to the radio for news and other information. Children used to go to school by bike. Big families had to share small rooms.

  Now people can talk to others by telephone or on the internet at home. When they are free, they watch the news and other programs on TV. Some families are rich enough to send their children to school in their own cars. More and more people live in big and bright apartment with several rooms.

  In a word, people live better than before.

九年级英语作文 篇2

  My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.

  My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

  She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever.

  Often she says to us, work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.





九年级英语作文 篇3

  Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change. Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I’ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.

九年级英语作文 篇4

  Dear Daming, I know your problem. You’ve made two mistakes. First, you used your classmate’s pen without her permission. Second, when you broke the pen, you didn’t tell her the truth. Yes, you must tell her immediately. If you tell her the truth, perhaps she’ll be angry with you, but at least you’ll prove you are honest. Then I think you should offer to pay. You can use your pocket money to buy a new pen for her. She will realize that you’re truly sorry. I hope the advice can help you. I’m sure you will make up with her soon. Yours, Tom.


九年级英语作文 篇5

  Chemical class is the compulsory course in the middle school. It is one of my favorable classes. When I first contact with this subject, I am interested in it. In my mind, it is miracle. It can see the nature of object. For example, through chemical class, I learn how does water form. Knowing this makes me feel like a little talent. I have a great sense of achievement. Maybe it is my curiosity makes me like this class so much. To be honest, to explore knowledge is very excited and interesting.


九年级英语作文 篇6

  Reading “The Emperor's New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller's patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.


  I'll never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.


九年级英语作文 篇7

  With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

  Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.

  However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.




九年级英语作文 篇8

  My name is Zhang Danqing . I’m a 15-year – old girl . I am in Class Eight , Grade Nine. My favorite subject is English , because I think stying English is much more easier than others . My favorite color is green , I think the color of green symbls the nature. I love my family, sometimes I go to park or take a trip with them on holiday .

  I love playing volleyball very much . I always play volleyball with my friends on weekends . I don’t like eating junk food , I think it’s bad for my health . I eat fruit and vegetables every day . I exercise three or four times a week . so I have a good body and I am in good health.

  I am working hard . I want to become a teacher when I grow up , because as a teacher I can teach many children and make them knowledgeable. In a word , this is me , a sunny girl .

九年级英语作文 篇9


  Advertisements are forcing their way into people’s lives.

  People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers.

  The advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen.

  Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the attention to the customers.

  Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way.

  To a large extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure.






  There are many ways to advertise and ‘ads’ come in different forms.

  Newspapers carry advertisements.

  Some products are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience.

  Billboards also carry advertising.

  Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms.






  However, advertising is not always truthful.

  A product is often misrepresented.

  The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell.

  Thus, he misrepresents the truth.

  The consumer falls victim to such advertising.

  Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them。







   关于“自行车”在中国About Bicycle in China【2】

  As it’s known to all, China is popular for its emperor of bicycles.

  This is because our country is still a developing country and few people can afford private cars.

  The demand for a means of transport is met by making millions of bicycles available.




  Riding a bicycle has a lot of advantages over driving a car.

  First, it is a physical exercise to ride a bicycle.

  In contrast, sitting in the car, one tends to gain weight.

  Besides, it is much more economical to ride a bike than drive a car.

  On the one hand, the only fee a bike-rider has to pay is the annual tax.

  However, the annual fees for a car are costly.

  On the other hand, a bike needn't be equipped with a parking lot, but a car must.

  Most important of all, it is beneficial to the environment to ride a bicycle because the bike doesn't consume petrol; it is a pollution-free transport.

  In contrast, the exhaust released by the car is harmful to the environment.










  Since China is a developing country with a large population, bicycles will still be the most popular means of transport in China for quite a long time.

  Most people will still ride bicycles to go to work or to school.

  The emperor country of bicycles will remain for at least dozens of years.







九年级英语作文 篇1

  Courage is very important. Everyone needs it. We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage. If we lose courage, we can’t do anything, because we don’t dare to do anything; we are afraid of failure. This is my Chinese teacher me in the first class. I agree with him. For example, we don’t have the courage to hands up to say our answer, how can we know we are right or wrong. I will remember his word forever,” never lose courage .”


九年级英语作文 篇2

  oh, my english was poor in the past. so how to improve it was my biggest problem.

  first, how to remember the new words? i always copy the on pieces of paper, stick them on the wall, and read them aloud when i see them. it’s the best way to remember new words. what’s more, i should do more reading. try to guess the meanings of new words, and get the main idea of the article. and when i answer teacher’s question, i’ll take a deep breath and smile, i will say: “i can!” last, after class, i always review the lessons.

  and practice makes perfect. i do believe! i can learn english well.

九年级英语作文 篇3


  Advertisements are forcing their way into people’s lives.

  People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers.

  The advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen.

  Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the attention to the customers.

  Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way.

  To a large extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure.






  There are many ways to advertise and ‘ads’ come in different forms.

  Newspapers carry advertisements.

  Some products are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience.

  Billboards also carry advertising.

  Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms.






  However, advertising is not always truthful.

  A product is often misrepresented.

  The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell.

  Thus, he misrepresents the truth.

  The consumer falls victim to such advertising.

  Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them。







   关于“自行车”在中国About Bicycle in China【2】

  As it’s known to all, China is popular for its emperor of bicycles.

  This is because our country is still a developing country and few people can afford private cars.

  The demand for a means of transport is met by making millions of bicycles available.




  Riding a bicycle has a lot of advantages over driving a car.

  First, it is a physical exercise to ride a bicycle.

  In contrast, sitting in the car, one tends to gain weight.

  Besides, it is much more economical to ride a bike than drive a car.

  On the one hand, the only fee a bike-rider has to pay is the annual tax.

  However, the annual fees for a car are costly.

  On the other hand, a bike needn't be equipped with a parking lot, but a car must.

  Most important of all, it is beneficial to the environment to ride a bicycle because the bike doesn't consume petrol; it is a pollution-free transport.

  In contrast, the exhaust released by the car is harmful to the environment.










  Since China is a developing country with a large population, bicycles will still be the most popular means of transport in China for quite a long time.

  Most people will still ride bicycles to go to work or to school.

  The emperor country of bicycles will remain for at least dozens of years.




九年级英语作文 篇4

  Reform of college English Education

  As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication, the defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism. It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.

  Educators definitely should be responsible for the inadequacy of College English Education. It is known to all that interest is the best teacher, but a large part of college English teachers underestimate the effect of interest and keep preaching in class. Besides, “language environment” is needed to learn a foreign language and the lack of it in Chinese universities has hindered the student’s English learning.

  Some problems of the students’ learning habits is also the source of the inadequacy. Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way. In addition, they are generally reluctant to practice speaking. This has greatly contributed to the “dumb English” of Chinese students.

  The success of the college English education reform requires efforts of both educators and students. The universities should encourage students to speak English in their daily communications and hole more activities with the purpose of promoting students’ speaking of English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with charms and interest of English in their classes. Students should try to be participants of the learning activities rather than passive receptors. With the collaboration of educators and students, the reform of college English education will surely yield plentiful fruits

九年级英语作文 篇5

  My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.

  My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

  She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever.

  Often she says to us, work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.





九年级英语作文 篇6

  When I see the girls dance in the movie, I will be very jealous of their elegant temperament. I wish I am one of them, especially when my mother speaks highly of these dancing girls. Actually, my mother once had tried to send me to learn ballet, but I was too small and couldn’t enjoy the class. I always skipped the class and then went to play with my friends. Later my mother found the truth and she had gave up asking me to learn ballet. Now I feel regretful, if I insist, I could be the girl that let my parents be proud of. The lucky thing is that I have find the things I am interested in and I will not give up.


九年级英语作文 篇7

  Chemical class is the compulsory course in the middle school. It is one of my favorable classes. When I first contact with this subject, I am interested in it. In my mind, it is miracle. It can see the nature of object. For example, through chemical class, I learn how does water form. Knowing this makes me feel like a little talent. I have a great sense of achievement. Maybe it is my curiosity makes me like this class so much. To be honest, to explore knowledge is very excited and interesting.


九年级英语作文 篇8

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every year on this day, many people would package dumplings, women and children also like to use silk sewn into small dumplings, such as heart, gourd, cherry, and little monkey, tiger, etc in the shape of handicrafts, sachets, hanging in his chest. Think of it as a way to prevent disease and throw it away when you wear it at noon.

  From the warring states period, ChuQin compete for hegemony, the poet qu yuan is to the king of esteem, however, the idea of qu yuan was more than doctor officer and the opposition of the old school, headed by constantly vilified qu yuan, in front of king huai huai gradually alienated qu yuan, has the ambition of qu yuan tingly, uncontrollable melancholy with himself, he wrote "li SAO", jiu ge and other immortal poems.

  In 229 b. c., the state of qin occupied eight cities in the state of chu. Then they sent envoys to the state of qin. Qu yuan looked at the plot of the king of qin and put his death into the palace. Not only did the king of chu not listen, but he expelled qu yuan from the capital of chu. When the king of chu went to the meeting, he was imprisoned by the state of qin, and the king of chu was in a state of regret. He was a disease of depression, and he died in the state of qin three years later. The king of qin sent troops to the state of chu, and the king of qin went down to the capital. Qu yuan in exile on the way, have heard king huai absent and ying after the death of the city, hopelessness, face upwards with a sigh, invested rolling rapids of the lost.

  Jiang on the fishermen and people on shore, I heard that qu yuan doctor jiang himself, have come to jiang on, struggling to salvage the body of qu yuan, and brought tzu, eggs into the river, also the realgar wine Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar) into the river, the in order to turn all aquatic beasts, make the body of qu yuan doctor from harm. From then on, every year in May fifth cast jiang qu yuan's martyrdom, chu people rowing to the river, in order to commemorate a great patriotic poet, the Dragon Boat Festival customs passed down, just like that.

九年级英语作文 篇9

  This summer, i had some special days. i joined dongzhou international educational exchange summer camp.

  first, i will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are shrina and rebecca. they are friendly and beautiful. they are students at oxford university.

  we talked about many things: famous people, subjects in england, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on.

  we know lots of things, like what the difference is between “chef” and “cook”, all the parts of the body…

  we tried to write a letter to principal zhang. we made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. we gave some other students english lessons, we taught them about chinese dragon, chinese martial arts and the olympics.

  every afternoon, we played exciting games: chinese whispers, tongue twisters, wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs…

  on the last day, we had a good time. we made black tea. we put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. oh, it tasted good! later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. to cook them is very interesting. when we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. we put some jam on it. how delicious! i won’t ever forget it.

  the summer camp is a really good chance for me. i know the local things in england. i learned a lot and like english more. i also know better ways to learn english well.

  i hope one day i can see you in england.

九年级英语作文 篇10

  Dear Dad,

  Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.

  You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.



  今天我在商场的时候, 我读了好长时间的有关“父亲节”的贺卡。那些卡片上面的文字很特别,也或多或少地表达出了我对您的感受。我挑选读过一次后,又挑选读了一遍,但那并不是一张贺卡所能表达出我想对您说的话的。



以上就是关于英语小天才交通工具英文,英文小天才造飞机的全部内容,以及英语小天才交通工具英文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月28日08时31分45秒
下一篇 2023年01月28日08时39分46秒


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