


  有时候英文一些小 故事 也是孩子喜欢的类型。下面是我为大家准备的简短 儿童 英语小故事,希望大家喜欢!

  儿童英语小故事1. The Dog In The Manger(牛槽里的狗)

  Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox. It was full of hay. But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger. He wanted to eat his own hay. Then the dog awoke, stood up and barked at the ox. The ox said to the dog, “Do you want to eat this hay, too?”“Of course not,” said the dog.“Then, go away and let me eat my own hay.”“Oh, no. You go away and let me sleep.”“What a selfish dog! He will neither eat the hay himself, nor let me eat it !” said the ox to himself.

   儿童英语小故事 2.The Boys And The Frogs(男孩与青蛙)

  One spring day some naughty boys were playing near a pond. They began to throw stones into the water. In the pond lived many frogs were much afraid of the boys, for the stones hurt some of the frogs. At last an old frog lifted his head out of the water and said, “Boys, please don’t throw stones at us.”The boys said, “We are only playing.” “I know that, but please stop throwing stones, my boys. What is play to you is death to us,” said the old frog.So the boys stopped throwing stones and went away.

   儿童英语小故事 3.The Lion, The Bear And The Fox(狮子、熊与狐狸)

  Long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, “I caught this kid first, and so this is mine.”"No, no," said the bear.“I found it earlier than you, so this is mine.” And they fought long and fiercely. At last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight. A fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, and ran off with the kid. The lion and the bear both saw the fox, but they could not even catch the fox.The lion said to the bear, “We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away.”

   儿童英语小故事 4.The Ant And The Dove(蚂蚁与鸽子)

  One day a little ant was walking along the bank of a stream. His foot slipped and he fell into the water. “Oh, help, help!” cried the ant. A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree over the stream and heard his cry of help. “Oh, poor ant!” said the dove. “I will help the ant.”The dove pulled off a leaf and dropped it near the ant. “Here is a leaf. Climb on it,” said the dove. The ant climbed on it at once and floated to the bank. A few days after this a hunter found the dove and was going to shoot her. Just then the ant passed by and said to himself, “This time I must help the dove.” The ant ran to the hunter and bit his foot hard. The hunter sprang up and missed to shoot the dove. The dove said to the ant, “Thank you very much, my little friend. You have saved my life,” and she could fly away happily.

   儿童英语小故事 5.The Two Travelers(两个旅人)

  Many years ago two men were traveling together They were walking along a road in the wood. Then they found a beautiful ax on the ground. One of them picked it up and said, “Look here have found an ax.”“Don't say I, but we have found the ax,” said the other “We are friends. We ought to share it between us.”“No,” said the first one, “I found the ax, so it is mine.”Soon after they heard someone running after them. They looked back. They found He called out, “Stop, thieves! Stop, thieves !”The first traveler said, “What shall we do? He is running after us. We shall be caught by him.” “Don't say we, but I shall be caught. You found the ax, and you say it is yours,” said the other, and left him alone.The first traveler tried to hide the ax, but he did not know where to hide it. And at last he was caught by the owner of the ax.

   儿童英语小故事 6.The Hare and the Tortoise(野兔与乌龟)

  One day a hare met with a tortoise at the foot of a hill. “Hallo, little Tortoise! Where are you going? How short your legs are!” said the hare.“ I am going over to the hill. I am a slow runner, but I can run a race with you,” said the tortoise. “All right. Let's run a race with you to the top of the hill,” said the hare.The hare and the tortoise started. The hare ran very fast. The hare said to himself, “ I can much faster than the tortoise, and I may have a little nap here.”So the hare lay down under a tree and was fast asleep. But the tortoise did not stop for a moment. He walked on and on. At last he got to the top of the hill.The hare woke up and looked around, but he could not see the tortoise. He sprang up and ran as fast as he could. When the hare got to the top of the hill, he found the tortoise was resting there peacefully.The tortoise said to the hare, “Now, Mr. Hare! Which was the faster runner, you or I?”

    儿童英语小故事 7.The Wolf and the Dove(狼与山羊)

  One day a wolf saw a goat on a high cliff. He was jumping to and fro and was grazing. The wolf wanted to eat him, but he could not climb up there to catch him. So he said to the goat, “Good morning, my good friend Goat! Come down here!If you slip down the cliff, you will break your neck. And the grass is short and dry up there. Come down! The grass is long and tender here.”“Thank you, Mr. Wolf, but never mind. I am used to playing here, and I like the grass here better. I would rather eat day grass than be eaten by a wolf,” said the goat.




The Old Cat:An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.





A child and ramie:A child was careless ramie stabbed, he rushed home and told his mother: I only lightly Pengyi what, it was my painful thorns.

Mom said: Because of this, it will thorn you. if the next time you met Ramie, to a courageous and seize it, it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed.

It is said that many people are serving hard against soft.






The City Mouse and the Country Mouse:Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, Do come and see me at my house in the country.?

So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, Run! Run! The cat is coming! They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid.









An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.

The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”




AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, The dew. The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.

驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,被美妙动听的歌声所打动,自己也想能发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便 羡慕地问他们吃些什么,才能发出如此美妙的声音来。蚱蜢答道:“吃露水。”驴子便也只吃露水,没多久就饿死了。这个故事告诉人们不要企望非份之物。


One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.

一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。





  这是我的包It’s My Bag

  It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is beside it.


  “Is this seat empty?” asks the old man.


  “No, it’s for an old woman. She went to buy some bananas,” says the man. “Well, let me sit here, please, I’ll leave here when she comes back.”


  The bus starts. “She hasn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag. ” Then the old man throws the bag out.


  The young man shouts, “Don’t throw it! It’s may bag!”


  铁匠与小狗The Blacksmith And Dog

  Those who will not work deserve to starve.

  A Blacksmith had a little Dog, which used to sleep when his master was at work, but was very wide awake indeed when it was time for meals. One day his master pretended to be disgusted at this, xiaogushi8.com and then he had thrown him a bone as usual, he said, “What on earth is the good of a lazy cur like you?” When I am hammering away at my anvil, you just curl up and go to sleep: but no sooner do I stop for a mouthful of food than you wake up and wag your tail to be fed.




  I have nine little goldfish .Eight goldfish are all orange and one is black .I like the black one best. We call it Xiao Hei .Its body is black .It has two big and round eyes, a small mouth ,and a big tail. Though it's very small ,it swims fast .

  I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends .



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