英语新闻稿100字简单,00字左右的英语新闻 要用英语写的时间在0天左右的新闻


00字左右的英语新闻 要用英语写的时间在0天左右的新闻

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria on the sidelines of the Beijing Paralympics on Wednesday.
In their talks in the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing, Xi said Sino-Sweden ties had progressed steadily since the two countries forged bilateral ties in May 1950.
The increasingly stronger cooperation in various fields had brought substantial benefits to the two nations, he added.
Xi said China would like to work closely with Sweden on the basis of mutual respect, equality and shared benefits.
He briefed the princess on the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics, as well as the country's achievements in ensuring the rights and benefits of the disabled.
The princess said the frequent high-level visits between officials of the two countries in recent years had produced fruitful results.
She spoke of her dedication to philanthropic initiatives and how she would like the two countries to work more closely in this field.
She also congratulated China on its successful hosting of the Olympics and wished for an equally-wonderful Paralympics.

00字左右的英语新闻 要用英语写的时间在0天左右的新闻

有关奥运会开幕的英语新闻报道 00字 不要多 在线等

找了两篇,第一篇短些,第二篇有一百多字,希望对你有所帮助。 Beijing Games open with a bang
The 2008 Olympic Games were launched at a dazzling ceremony in Beijing, as athletes from more than 200 countries gathered in the Bird's Nest stadium.
Drums, a light show and pyrotechnics began the four-hour ceremony - 29 sets of fireworks, representing each edition of the modern Games, lit up Beijing.
Mark Foster led the British contingent into the arena, and 7ft 6in basketball star Yao Ming carried the Chinese flag.
Li Ning, 1984 gold medallist, lit the Olympic cauldron to close the ceremony.
Li, who won three gymnastics gold medals in Los Angeles, was hoisted to the roof of the stadium by wires.
He completed a lap of the arena, suspended in mid-air, before igniting a jet of flame to light the torch tower.
第二篇:China strides onto Olympic stage
Once-reclusive China commandeered the world stage Friday, celebrating its first-time role as Olympic host with a stunning display of pyrotechnics and pageantry—topped by the unworldly sight of a flying gymnast, traversing the heights of the stadium to light the flame and begin the Summer Games.
Now ascendant as a global power, China welcomed scores of world leaders to an opening ceremony watched by 91,000 people at the eye-catching National Stadium and a potential audience of 4 billion worldwide. It was depicted as the largest, costliest extravaganza in Olympic history, bookended by barrages of some 30,000 fireworks.
It ended in spectacular fashion, when China’s first Olympic superstar, 1984 gymnastics triple gold medalist Li Ning, was hoisted by wires to the top of the stadium, circled the entire circumference as though he was spacewalking, then used his torch to send a torrent of flame spiraling upward to light the Olympic flame in a huge cauldron overlooking Beijing.

有关奥运会开幕的英语新闻报道 00字 不要多 在线等


你好 我在美国上大三 有较强论文水平 希望能够帮助你
The Australian Middle School Student Visit Our School
A delegation of 10 Australian Middle school students visited our school on June 2nd. They arrived at around 9am. Everyone in our school were really excited about this and gave them warm welcomes. The welcoming ceremony started at 9:30. Our headmaster and foreign friends gave some speeches respectively. After the meeting, our foreign friends visited our classrooms, labs, libraries and school-oriented factories. They felt very happy about them and they decided to take a english class with us. At 3pm foreign friends have a symposium with part of our students and teachers. The delegation team left at 5pm. Both they and we had a
good time.



Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou was elected as chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) on Sunday by a landslide win of 93.87 percent of votes.
Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou elected KMT chairman
About 56.95 percent of the voters turned out in the election and Ma won 285,354 valid votes,according to the KMT Central Committee.
Ma told reporters after the election that relations between the mainland and Taiwan have seen "twilight of peace" as the two sides resumed negotiations since last May.
Ma said he would propose at the 18th KMT Congress in September to write the "common wish for peaceful cross-Straits development" reached by KMT and the Communist Party of China (CPC) into KMT's political guidelines.


以上就是关于英语新闻稿100字简单,00字左右的英语新闻 要用英语写的时间在0天左右的新闻的全部内容,以及英语新闻稿100字简单 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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