










  He felt himself compelled to bring this action. 他感到自己被迫进行这次诉讼。

  We’ll have to get the car repaired before Tuesday. 我们必须在星期二以前把汽车修好。

  She had to shout to make herself heard. 她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。

  Looked at politically, it is an important problem. 从政治上看这是一个重要问题。

  No photographer is allowed to shoot the president’s crippled walk. 不许任何摄影记者对总统的跛行拍照。

  The excited children are opening their Christmas presents. 激动的孩子们正在把圣诞礼物打开。

  Taken in small doses, this drug is completely harmless. 小剂量服用这种药是完全无害的。

  Beaten by the police, sent to jail, Gandhi invented the principle of nonviolent resistance. 尽管受警察的殴打,被投入监牢,甘地却首创了非暴力抵抗的原则。


  1、Some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel, is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute.


  2、Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.


  3、Johan Wolfgang Goethe: Man errs so long as he strives.


  4、Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion.


  5、It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it’s even harder to turn love into friendship.


  6、Michael Jackson 《You Are Not Alone》: I can hear your prayers. Your burdens I will bear. But first I need your hand then forever can begin.


  7、When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.


  8、The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.


  9、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.


  10、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.





  How a Colt Crossed the River

  One day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill. As he was running with the bag on his back, he came to a small river. The colt could not decide whether he could cross it. Looking around, he saw a cow grazing nearby. He asked, “Aunt Cow, could you tell me if I can cross the river?” The cow told him that he could and that the river was not very deep, just knee high.

  The colt was crossing the river when a squirrel jumped down fron a tree and stopped him. The squirrel shouted, “Colt, stop! You’ll drown! One of my friends drowned just yesterday in the river.” Not knowing what to do, the colt went home to consult his mum.

  He told his mum his experience on the way. His mother said, “My child, don’t always listen to others. You’d better go and try yourself. Then you’ll know what to do.” Later, at the river,the squirrel stopped the colt again. “Little horse, it’s too dangerous!” “No, I want to try myself,” answered the colt. Then he crossed the river carefully.

  You see, real knowledge comes from practice.







  The Fox and the Tiger(狐狸和老虎)

  An Archer, hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, and pretending to be very brave, told the other animals not to be afraid anymore, but to rely on his courage, and he would attack the enemy on his own. While he was talking, and lashing his tail and tearing at the ground with his claws to impress the others, an arrow came and pierced his ribs. The Tiger howled with pain.

  While he was trying to draw out the arrow with his teeth the Fox went up to him and asked, in surprise, whoever had the strength and courage to wound such a brave and mighty beast as the Tiger?over there!

  MORAL: Knowledge is power狐狸和老虎





  One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. He looks in the well and shouts : “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says, “Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!” And olderly monkey comes over. He is very surprised as well and cries out: “The moon is in the well.” A group of monkeys run over to the well . They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!” Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch . And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands. All the other monkeys follow his suit, And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky, He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”



  A poor pig可怜的小猪

  Danny is a little pig . He is unhappy because he wants to leave home to see the world .

  It’s a sunny day . Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping . on his way he meets an elephant , a peacock and a rabbit . At last , he gets to a lake . He looks at his reflection in the water and says, “I wish I have an elephant’s nose , a peacock’s tail and a rabbit’s ears .” after a while , Danny’s wish comes true . He runs back excitedly .

  But his parents can’t recognize Danny , “Go away , you’re not our son .” Danny goes to the lake again . “ I just want to be a pig .” He says sadly .Danny waits and waits . He becomes a pig again .

  Danny runs back quickly . His parents hug and say , “ This is our lovely baby .”



  Look at the sky 看天空

  One day , Charley boght a hot dog in a snack bar after school .

  Suddenly , he stopped and raised his head high . He kept looking at the sky . It lasted two minutes .

  A woman passed by . she saw Charley looking at the sky . and she stooped and also looked at the sky .

  The sky was blue . There were some white clouds . Charley still looked at the sky and didn’t move a bit . The woman also went on looking at the sky .

  Mary passers-by stopped . They looked at the sky , too .

  After a while , charley lowered his head . He laughed and asked . “what are you looking for in the sky ?”

  The woman said : “ why are you looking at the sky ?”

  “I didn’t look at the sky .” Charley pointed to his nose .” My nose was bleeding .”



  Who’s Broken A window ? 谁打碎了玻璃

  Billy and Bobby were small boys . They were brothers . and they often fight with each other . last Saturday their mother said to them , “I’m going to cook lunch now . Go out and play in the garden …and be good .”

  “Yes , Mummy ,” the two boys answered and they went out . They played for half an hour , and then Billy ran into the kitchen . “Mummy ,”he said , “Bobby’s broken a window in Mrs Allen’s house ,” Mrs Allen was one of their neighbors .

  “He’s a bad boy ,” his mother said , “How did he break it ?”

  “I threw a stone at him ,” Billy answered .” “ and he quickly mowed down .”




  I gave him a book yesterday.我昨天给了他一本书。

  I am reading an interesting story .我在读一本有趣的故事书。

  I have got a ticket.我有一张票。

  There is a tree in front of my house.我的屋前有一棵树。


  A horse is useful to mankind.马对人类有用。

  A bird can fly.鸟会飞。

  A steel worker makes steel.炼钢工人炼钢。


  We often go to school two times a day.我们常常一天两次去学校。

  I went to the library once a week at least.我一星期至少去一次图书馆。

  The potato is sold at about 30 fen a jin.土豆卖三毛钱一斤。


  A boy came to see you a moment ago.刚才有一个小孩来找你。

  I got this tool in a shop.我在商店买的这件工具。

  We need a car now.我们现在需要一辆车。

  She is ill, she has to see a doctor.她病了,她得去看病。


  a few几个a little有点

  She has a few friends in this city.她在这个城市中有几个朋友。

  There is a little milk in the bottle.瓶子里有点牛奶。

  Only a few students are in the classroom.只有几个学生在教室里。


  1.用在姓氏复数前,表示一家人 。The Greens are at table.

  2.用在年代、朝代名词前或用在世纪或逢10的`复数年代前。( 在某人50多岁时用in ones 50s)

  A great many important events took place in the 1900s.

  The Tang Dynasty(唐朝).

  3 .用在表示计量单位的名词前。 Apples are sold by the kilogram.


  by weight; by time; by length

  Fruit is sold by weight.

  4.特指双方都明白的人或者事物。 Take the medicine.

  5.指上文提到过的人或者事物。 He bought a house. I’ve been to the house.


  the sun, the Internet, the moon,但space前没有冠词


  the rich, the wounded, the new.

  8.用在表示乐器的名词前,但中国乐器前没有定冠词 play the piano, play erhu

  9.用在序数词、形容词最高级以及形容词only, very, same前面

  She is always the first to come and the last to leave.

  10.动词+sb.+介词+the +身体的某一部位

  take sb. by the arm抓住某人的手臂hit sb. in the face打某人的脸

  11.用在the more…,the more…结构中,表示“越……越……”(more指形容词的比较级)

  The harder you study, the better you will learn.


  Bell invented the telephone in 1876.


  on the whole, in the way, go to the theatre/cinema, to tell the truth, all over the world, in the distance, in the form of



  Father went to his doctor for advice about his heart trouble.

  Horses are useful animals.


  He has no lessons on Sundays.

  It is usually very cold in winter in the north.



  I am not exactly sure when he returned but I’m sure that he returned on a Monday.

  The winter of last year was extremely cold.


  The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom, book in hand.

  4.turn, go做系动词,表示“变为、成为”时,后接可数名词单数做表语,不定冠词要省略。

  She turned teacher ten years ago.=she became a teacher ten years ago.


  You can never write your composition in red.


  Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings.


  At home, at first, on condition that, in charge of, in danger, in spite of, out of breath



  China is a largest country in the world.


  I think water is a kind of food, too.


  Cotton feels soft.



  It's time for breakfast.


  What do you have for lunch?


  The dinner I had at that restaurant was expensive.



  Summer is hot and winter is cold here.


  New Year's Day is coming.


  Today is the first day of May.


  We are going to play basketball this afternoon.


  We don't like bridge very much.



  Can you speak English?


  It's difficult to learn Chinese well.


  Tom knows English but he doesn't know French.



  by air, on foot, at night, after school, at home, go to class, in fact, from morning till night.

  I'm going to Chicago by air next week.


  I go to school on foot .


  In fact, I don't know him at all.


  He is at home today.




  英语手抄报模板图片鉴赏  英语手抄报模板内容一

  1. come doing sth 的用法

  (1) 表示方式或伴随


  Eric came running into the room, out of breath. 埃里克上气不接下气地跑进房间。

  A lone rider came galloping towards them. 一个骑着马的人孤身一人向他们奔驰而来。

  He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out. 他正打算驾车离开,这时秘书跑了出来。

  (2) 表示进行某活动

  后接dancing, shopping, fishing, hiking, hunting, skating, skiing, surfing, swimming, walking等,表示来进行该活动。如:

  She went shopping at Harrods。她到哈罗兹去买东西了。

  It’s dangerous to go skating on the lake. 在湖上滑冰有危险。

  Do you want to come fishing tomorrow? 你明天想一起来钓鱼吗?

  The boys went camping in Greece last year. 那些男孩子去年到希腊去露营度假。

  2. go doing sth 的用法

  (1) 表示方式或伴随


  We went skipping down the street arm in arm. 我们挽着胳膊,蹦蹦跳跳地走在大街上。

  Someone's going to go flying if you don't pick up these toys. 如果你不把这些玩具捡起来,会有人绊倒的。

  When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak. 当竞选人在全国作巡回演说时,人们会步行、骑马或坐车数英里赶去听他们的演讲。

  (2) 表示进行某活动

  后接dancing, shopping, fishing, hiking, hunting, skating, skiing, surfing, swimming, walking等,表示去进行该活动,其用法与上面讲到的 come doing sth 相似,只是方向不同,一个表示“来”做某事,一个表示“去”做某事。如:

  They like to go ballooning at weekends. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩。

  Do you want to go bowling with us Friday? 星期五想和我们去打保龄球吗?

  Normally, I would go fishing, but the weather is bad. 通常我都是去钓鱼,可今天天气不好。

  I can’t go climbing this summer; I’m out of condition. 今年夏天我不能登山了——我健康状况不佳。

  We went clubbing in some of Ibizas most famous hot spots. 我们去伊维萨岛一些最著名的娱乐区逛夜总会。

  She took a gamble that it would not rain when she decided to go camping in cloudy weather. 她决定虽然阴天去野营,冒一把险认为天不会下雨。


  11、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.


  12、True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart.


  13、When it comes to family, we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we get,we always need a place to call home.


  14、Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.


  15、Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve.





October first is the National Day of China.十月一日是中国的国庆节。

It's a fortnight to National Day.离国庆节还有两星期。

People gathered in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.国庆节前夕人们聚集在礼堂开庆祝会。

Public buildings were lit up for celebrating the National Day.为庆祝国庆节,公共建筑物灯火辉煌。

Several new plays will be put on the stage on National Day.国庆节将上演几个新戏。

The splendour of the National Day parade baffled description.国庆节游行的壮观景象非笔墨所能描述。

Several new plays will be performed on National Day。bookings are welcome.国庆节将上演几个新戏,欢迎惠订。

When the child saw the puppy,a smile as bright as a firecracker on the Fourth of July exploded across her face.那孩子见到小狗,脸上立时绽放笑容,明亮得就像国庆节夜晚的烟火。

以上就是关于英语手抄报内容星期,初中英语手抄报内容大全的全部内容,以及英语手抄报内容星期 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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