


Leek 指的是那种北方的大葱
韭菜花则是Flowering Garlic chives (也有叫Flowering Chinese chives)
Chinese cabbage是广东常说的黄芽白,即是北方的大白菜
真正的白菜呢,叫Chinese chard,而Bok Choy这一音译再外国也很流行
西洋菜是watercress,也叫water spinach
莴笋是Celtuce, 也叫Asparagus Lettuce
空心菜即通菜,是Water Convolvulus,其实音译的Ong Choy,Tung Choy白萝卜是White Raddish, 青萝卜是Green Raddish
Tomato 番茄,按不同的种类有几种叫法
个子小的可以一口一个当果子吃的那种叫cherry tomato
而鹅蛋形的叫 Roma tomato或Egg tomato
外表比一般西红柿红的还留有绿茎的那种叫Hydroponic Tomato,因为是栽培习惯不同的说
Loofa只是泛称,国内常吃的丝瓜是Ridged Luffa或Ridged Gourd
另一种丝瓜,我们叫水瓜的是Sponged Luffa或Silk Gourd或 Si gua(音译)
苦瓜 更常叫bitter melon, 冬瓜更常叫winter melon(我跟喜欢这种叫法阿)
节瓜 Hairy melon
String bean,其实跟四季豆不同,是长度介乎于豇豆和四季豆之间的一种豆,见下图
四季豆是Green beans,也叫French beans
而豌豆是Snowpea ,我们叫荷兰豆
还有一种甜豌豆叫Sugar snap pea,超市里面一包包冷藏的青豆就是
至于当菜吃嫩嫩的豆苗,是pea shoots
而长长的尖椒有几种叫法chilli pepper, banana pepper,我那叫“bullhorn chili”的
西葫芦 vegetable marrow,也有叫zuccini的,不知是不是同一种蔬菜
Scallion 葱,但好像shallot更常用
shallot还指葱头, 也写作eschalot

还有一种Spring onion 叫春葱
芥兰是Chinese broccoli
而芥菜才是 mustard cabbage, 也叫Chinese mustard, leaf mustard
竹笋其实bamboo shoot更常用啦
Tumeric 黄姜
Galangal 南姜,好像也叫沙姜
Button mushroom是那种个头较小的蘑菇,不是草菇
还有大大的一种叫flat mushroom
而草菇是 straw mushroom
我们常吃的冬菇,花菇之类的,叫Shiitake mushroom(日语翻译过来的,Shiitake是日语“椎茸”的发音),这个大家熟悉就不贴图了
鲍鱼菇是Oyster mushroom
金针菇 Enoki mushroom, 又是日语来的
木耳是black fungus
而我们做菜当香料用的茴香,也就是八角,叫star anise 或 aniseed
青菜/菜心/青骨 Chinese flowering cabbage, 音译Choy sum 更常用
苋菜 Amaranth, Chinese spinach,音译Ing Choy 也很流行
菾菜,Silverbeet, 是菠菜的一种,我那叫“猪屎菜”,据说含有丰富铁质
枸杞叶 Chinese boxthorn, Chinese wolfberry
塘蒿 Garland Chrysanthemum, Edible Chrysanthemum,音译Tong Ho 更常用
孱菜 Ceylon Spinach,vine spinach, 常见音译Saan Choy
羊角豆 Okra
沙葛 Jicama
香茅 lemon grass
紫苏叶 perilla
留兰香 spearmint,lamb mint




  我喜欢的蔬菜英语作文 篇1

  Most children like to eat meat but I am one of them I like to eat vegetable. The reasons I like vegetable are various first I like the color. When I see the green color I will be very comfortable and have a good mood. Second vegetable is good for my health it contains all kinds of vitamins the more I eat the fitter I am.大多数孩子喜欢吃肉,但我是其中之一,我喜欢吃蔬菜。我喜欢蔬菜的原因是多方面的,首先,我喜欢的颜色。当我看到绿色,我会很舒服,有一个好心情。其次,蔬菜对我的健康有好处,它含有各种维生素,我吃的越多,我的体质就越好。

  我喜欢的蔬菜英语作文 篇2

  Many of my friends do not like eating vegetables because they think that vegetables are not delicious. They like KFC or Mcdonald's. Being different to them I like vegetables very much. When I was a little child my mother told me that I should eat more vegetables so that I can be tall. Besides in order to make me eat my mother often gave me some rewards. As time goes by vegetables become my favorite. Vegetables contain many essential vitamins and other nutrients which helps us build a healthy body. In addition eating more vegetables can prevent diseases. Therefore we should have the good habit to eat vegetables.我的许多朋友不喜欢吃蔬菜,因为他们认为蔬菜不好吃。他们喜欢肯德基或麦当劳。与他们不同,我非常喜欢蔬菜。当我还是个小孩子的时候,妈妈告诉我要多吃蔬菜,这样我就可以长高了。此外,为了让我吃,我的母亲经常给我一些奖励。随着时间的推移,蔬菜成为我的最爱。蔬菜含有许多必需的维生素和其他营养物质,帮助我们建立一个健康的身体。此外,多吃蔬菜可以预防疾病。因此,我们应该有吃蔬菜的好习惯。

  我喜欢的蔬菜英语作文 篇3

  Most children like to eat meat but I am one of them I like to eat vegetable. The reasons I like vegetable are various first I like the color. When I see the green color I will be very comfortable and have a good mood. Second vegetable is good for my health it contains all kinds of vitamins the more I eat the fitter I am.


  我喜欢的蔬菜英语作文 篇4

  I like a lot of vegetables. Most of them are colorful and come into my eyes with their appearance. The only thing that "conquers" me with taste is the gray lotus root, which is also my favorite vegetable.

  Although the color of lotus root is ordinary, its taste is beautiful. Especially stir fry and add some vinegar. That's my dream food. The last time I tasted sour and sour lotus roots, my memory is still impressive. The pots of lotus roots were put on the table, pieces of lotus roots were sliced round, with a circle of small holes in the middle. A few lotus root filaments are intertwined with each other.

  Pick it up and put it into the mouth. When you lick your tongue, the sour and sweet feeling will extend from the tip of your tongue to your whole body. When you chew your teeth, the cool feeling will rotate between your teeth. Swallow the chewed lotus root from the mouth to the stomach, and flow all the way from the throat to the chest and abdomen. The refreshing feeling is all over the body.

  Don't forget that the fun of eating lotus root lies in its roots, which can stretch and shrink lotus root silk. Which thin "silk thread" can melt at the entrance, knead the ball on the lips, straighten and itch, and make people laugh while eating!

  The taste of lotus root is really beautiful. Unfortunately, it is not a must for every meal in my family!








  The carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable, usually orange or white in color with a woody texture. The edible part of a carrot is a taproot. It is a biennial plant which grows a rosette of leaves in the spring and summer while building up the stout taproot, which stores large amounts of sugars for the plant to flower in the second year. The flowering stem grows to about 1 m tall, with umbels of white flowers.
  Carrots can be eaten raw, whole, chopped or grated into salads for color, and are also often chopped and cooked in soups and stews. A well known dish is Carrots Julienne. One can also make carrot cake and carrot pudding. The greens are edible as a leaf vegetable, but are rarely eaten. Together with onion and celery, carrots are one of the primary vegetables used in a mirepoix to make various broths.
  2.The pineapple---菠萝
  (Ananas comosus) is a tropical tree and fruit (berry), native to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay. The tree is a bromeliad (family Bromeliaceae), a short, herbaceous perennial with 30 or more trough-shaped and pointed leaves 30–100 cm long, surrounding a thick stem. The leaves of the Smooth Cayenne cultivar mostly lack spines except at the leaf tip, but the Spanish and Queen cultivars have large spines along the leaf margins.
  Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which digests food by breaking down protein. Pineapple juice can thus be used as a marinade and tenderizer for meat. The enzymes in pineapples can interfere with the preparation of some foods, such as jelly or other gelatin-based desserts. There is significant evidence pointing to the anti-inflamatory benefits of bromelain. Some have claimed that pineapple has benefits for some intestinal disorders while others claim that it helps to induce childbirth when a baby is overdue. These enzymes can be hazardous to someone suffering from certain protein deficiencies or disorders, such as Ehlers-danlos. It can also be used in savory dishes to enhance digestion.
  Pineapple is a good source of manganese, as well as containing significant amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B1.



Potato 马铃薯
Carrot 红萝卜
Onion 洋葱
Agine 茄子
Celery 芹菜
White Cabbage 包心菜
Red cabbage 紫色包心菜
Cucumber 大黄瓜
Tomato 蕃茄
Radish 小红萝卜
Mooli 白萝卜
Watercress 西洋菜
Baby corn 玉米尖
Sweet corn 玉米
Cauliflower 白花菜
Spring onions 葱
Garlic 大蒜
Ginger 姜
Chinese leaves 大白菜
Leeks 大葱
Mustard cress 芥菜苗
Green Pepper 青椒
Red pepper 红椒
Yellow pepper 黄椒
Mushroom 洋菇
Broccoliflorets 绿花菜
Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食
Coriander 香菜
Dwarf Bean 四季豆
Flat Beans 长形平豆
Iceberg 透明包心菜
Lettuce 莴苣菜
Swede or Turnip 芜菁
Okra 秋葵
Chillies 辣椒
Eddoes 小芋头
Taro 大芋头
Sweet potato 蕃薯
Spinach 菠菜
Beansprots 绿豆芽
Peas 碗豆
Corn 玉米粒
Sprot 高丽小菜心


以上就是关于用英语介绍蔬菜几句话,用英文介绍蔬菜一句话的全部内容,以及用英语介绍蔬菜几句话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月19日08时52分56秒
下一篇 2023年01月19日08时58分20秒


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