


素材是一篇好 作文 的核心,那么关于英语励志人物素材有哪些呢?下面是我给大家整理的 英语写作 励志人物素材,供大家参阅!


French painter Ji Lei one day to attend a banquet, the banquet has a short stature came to him in front of him a deep bow, ask him to be apprentice. Ji Lei looked at the man and found that he was a lack of two arms of the disabled, it mildly refused him, and said: "I think you are probably not very convenient painting it?" But that person does not care, immediately Said: "No, although I have no hand, but there are two feet." Then, they asked the owner to take the paper and pen, sitting on the ground, with his toes with a pen strokes up. Although he is a foot painting, but the painting is very good, it is seen under some hard work. The presence of the guests, including Ji Lei, are touched by his spirit. Ji Lei is very happy, immediately received him as apprentice. This short man since the worship of mine as a teacher, more hard study __, a few years of time will be famous in the world. He is the famous armless painter Dizner.

Revelation: no hand can become a painter, would not it be incredible? This story tells us that there must be exclusion of all perseverance and perseverance, you can create a miracle, so that others can not do things. As long as the effort, will appear miracle.


启示:没有手竟然能成为画家,岂不是很不可思议吗?这个 故事 告诉我们,要有排除万难的毅力和恒心,你就能创造奇迹,做到别人做不到的事情。只要努力、才会出现奇迹。


Guo is a proletarian cultural fighter of our country. He was born in 1892 in Leshan, Sichuan, "Suishan Yuxiu, foam water bell spirit" of the town - sand Bay. Guo Moruo four years and a half into the "Suishan Museum" reading, where spent eight spring and autumn. Guo Moruo in the private school teacher's training, read "Tang poems three hundred", "thousands of poems" and many other ancient books. Therefore, he was less than seven years old, had been able to write full of good couplet and poetry.

Guo Moruo in the young age is very sympathetic to the difficulties of students. One day, he met in Leshan Taiping field reading friend Yu Tongsheng, saw the small face expression of frustration, a careful question, I learned that he can not afford to pay tuition fees, forced to drop out. Guo Moruo thought,

Yu Yu clever studious, very ambitious, and now half-way drop out of school, and more pity ah! So he warmth to comfort Xiao Yu said: "Do not be sad, I went to find a private school teacher seeking love, let him accept you free of charge." On the spot made a couplet, gave the private school teacher. Who knows, Mr. private school took the couplet, only looked at his eyes, it was indifferent thrown to the side. Guo Mo made anxious, and Ran ink plummeted, made a seven "pity Yu Tongsheng": "Xuehai vast courtyard Sen, no silver can not worship Dacheng. I hope my teacher Shi grace, with the sick should be." Mr. private school read this The first love of the seven poems, deeply moved, and soon to avoid Yu Tongsheng tuition, so that he can continue to study.

郭沫若是我国卓越的无产阶级 文化 战士。他于1892 年生于四川乐山“绥山毓秀,沫水钟灵”的古镇——沙湾。郭沫若四岁半便进“绥山馆”读书,在这里度过了八个春秋。郭沫若在私塾先生的训导下,读《唐诗三百首》、《千家诗》等许多古书。因此,他不到七岁,就已能写出满不错的 对联 和诗词。




As far as the Northern Song Dynasty, Fujian will be called the East Yang Jia Jinshi, he particularly likes to study knowledge, find friends everywhere, had studied in Luoyang famous scholar Cheng Hao door. Cheng Hao after the death of Yang will be recommended to his brother Cheng Yimen, Yokoyama in Luoyang Yokoyama school built in school. Yang was then more than 40 years old, knowledge is also quite high, but he is still modest and prudent, not arrogant and impatient, respect for teachers, deep Cheng Yi's favorite, Cheng Yi as a proud students, - day, Yang Shigong - from the school __ to ask for advice, but unfortunately the teacher is taking a nap in the house. Yang will advise the health do not wake up the teacher, so the two stood still, and other teachers wake up. - a while, the day floating from the goose feathers, the more the next urgent, Yang and the health but also standing in the snow, swim is really can not stand, several times to wake up Cheng Yi, Yang was blocked. Until Cheng Yi - wake up, only to find the two snowman outside! Since then, Cheng Yi deeply moved, more dedicated to teach Yang, Yang did not live up to expectations, and finally learned all the teacher's knowledge. After Yang returned to the south to spread Cheng's science, and the formation of an exclusive school, the world called "Mr. Kameyama." Descendants will use the "Chengmengxuexue" this allusions, to praise those who learn the teacher door, sincere Zhizhi, respect for teachers and students.

远在北宋时期,福建将东县有个叫杨时的进士,他特别喜好钻研学问,到处寻师访友,曾就学于洛阳著名学者程颢门下。程颢死后,又将杨时推荐到其弟程颐门下,在洛阳伊川所建的伊川书院中求学。杨时那时已四十多岁,学问也相当高,但他仍谦虚谨慎,不骄不躁,尊师敬友,深得程颐的喜爱,被程颐视为得意门生,得其真传。—天,杨时同—起学__的游酢颐请求学问,却不巧赶上老师正在屋中打盹儿。杨时便劝告游酢不要惊醒老师,于是两人静立门口,等老师醒来。—会儿,天飘起鹅毛 大雪 ,越下越急,杨时和游酢却还立在雪中,游酢实在冻的受不了,几次想叫醒程颐,都被杨时阻拦住了。直到程颐—觉醒来,才赫然发现门外的两个雪人!从此,程颐深受感动,更加尽心尽力教杨时,杨时不负重望,终于学到了老师的全部学问。之后,杨时回到南方传播程氏理学,且形成独家学派,世称“龟山先生”。后人便用“程门立雪”这个 典故 ,来赞扬那些求学师门,诚心专志,尊师重道的学子。

英语写作励志人物素材相关 文章 :

★ 以论文写作素材:15位名人成功励志故事

★ 【写作素材】名人励志故事5篇

★ 优秀英语作文素材事例

★ 关于励志人物的作文素材加分析

★ 关于人生的英语写作素材

★ 托福写作常用例证之名人事迹素材汇总

★ 国外名人事迹素材

★ 励志人物事例作文素材

★ 人物励志作文素材

★ 初中写作素材:3篇名人励志故事精选



爱迪生说过:如果我曾经或多或少地激励了一些人的努力,我们的工作,曾经或多或少地扩展了人类的理解范围,因而给这个世界增添了欢乐,那我也就感到满足了。下面是我为大家整理的名人 故事 英语 作文 范文 10篇,以供大家参考借鉴!

【篇一】Thomas Edison爱迪生

Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.

I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 inventions. In his lifetime, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname"the Wizard of Melo Park".He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many great inventions.

What impresses me most is his famous saying,"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hard-working learner. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.

【篇二】莫言 Mo Yan

Mo Yan is my idol. I think he is the idol of many people. He is the first Chinese, who won the Nobel Prize for literature. He is so great. When I heard he receive the prize, I was very excited. And his novels are put in the best seller bookshelf in the bookstores and some are even out of stock.I like read his books. I also watch the movie rearranged by his novel. Red Sorghum is just an example. In a word, I’m proud of him and hope he can make more progress in the future.



Deng Yaping,28,is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.She comes from Henan Province. At the age of 4,she began to play ping-pong under her father's instructions. When she was 8 years old,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another,including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games' Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height,which is her disadvantage. However,she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will,there is a way.

邓亚萍,女,28岁,世界着名 乒乓球 运动员,河南人。4岁时,在父亲指导下开始打乒乓球。8岁时,获得业余体校全国冠军。1988年进入国家集训队,之后获得了一枚又一枚的奖牌。其中包括:11后亚运会冠军,41后世界乒乓球锦标赛冠军及25届奥运会金牌2枚。邓亚萍天生扰是乒乓球运动员吗?不。她身高只有1.5米,这对她非常不利。然而,她靠勤奋和毅力克服了这些不利因素。她的成功证明。有志者事竟成。

【篇四】荣国团是第一个世界冠军Rong is first world champion

When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true.

Rong became New China's first world champion after he won the men's singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959.

Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the men's team. But their dream of a world team title was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match, losing three games to five.

After a chain of (一系列) unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title, Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough.

Rong's rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido.

【篇五】郑跃入历史Zheng leaps into history

In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention.

Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the women's high jump world record with a leap of 1.77 metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957.

The new record, the first women's world record for the People's Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel .

The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936.

The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as "an explosive jump" because it generated China's first athletic world record.

Dubbed " a spring swallow (燕子) awakening (唤醒了)Chinese sports, " Zheng sent a message to the world that China was Nolonger the "sick man of the East. "

Born in the spring city of Jinan, Shandong Province, Zheng, who stands at 1.70 metres, has a good physique and a skillful scissor----sharp jump which was seldom seen among top jumpers in the world.

She once leapt 1.78 metres, a national record in 1963.

She claimed a well-merited place in sporting history when her achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录) .

Due to her contribution (贡献) to athletics, Zheng was awarded a series of honours. She was named among the nation's greatest athletes (运动员) in 1984.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32ndPresident of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he forged a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDR's combination of optimism and activism contributed to reviving the national spirit.Working closely with Winston Churchill andJoseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, he died just as victory was in sight.

罗斯福·富兰克林是美国的第32届总统,在二十世纪中期的世界事件中是一个核心人物,他领导美国期间美国经历了一次世界性经济危机和一次世界大战。作为美国历史上唯一一个连任两期的总统,他将美国的政客们联合起来,并且这种团结持续了几十年。罗斯福与1932年十一月,大萧条最严重的时期,击败了当时在任的共产党人和波特 胡文。罗斯福乐观与积极的态度在鼓舞国民士气上发挥了巨大的作用。在二次世界大战期间,与文森特 撒切尔和约瑟夫 斯大林密切合作领导联盟对抗德国和日本,就是胜利在即的时候他不幸去世。

【篇七】乔布斯:The Man of “Apple”

Steven Jobs, born in 1955, is an American businessman and inventor. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple. Jobs once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios, and became a member of the board of The Walt Disney Company.

In the late 1970s, Jobs, with his teammates, made the Apple II series a big success, but his introduction of Mac computers was not as successful as he hoped for. So he was forced to leave the board of Apple in 1985.One year later, he cofoundered Pixar, whose film, the Toy Story, was a big hit in 1995. He returned to Apple in 1996. In addition to iMav, the Apple launched the iPod, the iPhone and iPad in the following years. However, his falling health made him take a leave from Apple.

In a word, Jobs is a great man full of imagination and creation. People all over the world will never forget him and his “Apple”.

【篇八】Yi Jianlian易建联

Yi Jianlian ,a famous basketball player, is from Guangdong, China. He was born on October 27th.1987. He is 2.12 meters tall. This handsome boy became a college student in 2003.He was chosen to play for the National Basketball Team in January, 2004. This young man is the second Chinese player in NBA after Yao Ming. In his spare time, he likes listening to pop music and playing computer games. Now he is trying his best to learn English well.

【篇九】姚明Yao Ming

Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated. As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA. And depending on his height and weight ,Yao can contorl the restricted area easily just like O'Neil.Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than other centers.By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,Yao is very sucessful because he can use more advantages to face different players. In this aspect , Yao has already been a superstar. On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a man become a god. Why poeple pay more attention on Kobe , James ,Iverson ? those players are not only playing well , but also mark matchs with their own signs. They make their matchs differ from others. Although they may have weaknesses , poeple still like to watch theie performance. So , if Yao can put his feature into matchs , it will be soon to get a great achievement.All in all , in my view point , Yao has a good future considering his ability and faith.


Teacher esteemed and beloved , beloved schoolmates: Everybody be fine! Today I ask the examination questions giving a lecture to be "Lei Feng by me ". Spring breeze in March can't blow the motherland earth green, all things on earth reveal we remember at home cordial one uncle spontaneously when fragrant, Lei Feng. One rich public appeal's words learns from comrade Lei Feng " sounding by our ear. 45 passes away , Lei Feng is such first name as before deeply engrave at our heart.

Somebody said Lei Feng has already died, in fact, Lei Feng will never die , he will live in people forever at heart. The ice and snow crisis one not meeting this the beginning of the year, in 50 , the electric power facilities having damaged a lot of area, be we have seen many within these days, let our times feel the kind person's silhouette.

The Hai Ning wire making on February 2 , Great Snow to rise 300 meters is met with covering ice's squeezing but is arouses a disconnection. For not allowing the masses to accept bitterness of power failure,administration of power supply has organized 34 name electric power rushing to repair Young Pioneer having entered a mountain. Young Pioneer use chopper to split a road at 9 o'clock in the morning, the circuit being pulling a 510 meters goes ahead. The halfway several Young Pioneer foot is split the stump thorn breaking having bled , may one not flinch, eat on they even not having taken care of food and drinks, having been quenched one's thirst by snow , have used 9 have finally put up up wire , electric current much hour, leading to Ning Hai County power failure country smoothly. 2 months , Ji An City Shi Jiao Qu electric power companies are rich after the beach electrified wire netting is happened by grievous injury , the condition of a disaster , elder Zheng Xiao Jin of rich beach

administration of power supply, leads one propping up electric power rushing to repair a team in person , he pounds ice with upper tree waiting for sweated labour to grasp on self. On February 2, Zheng Xiao Jin discovers one wire having been pressed by upper ice and snow of tree , this tree is 10 meters taller than, fall down there being life danger, but his being in the van of one's officers and men right away, the in person upper tree pounds ice , finally making that gleam restore current supply is regular.

But he returns to 39 degree discovering self high fever just now many, the doctor suggests his infusion day, he thinks electric power has not returned to normal yet , can afford no consideration to self state of illness thereupon,can't draw an employee entire sparing no effort to go all out , make Ji An City be advanced for three day sending a telegram here , let more than 3,000 resident have used an electricity in eve the Spring Festival , accept bitterness of power failure no longer. The electric power event is middle in past rushing to repair , the guarantor electricity hero returns back to these not stopping, if Qi Dong county electric power bureau head Ai great, the manager of An Yuan county current supply company exercises Yong Ping county, because of the comrade Wu De Shun who rushes to repair glorious sacrifice of circuit's, … .

Rush to repair middle not only in electric power living Lei Feng having such , can't have a fine people and fine deeds a lot of in our campus. Keep the schoolmate who has once , our shift several to live distant in memory because of the road coming has gone up and down a downpour, the shoes has all wet out clothes and trousers , upper lot of shift has given up self cotton-padded clothes cotton-padded trousers shoes to a schoolmate be in the same school in numerous and confused provision have on, the moment warms in the classroom the friendship having warmed every schoolmate's heart , schoolmates up is deeper.

Still have once , our walking on the main street , see one child over have fallen , have several adults to go over soon right away, start him having been leant on. A old people needs to cross street , two pupil of wayside leans on an old people having crossed street on self's own initiative.

Be to mimic Lei Feng needing to compose up from at one's side minor matter Oh. Who said Lei Feng having already died? This every guarantor electricity hero , the students who this are generous in giving help, they are obviously our model? Are they obviously new generation Lei Feng? In fact, go and composing as long as we are attentive , be therefore likely to there is more living Lei Feng appearing by us. Thank everybody!

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  My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye,but when it comes to my study he is very strict.

  Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help,I have been doing well in my studies.

  My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them.

  One day,a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

  My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man,but now he is living in another city with my aunt.

  We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.





  Deng Yaping,28,is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.She comes from Henan Province.

  At the age of 4,she began to play ping-pong under her father's instructions. When she was 8 years old,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school.

  In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another,including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games' Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games.

  Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height,which is her disadvantage.

  However,she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will,there is a way.



  Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

  She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often says,“Practice makes perfect.”

  She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English play.

  She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.

  Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.





  My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong. Therefore,I could face difficulties.

  When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise.

  Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties. But whenever I was frustrated,my mother's eyes always gave me hope and encouragement. Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons.

  Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better. At last I overcame the difficulty.

  Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mother's eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.





1. 介绍人的英语作文

2. 高考英语人物作文范文

3. 高中人物描写英语作文范文4篇

4. 关于写人的英语作文

5. 我心目中的成功人士英语作文6篇



  看看满分 英语 作文 长啥样,不断模仿练习背诵,相信你的英语作文也能得满分!我在这整理了相关资料,希望能帮助到您。

   高一英语 作文万能 句子

  1) ……in general/above all/with the result that/as a


  2) As far as I am concerned/as for me,……

  3) This truth above seems to be self-evident.

  4) Whether we examine the ……above,such things can happens anywhere anytime to anyone.

  5) In my point of view,I like/prefer A much more than B.

  6) I still prefer A,however,for they teach me not only to be ……but also to be…… ,both in ……and in……

  7) There is no doubt that……

  8) In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should efforts to……

  9) To a large extent,……,therefore,reflects……

  10) If all above mentioned measures are achieved,……



  There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.

  2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

  There is an old saying______. It's the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

  3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

  Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.

  4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

  Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

  5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

  Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.


  1.A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是...

  2.As is often the case...由于通常情况下...

  3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

  4.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以……

  5.But it's a pity that... 但遗憾的是…


  【作文一】话题:朋友(Unit 1 Friendship)

  假设你是吴东 , 你在网上认识了一个美国朋友 Jack, 他来信向你诉说交朋友的烦恼 , 他要求你就 friendship 这个话题发表你的观点和看法并给他一些建议。于是你根据你所了解的情况 , 给他回了一封 e-mail 。

  [ 写作内容 ]

  1. 友谊是每个人生活中最重要的事情之一 , 没有朋友 , 人会孤独的。

  2. 多与朋友交流 , 让朋友知道你想与他交朋友以及你对朋友和友谊的理解。

  3. 真正的朋友应该同甘共苦。

  4. 邀请朋友参加一些活动如 游泳 、球赛等 , 赢得真正的友谊。

  Dear Jack,

  I'm glad to have received your e-mail but I am sorry you are having some trouble in making friends.

  In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life because without friends we will suffer loneliness. If you would like to take my advice, you'll win real friendship. First, why not communicate with your friend when possible and tell him/her what you think about friends and friendship and let him/her know that you want to make friends with him/her. Secondly, you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you like to invite him/her to join in some activities such as swimming and ball games, which can make you learn to appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship.

  I hope you will find these opinions and ideas useful. Best wishes!


  Wu Dong

  【作文二】话题:英语(Unit 2 English around the world)

  假设你是李华 , 你所在学校拟在下周开一个 " 如何高效地 学习英语 " 的讲座。请你根据以下要点给史密斯教授写一封信 , 邀请他给学生做这次讲座。

  信的内容包括 :

  讲座目的 : 让学生了解 英语学习 策略

  讲座内容 : 如何高效学习英语 , 如何提高学习英语的兴趣 , 如何自主学习

  讲座时间 : 1 小时 30 分钟左右。

  参考词汇 : 策略 strategy

  Dear Professor Smith,

  Our school is planning to have a lecture on how to learn English effectively for middle school students next week and I'm writing to ask you to come and give a talk on English learning strategies. It will help us understand how to learn English in effective ways and also increase our interest in learning it, thus making us learn it actively. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough for such a lecture? Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.

  Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the lecture.

  Best wishes.


  Li Hua

  【作文三】话题:英语(Unit2 English around the world)

  写一篇题为 How I Overcome Difficulties in Learning English 的英语短文。写作任务:你是怎样克服困难学好英语的?①你在英语学习中有哪些困难? ②你是如何克服这些困难的?

  审题构思 注意以下几点:

  1. 存在的困难。在短文的第一段就应该写出“我”在英语学习中存在的问题,比如受家乡话发音的影响,/r/音和/l/音不分; 记忆力 差,很难扩大词汇量;阅读速度慢,不能在规定的时间内把试题做完等。

  2. 采取的 措施 。在第二段中,要简单说明“我”是如何克服这些困难的。如通过勤学苦练,尝试 其它 不同的 学习 方法 ,或者向老师、同学等寻求帮助等等。

  3. 说明的方法。我们可运用举例说明法,把学习中的困难和解决的办法列出来。

  4. 心得与体会。唐僧师徒四人历尽磨难终于取得真经,那么当你成功地克服了英语学习中的困难后,必定也会充满成就感, 总结 出 心得体会 。何不简要点出来与各位朋友分享呢?

  I had many difficulties when I started to learn English. Since I come from Chaoshan District, I could not tell / r / from / l /. Because they sound exactly the same in my dialect, I had great difficulty in telling “right” from “light”. My poor memory was another challenge for me when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. I could only remember the English words for a while.

  In order to tell the slight difference between / r / and / l /, I forced myself to practice a lot every day. Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself of the difference between “right” and “light” as well as “read” and “lead”. At first I felt it rather unnatural, but soon I got used to speaking in this way. As for my poor memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other ways. Finally I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their syllables and pronunciation.

  This is how I succeeded in overcoming the difficulties in learning English and now I have a stronger belief in the proverb that where there is a will, there is a way.

  【作文四】话题:英语(Unit2 English around the world)

  假定你是一名高中生,一次一位外国朋友问你,除了在学校学习英语之外还有什么其它途径练习英语。请你根据提示用英语(词数: 100左右)写出你参加“英语角” 的情况。

  提示:1. 英语角” 于两年前成立,许多中学生参加,有时也有些大学生和外国友人来此。

  2. 活动时间:每周六上午。

  3. 活动内容:练习 英语口语 ,谈论大家共同感兴趣的事情,交流学习英语的 经验 等。

  4. 谈你参加此项活动的体会。

  参考词汇:“英语角”:English corner

  I’m a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. I’ve learned a lot.

  I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is really a great help to me.

  【作文五】话题:旅行(Unit3 Travel journal)


  1. 你以前从未去过北京,请他当向导,带你参观长城,颐和园和其它名胜;

  2. 想住在他家里,以便聊聊彼此的生活和学习;

  3. 问候他的父母。


  1. 词数 100左右;开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数

  2. 颐和园 the Summer Palace

  Dear Li Hong,

  I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time. How have you been these days?

  During the coming winter vacation, I’m going to Beijing for a tour. As I have never been to Beijing before, I’d like you to be my guide. I hope you can show me around the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and some other places of interest. What’s more, during my visit I hope to stay together with you in your house so that we can have a good talk about our life and studies. What do you think of my idea? I would like to know your opinion.

  Please give my best regards(问候) to your parents.

  Yours sincerely,

  Liu Ming

  【作文六】话题:自然(Unit4 Earthquakes)


  要点如下:1. 简述人类对大自然的依赖。

  2. 随着人类的发展,生态平衡遭到破坏,人类生存的环境受到严重污染。人类正在受到大自然的惩罚。

  3. 我们要善待自然,自然也会关照我们。


  Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural food. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood.

  However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air and soil have been badly polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely. As a result, man is being punished by nature. Many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution.

  We should treat nature well and she will look after us.

  【作文七】话题:自然(Unit4 Earthquakes)

  假设你叫李华,你从报纸上得知世界上8种熊中有6种面临灭绝的危险,人类活动是造成熊类濒危的主要原因。你决定给世界野生生物基金会(WWF)写信反映这一情况、提出你的建议,并希望基金会采取行动对熊类予以保护。参考词汇:熊类bear species

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I’ve learned from a newspaper that six of eight bear species in the world are dying out. Scientists say that humans are their biggest threat because some parts of bears are very expensive as medicine. That’s one of the reasons why bears are often killed. In addition, many habitats of bears are being destroyed as a result of human activities, so bears are losing their homes.

  To save bears, I think more reserves for bears should be set up so that they can live freely there. Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing bears. Please give a hand to the endangered bears. They need help to survive.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  【作文八】话题:人物(Unit5 Nelson Mandela – a modern hero)

  在 教师节 前夕, 由你以“My Beloved Teacher”为题写一篇英语短文赞扬你所敬爱的老师。

  提示:李老师,51岁,男,高一时教你班物理。他对工作认真负责,对同学严格要求,耐心辅导,在他的帮助下,你很快赶上了班上其他同学。 词数:100左右。

  Mr. Li is one of my beloved teachers.

  He taught us physics when we were in Senior One. He was old but he taught very well. He could make his class lively and interesting. Mr.Li made good preparations for his lessons and was strict with us,too. I used to be poor in physics. Mr.Li helped me with my lessons very patiently.

  Thanks to his help and hard work, I made good progress and caught up with the class. Teachers’Day is coming. I wish him healthy and happy!



  1. 成员中有三名男生和两名女生,均喜欢流行音乐与 现代舞 蹈。

  2. 每周周末排练是否足够?初期演唱的音乐宜多元化还是一种风格?

  3. 怎样获得较多的表演机会?

  4. 希望他能为乐队取个名字。

  Dear Mr. Cousins,

  Since you are a well-known musician, I’m writing this e-mail to ask you for some advice on how to form a band.

  I, together with two boys and two girls in different classes in our school, want to form a band. We are all fond of pop music and modern dance. I’d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different styles to start with. And is it enough to practise only at weekends? How can we get more chances to perform?

  We’d appreciate it if you would come up with a name for our band. Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


  在我们国家,人们庆祝丰收的节日是 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival),请写一篇120词左右的短文向外国朋友介绍一下这个传统节日。

  We Chinese celebrate our harvest festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, on the 15th of August (lunar month).

  The special food for this festival is mooncakes, so people also call this festival Moon Festival. Mooncakes are something like pies. There are different kinds of mooncakes, some have fruit in them, some have nuts in them, and even some have meat in them. All of them are delicious.

  Just like Christmas and Thanksgiving in the West, it’s one of the most important and traditional events for us Chinese. It is also a time for family members to get together. Children come back home to have dinner with their parents. This night, the moon is round and bright. People enjoy the full moon, which is considered as a symbol of the harmony and luck.

高一英语作文万能句子与作文 范文 10篇相关 文章 :

1. 高一英语作文范文10篇

2. 高一英语作文万能句子及翻译

3. 高一英语作文通用句子大全

4. 高一期末英语作文万能句子

5. 高一考试英语作文万能结尾句子

6. 初三英语作文10个万能句型与精美范文

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以上就是关于英语作文万能例子人物,中国励志人物素材的全部内容,以及英语作文万能例子人物 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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