



  我的爱好是画画英语作文 篇1

  When my parents are busy with their work I will stay aside drawing. I like drawing my family. I like drawing my parents holding my hands to send me to school. I also like drawing fruit because they are delicious.


  我的爱好是画画英语作文 篇2

  I have many hobbies such as reading writing singing drawing watching TV and doing exercise. I think hobbies can make my life colorful. And I can make friends easier because we have common interests and we have many things to talk about. Besides having some hobbies can bring knowledge to me. For example reading is a good way to get knowledge. I can not learn all from class so reading can bring me other knowledge. Singing and drawing are skills. They can help me to improve myself.


  我的爱好是画画英语作文 篇3

  After school my biggest hobby is painting.

  When I was young I love painting what big plane big ship small house I can draw it out. I started with a thin paper over the book. After that I began to learn. Gradually design draw a variety of cute little animals. Until now I have been able to draw a more difficult. Like a book a man a tiger.

  To say that the most interesting thing is to draw a picture with the best young students. Festival they always chattering Like a bird as arguing that let me to paint them so I would like a little painter side clamping huaga. While teases them: "posed must want to smile! Or draw you into a bad boy cry!" They believe hastened to pretend to smile appearance I will seize the opportunity to their innocent "smile" are "close" into a painting. They see my paintings happy to dance with joy I will feel the fun of painting from.

  Until now I know painting is an indispensable part of my life.

  我的爱好是画画英语作文 篇4


  Ive loved drawing since I was little.

  有一次,我爷爷画啦一副母鸡给小鸡找虫子的画,我看啦,觉得很好看。就想,如果我也能画一副这样的画,该多好呀!我就对爷爷说:“我要学画画‘’。爷爷教我先勾轮廓,再涂色。我画啦鱼 ,竹子,宝塔,小猫,小兔子,大树,冰激凌,赛龙舟……

  Once, my grandfather drew a picture of a hen looking for worms for chickens. I saw it and thought it was very beautiful. Just think, if I can draw such a picture, how nice! I said to my grandfather, "I want to learn to draw.". Grandpa taught me to draw the outline before painting. I drew fish, bamboo, pagoda, cat, rabbit, tree, ice cream, Dragon Boat Race


  Growing up, I want to be a painter. I want to paint buildings, clothes, furniture, flowers, everything beautiful.


"I have a great many hobbies, but my favourite is painting. I attend a painting class introduced by a classmate . I have painted oil paintings, sketches, literary sketches, etc. I really like drawing cartoons.Although not drawing ,I like drawing very much. With my classmates,I have got into plant house for painting those plants. Would you like painting?"


Hello . My name is XXX , I am 12 . I am good at 画画 I like 画画 very much. Do you know?


  My hobby paint
  I like drawing, I remember once , my three-year-old year , I drew a line on paper , it proudly to his mother, saying : "Mom, you look at my design of the bridge collapse . " Mom listen after I paint very talented , so I signed up for painting classes at the Children's Palace . With age my painting level is getting higher and higher , from the Junior class to the international class . Mom and Dad often bought me books related to painting . I often according to the handsome guy in the ads above the painting , I sometimes holding the camera look good on TV picture photographed according to the painting . Slowly in my head something more , you can imagine , drawn can be nice !
  I have won many awards, medals : National Children's Painting Competition first prize, first prize in the Sifang District Crystal Cup , mainly to the 2008 Olympic Games draw the second prize , " Tong seeing Qingdao" Painting Competition silver medal, how kind of very powerful ! I liked to draw . Because it is free to imagine , no requirements . Because he did not want the job of the school the written Gonggongzhengzheng , like how to draw how to draw . This is my hobby - painting, you like it ?

以上就是关于画画是我的爱好英语作文,我的爱好是画画英语作文的全部内容,以及画画是我的爱好英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2023年01月15日11时42分22秒
下一篇 2023年01月15日11时46分19秒


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