Mary起床几点英语 ,mary早晨起床迟了用英语怎么说


玛丽常常五点起床,但她明天打算六点起床。 Mary usually get up at five o 'clock, but she is going to get up at six tomorrow. 。这个星期天你打算做什么 What are you going to do this Sunday ? 补充: 玛丽 常常五点起床,但她明天打算六点起床。 Mary usually gets up at five o 'clock, but she is going to get up at six tomorrow. 。这个星期天你打算做什么 What are you going to do this Sunday 你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你


Mary will get up at six o'clock tomorrow, and go to school after having her breakfast. (这部分要用一般将来时,根据语义)Her home is three kilometers away from the school. It usually takes thirty minutes to school by bike, and sometimes she takes bus to school. Mary goes to home from school at five o'clock in the afternoon. She does her homework from eight to half past nine in the evening, and goes to bed at ten o'clock.(这部分用一般现在时,表示平时的状态)


Mary gets up early every morning to get to school on time.或 Mary gets up early every morning in order not to be late for school.


When does Marry usually get up?

以上就是关于Mary起床几点英语 ,mary早晨起床迟了用英语怎么说的全部内容,以及Mary起床几点英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年05月13日10时16分41秒
下一篇 2022年05月13日10时26分59秒


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