消防安全知识英语版内容 ,消防三提示翻译成英文



  Fire is merciless, fire prevention is the first.
  Cherish life, keep away from fire.
  Danger, prevent trouble before it happens.
  Fire does not prevent fire.
  All fire, a safe.
  The hotel is my home, and fire protection depends on everyone.
  Cherish life, focus on fire.
  Focus on fire, cherish life.
  The school is my home, fire prevention, everybody catch.
  Stay away from fire, and live happily ever after.
  Caution fireworks, happy family.
  Careless fire taboo.
  Attention to fire, protect my home.
  Half the thief burnt the fire.
  Pay attention to fire, cherish your home.
  Fire safety responsibility.
  Throw cigarette butts at random, safe hidden advantages.



Fire hydrant 消防栓
If there is a fire, you break it and use it to escape.


英语小报内容资料 四年级

中华人民共和国消防法 Fire Prevention Law of the Peoples Republic of China
Fire Prevention I 防火 (ZT)
Part 1 The Pyromaniac 纵火狂
Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1
Tom: Want to help me build a matchstick house?
Tina: Uh, where did you learn how to do that?
Tom: Some friends at school taught me.
Tina: It's amazing what you kids are learning in school these days.
Tom: It's really fun, and it'll look really cool when I set it on fire.
Tina: Are you crazy? It could burn the house down!
Tom: Don't worry. I wouldn't burn it inside.
1. 对话中,Tina下班回到家发现儿子Tom在玩火柴,还想让她帮忙一起搭一个火柴棒屋,match表示“火柴”,而matchstick则是指“火柴杆,火柴棍”。
2. Tina觉得很奇怪,Tom这是从哪里学来的呀?原来是Tom在学校的一些朋友教他的。现在小孩子在学校学的东西还真叫人惊讶,竟然学怎么玩火柴。
3. Tom告诉Tina,搭火柴房子很好玩,特别是搭好后放火烧掉的时候,看起来很酷。set sth on fire 表示“点火,放火,纵火”,比如说,He set the whole apartment on fire. 他把整个屋子都点着了。
4. Tina吓坏了,难道儿子疯了吗?这样会把整个房子都给烧着的。burn down 表示“烧毁,烧为平地”。Tom说不要害怕,他不会在房子里面烧的。男孩子就是比较大胆。
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Tina: Did you soak the match tips in water first?
Tom: No. Why would I want to do that?
Tina: They could catch on fire if you don't soak them!
Tom: I'm not going to strike them or anything.
Tina: But still, you could probably set them off if you weren't careful. Better safe than sorry.
Tom: So when are we going to set off all our old firecrackers?
Tina: When there's not a drought! We might get arrested if we did it now.
1. Tina问Tom有没有先把火柴棍的头放在水里浸一下。Tom不明白为什么要这样做,Tina解释说如果不把火柴头弄湿,就可能会着火。catch on fire 表示“着火,起火”,比如说,How did the newspaper catch on fire? 报纸怎么着起火来了呢?
2. Tom觉得根本没有必要这么做,因为他又不会把火柴划着,strike a match表示“划火柴”。
3. 虽然是这样,也许一不小心就会点燃火柴,还是有备无患好。Tina说But still, you could probably set them off if you weren't careful. but still 表示“就算是这样”。 当你想要说服对方的时候,先说but still认同对方的观点,然后再陈述自己的观点来说服对方。我们用一个对话来作例子,---Louis only wants to go to Italy. ---I know, but still, maybe I could change his mind. ---Louis一心只想去意大利。---我知道,就算是这样,也许我会让他改变心意。
4. Tina还说了一句,Better safe than sorry. 有备无患。Better safe than sorry.这句话字面上来看是“小心总比后悔好”的意思,可以用来劝告对方及早准备,未雨绸缪,有备无患就不会有遗憾的事情发生。我们还是用一个对话来作例子,---Should I bring along the address? ---Better safe than sorry. ---我应该带上地址吗?---有备无患。这时Tom又拿出了一串鞭炮,问他们什么时候去放鞭炮呢?set off firecrackers 就表示“放鞭炮”。
5. Tina说只能在没有干旱的时候,如果现在放的话警察就会逮捕他们,可能现在正是干旱的季节,所以Tina才会这么说。Tom真是一刻也闲不下来。
Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3
Tom: We could go set them off on the beach. No one would mind.
Tina: But they could fly the wrong way and start a big blaze.
Tom: I guess so. But we could just call the fire department then.
Tina: Wouldn't it be better not to start the fire in the first place?
Tom: But a fire would be fun to watch.
Tina: My son, the pyromaniac. Well, just remember to be careful, OK? I have to go fix the dinner now.
Tom: Don't worry about me, Mommy.
1. Tom说他们可以在海滩上放鞭炮,没有人会介意的,也不会有人发现,就不会逮到他们了。Tina害怕这些鞭炮会飞错方向,引起一场大火灾,start a big blaze,blaze表示“火焰,火灾”。
2. Tom说这也可能,不过到时候如果真的发生火灾,他们再打电话叫消防队不就行了。fire department 表示“消防队,消防部门”。这可让Tina哭笑不得,火灾可不是闹着玩的,一开始就别引起火灾不是更好吗?
3. in the first place 表示“在一开始的时候就...”,可以用来强调,告诉对方应该在最开始的时候就完成或者注意到某件事情。比如说,---The food here is terrible. ---Don't tell me. I didn't want to come here in the first place. ---这里的东西难吃死了。---别跟我说,我一开始就不想来这里。
4. 可是Tom觉得看火很好玩,气得Tina叫他纵火狂,pyromaniac,是“纵火狂”的意思。Tina得开始做晚饭了,让Tom玩的时候小心一点,Tom也让Tina不要担心他。可是他这样怎能不让人担心呢,不知道以后还会发生什么状况。
Part 2 The Fire Extinguisher 灭火器
Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1
Lisa: Daddy, where's our fire extinguisher?
Jack: Oh. I lent it to the neighbor last week.
Lisa: You mean we don't have one around the house?
Jack: I'm going to go buy a new one any day now.
Lisa: You mean we don't have one right now?
Jack: No, not right now. Why are you asking about this anyway?
Lisa: We've been studying fire safety at school. My teacher would give you detention if she found out!
Jack: I guess it's a good thing I;m not in school anymore.
1. 对话中,Lisa问Jack问家里有没有灭火器,灭火器的说法是 fire extinguisher。Jack上周把灭火器借给邻居了。Lisa说那就是家里现在没有灭火器了。
2. 这可把Jack给问住了,他只好说很快就会去买一个新的。I'm going to go buy a new one any day now. any day now表示“随时”。字面的意思看是“从现在开始的任何一天”。实际上是用委婉的方式表达“不是今天,不是现在”,而是“之后”的任何一天都有可能,当然也可能暗指“没有这一天”。比如说,---I should hear something back from the company any day now. ---Well, good luck. ---公司应该随时会给我回音。---嗯,祝你好运。
3. Jack不明白为什么Lisa不停地追问灭火器的事情。Lisa说他们在学校一直在学习防火安全的知识,如果他们老师发现家里没有灭火器的话,她就会罚Jack留校察看,不让他回家。detention表示“放学后不准回家,留校察看”。比如说,He was given two hours' detention yesterday.他昨天被罚留校两个小时。detention 还可以表示“滞留,拘留”。Jack很庆幸自己已经不在学校念书了,老师管的还真严。
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Lisa: This is serious, Daddy. We could all die!
Jack: So what exactly did your teacher say about fire safety?
Lisa: We should have smoke detectors and sprinklers in every room. Fire extinguishers, too.
Jack: Aren't you getting a little carried away?
Lisa: You don't care if we all die in a big scary fire?
Jack: Of course I do. I just think you're worrying a little bit too much.
Lisa: I'm going to tell my teacher on you!
1. Lisa让爸爸严肃一点,火灾的事情可不是拿来开玩笑的,处理不好的话,他们都有可能在火灾中丧生的。Jack觉得很好奇,到底学校的老师说什么了,他们到底该怎么做呢?
2. Lisa说他们应该在每个房间安装烟雾探测器和洒水器,就是smoke detector和sprinkler。Jack觉得Lisa是不是有点走火入魔了?carry away这个词组表示“深受影响,失去理智”。我们来举个例子,比如说,He always gets carried away when watching basketball on TV.他一看电视中的篮球比赛就兴奋不已。
3. Lisa觉得认真一点没有什么不好,难道Jack不怕全家人在可怕的大火中丧生吗?Jack当然会很小心,他只是觉得Lisa有点担心过度了。
4. Lisa觉得Jack还是真么心不在焉,就威胁他说要去跟老师告状。tell sb on sb else 表示“跟某人告别人的状,揭发某人”,比如说,Peter caught his brother smoking and told mom on him. Peter发现他哥哥吸烟,就告诉了妈妈。

英语小报内容资料 四年级


Fire cause person casualties's two main aspects: one is the smoke gas suffocation, 2 is a flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or reduce the two harm, can protect their safety and limit the damage. Therefore, grasp the gist, save some fire dilemma maybe could acquire second life.
1. Fire self-help, always keep your eyes open for escape road
Each person to oneself work, study or living building structure and escapes the path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the structures within the fire control facilities and self-rescue escape method. So, when the fire broke out, won't back's against the wall. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation passageway and safety exports and stair azimuth, etc. To key time away from the scene as soon as possible.
2. Extinguish fire small, benefit others and themselves
When when there is a fire, if the fire is not big, and who had yet to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguisher, fire hydrant facilities will be small fire control and extermination. Don't panic to yell, or buy others scurrying about in disregard and self-centered "glide path", or buy small fire had inflicted on lead.
3. Caught fire, keep calm speed evacuated
Suddenly faced with smoke and fire, must keep calm, rapid judgment dangerous place and safe place to escape, decided to evacuate XianDe as soon as possible. Don't blindly follow crowds and mutual crowded, disorderly ran rampant. Only cool, can a good idea.
4. The danger, cherish life as soon as possible, mozambican themselves
At the site, life expensive than money. The danger, escape is heavy, must race against time, remember not money.
5. Leave quickly, crawl mo standing
In from the site, when the smoke and sight is not clear, was choking you are suffocatively come, don't stand walking, should quickly climbed on the ground or squat down, in order to seek escape route.
6. Use channel, mo into the elevator go blind alley
When there is a fire, besides can use stair safety export outside, still can use the balcony, windowsill buildings, skylight etc climbed the security site, or around BiLeiXian etc..., along the building structure that in my slide protruding.
7. Fireworks besieged, hedge adherence to wisely
When escape routes cut and a short time when no rescue, can adopt find or create shelter, adherence to the kind of way. First should meet the doors and Windows, fire securing the doors and Windows, fire open back with wet towel, wet cloth soaked with water chink or blockage covered Windows, then quilt keep water drenching room, prevent fireworks infiltration, adherence to aid.
8. Jump to leading cunning, no harm to the body
Has many people choose to jump off a building fire escape. Jumped to also want to speak skills, jump into lifesaving should as far as possible when jumping or choose to have central air cushion pool, soft rain canopy, meadow direction jump; If possible, try to embrace some quilts, sofa cushion loose items or open big umbrella jumped off the to slow down wallop.
9. Fire and oneself, on-site stampedes roll mo
The fire fall his clothes on fire, should hurriedly try to take off clothes or on-site roll around, pressure fire-extinguishing seedlings; Can promptly jumped into the water or let a person to water, spray fire-extinguishing agent on more effective.
10. The danger, self-help mo forget save others
Anyone find a fire, should call 119 "phone as soon as possible in time to cry for help, fire brigade newspaper. The children and LaoRuoBingCanZhe fire, they I do not have or lost self-help ability, the other people present except self-rescue outside, still should actively salvage they escaped as soon as possible. 火灾致人伤亡的两个主要方面:一是浓烟毒气窒息,二是火焰的烧伤和强大的热辐射。只要能避开或降低这两种危害,就可以保护自身安全,减轻伤害。因此,多掌握一些火场自救的要诀,困境中也许就能获得第二次生命。


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