1.not only....but also ....举个例子,Not only did smoking have bad effects on the smokers, but also has influences on people surrounding them.
2.Under no circumstance/by no means这里我们结合 作文 题目来练习这种倒装句型。例如,Do you agree or disagree :students should take part-time jobs when in school .要表达我们不应该忽视兼职为学生带来的益处。大家先来看一种正常语序表达:we should not overlook the benefit brought by the part-time job .我们可以稍加改造让 句子 更优化一点。把under no circumstance 放在句首:Under no circumstance should we lose sight of the benefit brought by the part-time job.改造后的句子是不是比原始的句子更高大上了呢?
3.So ....that 倒装So cold the weather that we had to stay at home. So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 上面两个例子比较简单,同学们可以针对作文话题,套用此结构。
Equally important is to minimize the costs in order to keep our company functioning well.与某某事情相比,减少开支对维持公司正常运转同样重要。
5.Only + ····做状语位于句首例如:要控制解决 儿童 肥胖问题只能这样做。拿到这句话大家第一反应是如何翻译的呢?是不是就像下面这样:We should control the problem of children obesity effectively in this way .但是用倒装句来包装一下:only in this way can the problem of children obesity be controlled effectively.
Eg: Some people claim that government should be mainly responsible for the environmental pollution.一些人认为政府应对环境污染负主要责任。
1.原因状语从句常由because, as, since和for引导。2013年托福考试写作题型解读托福临考前复习,1月12日首场托福,Eg: Nonetheless, I am still in favor of space travel, for its merits far outweigh demerits.尽管如此,我还是赞成太空探险,因为它的好处远远大于坏处。
2.让步状语从句常由although, though, even though/ if, as long as和not with standing引导Eg: Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明 教育 能够在任何地点、任何年龄进行。
3.条件状语从句常由if, on the condition that和providing that引导Eg: If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared.假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。
4.时间状语从句常由when和while引导Eg: When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。
5.目的状语从句常由so that和in order that引导Eg: Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.成千上万的人们不得不花费的精力和时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们在就业市场能保持优势。
Eg: It is cars and factories that release a great deal of gases, polluting the environment.汽车和工厂排放大量的废气,使得环境被污染。
Eg: What has caught our attention is /It is noticeable that the environment in both the rural and urban areas is deteriorating.值得注意的是农村和城市的生态环境都在不断恶化。
最常用的一种句型之一。适当地运用定语从句可以给你的 文章 增色不少。例如,下面的这两个句子用上定语从句马上就变成了一个漂亮的复杂句。Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex.改变后:Bad books, in which there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex, contain evil thoughts.
It is + 被强调的内容 + thatEg: It is cars and factories that release a great deal of gases, polluting the environment.汽车和工厂排放大量的废气,使得环境被污染
Eg: Only if the government will take some appropriate measures, will this intractable problem be tackled.只有政府采取适当的 措施 ,这个棘手的问题才能被解决。
Eg: Every means should be tried to protect the environment on which people live.人们应竭尽全力来保护我们赖以生存的环境。
包括现在分词和过去分词。Eg: Tourism, which is a rising industry, has become the major source of economy, playing crucial role in many Asian countries.旅游业是一个新兴的行业,它成为经济的主要在很多东南亚国家起着尤为重要的作用。
一种独立成分,与句子的 其它 成分一般没有语法上的关系。大都是对一句话作一些附加说明或解释。它通常由一个词、一个 短语 或一个句子构成位置较为灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。Eg: Computer, an indispensable part in our life, has brought us great conveniences.电脑,我们生活中必不可少的一部分,给我们带来了极大的方便。
让步段落 +重申自己坚持原观点
Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to _ (ex:people's success) as _ (ex: education).Despite various responses people may have on the topic that _ ( ex:which thing should the education aim at).I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that _ (ex:preparing for careers should have primary consideration.)
Asked what...will do to ..., some _ (ex:teachers) may answer: _ . Admittedly, _ plays a vital part in _ (ex:person’s success and happiness).But actually, I think that...
适用于agree or disagree的问题 。
Adj(Marvelous) as it looks at first sight, _ (ex:modern technology) does not _ (ex:help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency ) in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led _ (ex:students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.)
一上来直接问题的转述:__ (ex:Can we know a person through the types of friends he has)?
当然,可以转述为 Asked whether_ x,
Different people will give different answers to this question from their own characters, emotional concerns and even educational backgrounds.However, when it comes to me, I firmly believe that...
这个适用于所有问题。。观点对比型(live in small town or live in big city?)
甚至来个简单的, I support the idea that...
+To better illustrate my point of view, I list several reasons as follows.
支持段落1:To begin with,.... 中间需要举例一下:For instance,
支持段落2:Furthermore,... 中间有需要的话再举例一下 There is no better illustration than the example of...
支持段落3,:没有让步段落了就 Last but not the least, 有让步段落就 In addition,...
让步段落:Admittedly, Granted, I tend to agree(concede) that: in some cases(conditions), it may be true that....These cases, however, are rare and therefore are too weak to convince me to walk away from my position .
(When the advantages and disadvantages of X and Y are carefully examined, the most striking conclusion is obvious that…… ) I still firmly believe that.
All in all, for the reasons listed above, we can safely conclude that...
1. 用倒装句写篇英语作文
do i need to move out to renting house ?to the qustion whether i should move out the school or not, hardly to decide i am. most people think it 's harm to study. but , i think by this ,i can get away from the stressful environment. lazy as i am, i think i it's better for me than living in school. because i maybe waste much time doing others. if my parents acpany me , i 'll save much time and improve my study, so am i .。
2. 写一篇关于《反悔》的作文300字
3. 倒装句怎么写
Not a single word did I say the whole night. 此句中时态为一般过去式,宾语为“not a”/“nothing”/“nobody”等引出,后面的主谓语倒装,在主语前加上一个与时态相符的助动词,这样就构成了一个部分倒装,你可以仔细研究下几个句子,模仿一下,应该没问题。
以此类推,Many bargains had he picked up there.(他在那里做成了不少交易)此句为过去完成时,也是将助动词“had”提前到主语前面,为部分倒装。
On your left is the house.
Only in this way can we learn english well.这句就是将情态动词"can"放在了主语“we”的前面。
There goes the last bus.
4. 劝说作文300字
有一次,由于爸爸去出差,妈妈在我的“耍赖”之下,只好答应带我去她那个朋友家玩。来到她朋友家,只见她的“麻友”早已迫不及待了:有的看电视;有的看杂志;……见我妈来了,都立刻停止了手上的工作,埋怨起妈妈为什么来这么晚……埋怨一结束,麻将桌上立刻响起来“优美”的音乐,伴随着时而“和了”的大笑,成了一首“麻将进行曲”,我在这“优美”音乐的“熏陶”下,“翩翩起舞”(看电视时我会忘了一切,会随着电视手舞足蹈)……到了6个小时(有点夸张)后,我的肚子也觉得很饿了,加上看电视时间长了点,身心疲惫,眼睛模糊,那种痛苦的感觉我至今仍记忆犹新。我想:妈妈她们打了这么长时间的麻将,也该“歇活”了吧!于是,我来到妈妈的面前,可她因为太投入,居然没有发现我,终于,这盘麻将打完了,洗牌的时候,妈妈觉得有一个什么东西在她旁边(这是我后来听妈妈说的),她回过头来,只见她满脸惊讶,“你是什么时候来的?”这句话差点把我气了个半死,我强忍着呕吐,结结巴巴地对她说:“妈妈,我肚子好饿,该吃饭了吧?!”“我们不饿,你如果要吃饭,这里有方便面,你自己吃吧!我们还要等一会儿。”我因为天天吃方便面吃怕了,便冲着“我们还要等一会儿”这句话,做下来继续“翩翩起舞”。到了22点的时候,我实在是饿得受不了了,又来到妈妈面前,只见她兴致勃勃,丝毫没有饿的迹象,“妈,我……我饿得受不了了。”“我们不饿。”“我饿得受不了了。”“那你就去吃方便面。”妈妈连头都没抬的对我说。我没有办法,只好把那包“康师傅红烧牛肉面”吃了,吃得我直想呕吐(因为原来吃得太多)……24点了我想睡觉了,我再次来到妈妈身边,“妈妈,我想睡觉。”“睡就睡吧,找 *** 什么?”我没想到妈妈居然这样对我!我强忍着泪水,问妈妈:“那我睡哪儿?”“睡沙发上。别烦我了。”妈妈极为平静的说。我点了点头,而妈妈因为太投入,根本没有发现我的脸颊上滚落下来的泪珠。我当时真是恨透了麻将,想起以前看过的告诉家长们别打麻将的故事,此时此刻才真正理解这些文章的含义,麻将,正是由于你风靡全国,使多少家庭倾家荡产,妻离子散?麻将,正是由于你风靡全国,使多少有大好前途的青年为了你而毁于一旦?……当夜,我在诅咒麻将的咒语中而眠……
我现在真爱不打麻将的妈妈! 能给点分就好了,不过还是希望选我
5. 写一篇作文300字左右
6. 写物作文300字
7. 写信作文300字左右
8. 写状物作文300字
很多周日的下午,做完了作业,我和妈妈到院子里花坛边赏桂花. 远远的,我闻到了扑鼻的香气,一阵爽飒的风儿吹过,瞧,那一棵棵婆娑的桂花树,随风摇曳起来了。咦?那是什么?好似金色的蝴蝶,好似银色的彩带,缠绵的飘呀飘,飘落下来,飘到了地上,走到树下,我仰起头,桂花落在了我的脸上,轻轻的,细细的,带着花香,抚摸着我的脸,对我诉说着。
9. 作文300字
每一个人都在生活之中,而每一个人也无时无刻都不在生活,但在生活这本巨大的知识库中,它会告诉我们很多很多对我们走好自己的人生值得一用的事情。当我在读生活这本大知识库里,它告诉了我很多很多…… 在我们夏令营结束后回来的火车上,发生了这样一件事情: 当火车开动后,从另一个车厢里走进来了一位怀抱婴儿的妇女,走到我们跟前,对我们说:“你好!小朋友,你们能不能让我在这坐一下,我要哄我的孩子睡觉,好吗?”我听后二话没说,便让她坐下了,她则哄着孩子睡觉。可是,于老师这时生气的走了过来,对我们让位子给别人坐非常不应该。便训起了我们,我们则一动不动的不感吭声。当于老师走后,留给我们的则是失望,真是没有想到,在我们心目中地位这么高的于老师怎么会变成这样不讲情理了呢?在我失望之余,生活这本书告诉我,我们是对的,而且是永远。它告诉我,做一个人要懂得谦让与同情,因为只有这样才不会成为一位伪君子。不应该凡事都先为自己着想,而应该进一步的为别人着想,毛主席写的《纪念白求恩》,上面说的不是很好吗?为什么学了而不去让我们这样做呢?可是我总是坚信自己的选择,因为生活已经告诉了我这些。如果我不这样做,那么,别人会怎样看我呢?!! 在这趟列车上,发生了这样一件事,让我从心底里感到无比的敬佩。我们班同学坐的那个座位,正好是一个月以前,两个大学生早就定好的票,如果按老师那样想,难道他们就应该让座位给我们的班同学吗?他们可以让,也可以不让,但他们是怎么做出选择的呢?他们把座位让给了我们,为什么呢?因为他们知道,如果不让,别人会怎样看他们呢?不仅是为了这,也体现出了21世纪的高才生的素质是如何的好!!! 这就是生活要告诉我的……
1. 用倒装句写篇英语作文
do i need to move out to renting house ?to the qustion whether i should move out the school or not, hardly to decide i am. most people think it 's harm to study. but , i think by this ,i can get away from the stressful environment. lazy as i am, i think i it's better for me than living in school. because i maybe waste much time doing others. if my parents acpany me , i 'll save much time and improve my study, so am i .。
2. 倒装句怎么写
Not a single word did I say the whole night. 此句中时态为一般过去式,宾语为“not a”/“nothing”/“nobody”等引出,后面的主谓语倒装,在主语前加上一个与时态相符的助动词,这样就构成了一个部分倒装,你可以仔细研究下几个句子,模仿一下,应该没问题。
以此类推,Many bargains had he picked up there.(他在那里做成了不少交易)此句为过去完成时,也是将助动词“had”提前到主语前面,为部分倒装。
On your left is the house.
Only in this way can we learn english well.这句就是将情态动词"can"放在了主语“we”的前面。
There goes the last bus.
3. 语文中倒装句怎么写
这类句子,介词的宾语也是前置的。 例:孔文子何以谓之“文”也? “何以”是“以何”的倒装,可译为“为什么”。
2、主谓倒装 主谓倒装也叫谓语前置或主语后置。古汉语中。
3、定语后置 文言文中,定语的位置一般也在中心词前边,但有时为了突出中心词的地位,强调定语所表现的内容,或使语气流畅,往往把定语放在中心词之后。 第一种情况,、“中心词+后置定语+者”,如欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》中,“峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也”。
“亭翼然临于泉上”是“翼然临于泉上亭 ”的倒装,定语后置,可译为“一座像鸟儿张开翅膀一样高踞在泉上的亭子。” 第二中情况,“中心词+之+后置定语+者” 例:予谓菊,花之隐逸者也。
“花之隐逸者”是“隐逸之花”的倒装。可译为“具有隐逸气质的花” 。
4. 求几篇英语作文主要用倒装句的
My son,only can you turn to Baidu for help?Hard as English is,but only when you like it can you study it well.Never do I know what you ask this article for,but you need to have something of your own.I can give you some sentences of this kind,may you be *** art enough to imitate some on your own.
Here es the bus.
Hardly can he be late.
Never does she wear a new hat.
What are you?
There is a pen on the table.
Hope I can help you,my boy.
5. 把英语作文全篇尽量改成倒装句,跪求
A midterm exam will be there next week. Never have I been so nervous. Many excellent students are in our class. Zhang Yu can finish most homework correctly because he has made so much progress. Learning from him is what I decided. Every day I go home and I won't go to bed until I finish my homework and understand all the problems. I wouldn't be as anxious as I am now if I listened to the lecture early. I can succeed as long as I try. Never will I give up myself.
1.Halfway across the room, a small pistol in his hand, stood a man.
结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:stood.本句是完全倒装结构,按正常语序应该是:A small pistol in his hand, a man stood halfway across the room. 其中,a small pistol in his hand 是一个独立主格结构,修饰主语a man.
2.They do not seem to like one another very much, neither are they too keen on conventional people.
结构:全句有2个谓语动词:do和are.本句的后半部分是一个主谓倒装的单句,按正常语序应该是:They are neither too keen on conventional people. 注意neither指的是“(两个中的)一个都不”。
3.Down came the “white only” notices in buses, hotels, trains, restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on park benches that once could be found everywhere throughout the South.
结构:全句有2个谓语动词:came,could be.其中主句的是:came.按照正常语序 句子 主干应该是:The “white only” notices … came down. Notices后面的介词 短语 ,作为后置定语修饰notices.介词短语后面还有一个that引导的定语从句修饰notices.为了避免主语部分过于冗长,因而将主谓倒装。
4.Quite different is the outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February 1848.
结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:is.本句是一个完全倒装句,按照正常语序应该是:The outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February 1848, is quite different.介词短语like those of…作为后置定语修饰insurrections,其中为了省略而使用those 代替the insurrections.
5.Splendid is the architecture of Manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers.
结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:is.本句是一个完全倒装句。按照正常语序应该是:The architecture of Manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers, is splendid.
6.Especially popular were his Sunday evening dinners, usually followed by musical performances.
结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:were.本句是一个完全倒装句,按照正常语序应该是:His Sunday evening dinners, usually followed by musical performances, were especially popular. 过去分词短语followed by musical performances作为后置定语修饰dinners.
7.Only in recent years have women begun to catch up with men in this area.
结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:begun.本句是一个以only开头的主谓倒装句,按照正常语序应该是:Women have begun to catch up with men in this area only in recent years. Only在句中起强调作用,所强调的是in recent years.
8.Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket; most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.
结构:全句有2个谓语动词:was和would be.整句话由两个简单句构成,其中第一个简单句是一个完全倒装句,按照正常语序应该是:The idea of Saturday afternoon cricket was perhaps worse.
雅思写作 范文 :网络使我们失去交流能力
Task:More people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
Now you are benefiting from the use of mobile phone and the Internet as social interaction media, could you imagine what your daily lives would be without these inventions? Some people claim that individuals are gradually losing face-to-face communication skills. Nevertheless, from personal perspective, online communication cannot make people lose the ability of offline communication.
Apparently, excessive use of the Internet and mobile phones has been undermining our interpersonal relationship offline. Even during a face-to-face conversation, it is no rare thing that everyone is busy looking at his cell phones, neglecting his friends or families across the dinner table. In addition, it has become incredibly easy to contact each other electronically and share information instantly in social community. Gone are the days when people could only communicate via fixed telephone or writing letters which took several days to reach others. So no one is not crazy about smart phones and computers which boast cutting-edge functions like sharing photos and videos with more friends simultaneously.
In spite of the popularity of technological progress mentioned above, never should we turn a blind eye to the irreplaceablity of face-to-face communication. It is common that many schools impart knowledge to students by teaching in classrooms instead of distance education. The same is true of the cooperation among companies, which needs face to face conversation to acquire trust with each other in advance. Furthermore, although online contact may possess increasing numbers of friends, the permanence of mutual relationships cannot lack face-to-face interactions, which can be confirmed by the example of the closest friends and even loving couples. Besides, solving tricky issues are generally more effective and more convenient by surrounding colleagues or friends then by those who live and work in remote places and need online communication.
As far as social interaction is concerned, although the cell phone and the Internet have updated the lives of the current generation. People cannot forget how to make offline communication with each other.
(325 words)
Task:Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
Sample answer:
Unknown natural is always brimming with seductive scenery. Plenty of researchers and travelers make trips to distant natural places, such as the Mount Qomolangma, Antarctica and the North Pole. I am of the opinion that this has more disadvantages than advantages.
Discover of new areas always bring some irreparable destruction. Before the South Pole is in the sight of public, it was once an uncharted territory. Since its discovery, hundreds of explorers and scientists had taken adventures to this wilderness. At the same time, their scientific expedition may leave some geographical environment destruction there. And it is quite troublesome to make up such destruction.
Although travelers extremely enjoy the breathtaking natural landscape, they bring along tremendous risks. One of the most common phenomenon of travelers is producing pollution to local areas. As reported in many cases, holidaymakers have left behind tons of waste in the Antarctica over the last century. They will not only threaten the survival of many creatures, including endangered species such as penguins and seals, but also cause irreversible damage to the ecosystem.
In addition, we cannot avoid the fact that untouched environments are scientifically proved to have considerable oil and gas reserves. Currently, the world fuel supply is running out in the next fifty years, and no countries will help themselves from the temptation of these fuel resources. The greed of people will drive them to drain out the resource in these regions, and by then places like the South Pole will be truly deserted.
In conclusion, I confirm that travelling to virgin land will bring far more losses than gains.
Task:Rich countries provide financial aid to poor countries but this aid has little effect, therefore rich countries should provide other types of help. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
1. 国家的税收和资源都是基于国内大众,所以国家必须首先对国内问题负责,否则大众会认为遭到忽略和歧视,他们会推翻政府。
2. 国外问题太多,缺乏监管和法律,那些爱心捐款和物资有可能流入国外官僚的腰包,而没有起到救助国外穷人的初始目的。
3. 我们国内社会需要用钱的方面都已经太多,钱用自家都不够,捐助国外只会引起国内弱势群体的愤怒,增加社会犯罪类。
1. 很多国外的社会问题都是过去我们国家的某些行动导致的,如战争和侵略,所以我们因该对国外的贫穷负责。
2. 很多国外的问题最终会影响到我们的社会,比如说索马里海盗对于西方海运的威胁。
3. 很多国际问题是不分国界的,比如说国外的环境污染和疾病会通过自然 渠道 流入我们国内。
What kind of relief from rich countries should be given priority in terms of supporting developing countries? Some people think the best answer of this issue is simply money. Others, however, hold an opposed view that other practical aids, instead of finance, are a sound decision. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and I will explore possible reasons as below.
Firstly, the common root problem of developing countries is the collapsed administration and economy systems, and their recovery seriously depends on the transfusing of external capital. Firstly, financial aids allow a poor country to build up an effective government by paying salaries of governmental personnel without delay. With stable income, most officials would be satisfied and motivated to be fully in charge of social technical, executive and supervisory positions like courts of law, police stations, water and power supply departments and so forth, thus lifting the community out of street violence, crimes and living chaos. Besides, financial injection helps to restore the banking system, which means the availability of commercial loan with low interest for a large amount of companies eagerly needing money for material purchase, hiring workers and products manufacturing. Accordingly, what the capital input brings include vibrant industry and business, ever-increasing job opportunities and tax revenue for public welfare--in short, a booming social development on a right track.
Another reason for supporting financial aids is that money is always a favored kind of donation, because it gives recipients in poor countries a high flexibility to buy what they are really lack of. In fact, practical needs are always variable and unpredictable in different countries, people and times ,so that it is very likely that the common physical goods endowed from rich countries may not precisely suit demands of local regions. For example, as for Vietnam which suffers from wars for decades, surprisingly, any type of food aid from foreign countries is undesirable , for the reason that the yield of grain produced in this poor country can not only fully feed its people, but also be more than enough for food export. In contrast, if Vietnam were offered money directly, it will buy whatever it needs most from international markets, probably from public transportation to vaccines to school facilities. Therefore, straight money support is indispensable, its universal effectiveness is always superior over any other goods-based donation.
However, financial aids do not come without risks, and one of them is about their misuse. Obviously, in too many developing countries lacking democracy, public supervision, or accountability and transparency in government operation, there is a high possibility that the money might be appropriated for personal sake or even flow into the pocket of bureaucrats--corruption in short, expectedly. In addition, the most worrying aspect is that in poor countries in civil war, money will be misspent by warlords buying new weapons and bombs, instead of foodstuffs or medicines. Consequently, In cases above, the final application of financial support would depart from its initial charitable purpose, and it will make social poverty worse, not better.
Moreover, when it comes to healthy and sustainable growth, there are more to require for a poor country than just buying stuffs by money. Specifically, the acquirement of core factors that have lasting and fundamental impacts on the society, such as qualified teachers, doctors, lawyers and scientists, cannot be achieved by buying, but rather by systematic training and teaching. In other words, non-financial aids from developed countries are also necessary. For example, professional teams containing experts in all kinds of fields from science to medication, from law to social work, should be sent in poor countries for the purpose of educating their future talents. What is more, observers from rich countries should also join the running of local government, which ensures that all kinds of benefaction can be allocated to the public fairly.
In conclusion, financial aids are always needed as the first step for economy revival. To a larger extent, however, money is very limited and even risky, and other practical helps, especially the ones associated with human resources, should be introduced into poor countries.
(681 words)
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