消防救援用英语怎么说 ,cfr是中国消防缩写吗



cfr是中国消防缩写。是CHINA FIRE AND RESCUE简称,指中国消防救援。






one hundred and nineteen












1.What about your fire fighting equipment?
2.It should be stored at warehouse where should be ventilation and dry. It should also be avoid raining.防火包应贮存在通风、干燥的库房内,防止雨淋。
3.Remember! Fire safety is everyone`s responsibility.记住!防火安全是每个人的职责。
4.No fire,away frome fire
deaths per fire 每次火灾造成的死亡人数
debris (火灾)废墟
decabromodiphenyl oxide 葵溴二苯醚
deceleration valve 减速阀
Decentralized maintenance 分散维修
Deck foam fire extinguishing system 甲板泡沫灭火系统
deck foam system [消]车载泡沫系统
decomposition gas 分解气体(爆破时的)
deepseated fire [消]深位火(灾)
defence attack [消]防御性灭火
deficiency point [险]扣除的分数
Deflagration 爆燃
deflagration phenomenon [消]爆燃现象
deflagration behavior [消]爆燃特性,爆燃行为
deflagration front [消]爆燃的正面
deflagration suppression [消]爆燃抑制
delayed-action time of discharge 喷射滞后时间
Deluge system 雨淋灭火系统
Depth of pump installation 水泵下置深度
Depth of pump tube installation 泵管下置深度
Descent control device 缓降器
Design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工
Detecting element 检测元件
Detection 检测
Detection pressure 探测压力
Detection threshold 检测阈
Detector 检测器
Detonation 爆轰
Deviation alarm sensor 偏差报警检测器
device for controlling automatic fire equipments 自动消防设备控制装置
Devision of safe degree 安全程度分区
diamagnetism 抗磁性
Diameter of pump tube 泵管直径
difficult-flammability 难燃性
difficult-flammble 难燃的
Dip time 灭火剂浸渍时间
Direct extinguishing 直接灭火
Discard of plant 设备报废
Discharge rate 疏散率
Discharge value 疏散流量
discharge valve 排气阀
Distress alerting 遇险报警
document content security 文件内容安全性
documentation security 文件(系统)安全性
domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理
Down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故〔故障〕停机率
Downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)
Draft 抽力
Drain-pipe 排水泵
Drencher system 水幕系统
Drift smoke 漂移烟
drip valve 滴水阀
Dry sprinkler system 干式喷水灭火系统
Dry test meter 干式检测计
Durability of plant 设备的耐用性
Duration of fire resistance 耐火极限
Dynamic test 动态试验
Dysprosium 镝
DDT deflagration to detonation transision 爆燃到爆轰的跃进
early fire detection 早期火灾探测
early leakage circuit breaker 通地泄露电路断电器
early plate 1、[英][消]支腿底座 2、接地板
early suppression fast-response sprinkler [消]早期灭火快速反映洒水喷头
early warning device[sydtem] [消]早期报警装置系统
earlyquake disaster preparedness 震前防灾准备
ease of ignition 易引燃性
easily accessible [消]容易进入的
easing test for fixed halon fire-extinguishing systems 卤化物灭火系统施放试验
Economic forest 经济林木
Economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命
Economy 经济性
eddy current 涡流
edge firing [林]圈烧
educational occupancy [消]教学用房
eductor [消]喷射器
eductor pump 喷射泵
Effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数
effect concentration 50%半中毒浓度〈在规定的暴露时间里,使50%实验动物中中毒的统计浓度〉
effective call 有效呼叫
effective capacity 有效功率
effective current 有效电流
effective date 有效期
effective discharge time 有效喷射时间
effective grounding 有效接的
effective half-life 有效半衰期
Einsteinium 锿
electric arc 电弧
electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕(放电)
electric field 电场
electric field strength,electric field intensity 电场强度
Electric Lighting Fire Safety Evacuation Sign 电光源型消防安全疏散标志
electric potential difference 电位差
Electroluminescence 席间走道
electromagnetic induction 电磁感应
Electromagnetic valve 电磁阀
electromagnetic wave 电磁波
Electron magnetic valve 电磁阀
electro-optic effect 电-光效应
Elevating fire truck 举高消防车
Elevating platform fire truck 登高平台消防车
Elevator Evacuation system 电梯疏散系统
Elvator Lobby Door 电梯前室门
Emergency escape ladder 救生梯
Emergency lighting 事故照明
Emergency rescue fire vchicle 抢险救援消防车
EmissionofLight 发光 2
Enclosed staircase 封闭楼梯间
Energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性
Engineering safety system 专设安全系统
Enligtening Sign 启示标志
Environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性
Equipment failure 设备故障
Equipment installation 设备安装
Equipment installation management 设备安装管理
Equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额
Equipment Management Regulation 设备管理条例
Equipment model 设备型号
Equipment service specification 设备维护规程
Erbium 铒
escalators 自动扶梯
Escape hatch 逃生人孔
Europium 铕
Evacuation 疏散
Evacuation Exit 疏散出口
Evacuation Guiding Strip 疏散导流标志
Evacuation Indicatory Sign 疏散指示标志
Evacuation plan 疏散计划
Evacuation route 疏散路线
Evacuation route external 室外疏散路线
Evacuation route pressurized 正压疏散路线
Evacuation route protected 防火疏散路线
Evacuation signal 疏散信号
Evacuation time 疏散时间
Examination and check systems of plant management 设备管理考核制度
Excellence selection activity in plant management 设备管理评优活动
excitation 励磁(激磁)
Exit 太平门
Exit direction sign 出口方向标志
Exit sign 出口标志
Expense quota for equipment repair 设备修理费用定额
Explosion 爆炸
Explosion detector 爆炸探测器
Explosion index 爆炸指数
Explosion limit 爆炸极限
Explosion method 爆炸灭火法
Explosion proof stopping 防爆防火墙
Explosion protecttion system 防爆系统
Explosion sensor 爆炸传感器
EXPlosion suppresion 抑爆
Explosion suppressant 抑爆剂
Explosion suppressor 抑爆器
exponential distribution 指数分布
Exposure hazard 暴露危险
External stairway 室外楼梯
Extinguishing agent 灭火剂
Extinguishing device without piping system 无管网气体灭火装置
Extinguishment 灭火
EDITH exit drills in the home 撤离住宅训练,家庭安全撤离演习。
EFC European Forestry Commission 欧洲林业委员会
FA=flying accident 飞行事故
FAA test method FAA实验法
fabric 织品,织物
fabric rubber lined hose [消]有橡胶衬里纤维水带
fabrication 制作,制备,装备
facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比
Fail safe 失效安全
Failure 漏报
failure frequency 故障频率
Failure intensity 故障强度
falling main (有多层地下室大楼的)竖管
fallout 1、(放射性)微粒回降 2、放射性坠尘回降物[区]
Fall-wafe valve 保险阀
False alarm 误报
False alarm of fire 假火警
false alarm with good intent [消]善意的误报(火警)
false assumption (火场调查中的)错误假设
false smoke [消]假烟〈被误认为烟的路上的灰尘、雾等〉
false tripping [消]误启动
Fanghuo Wumian 防火屋面
Fare damage rate 烧损率
Fault signa1 故障信号
Feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性分析
Fermium 镄
Filtered alert data 报警数据滤除
Final examination and measurement 最后检测
Final exit 最终安全出口
Fire 火;火灾
Fire alarm control unit 火灾报警控制器
Fire alarm device 火灾警报装置
Fire alarm dispatching console 火警调度台
Fire alarm dispatching proprietary wires 火警调度专线
fire alarm equipments 火灾报警设备
Fire alarm installation 火灾报警装置
Fire alarm installations 火灾报警装置
Fire alarm recording 火警录音
fire alarm voice amplification 火警扩音
Fire alarming 火灾报警
Fire barrier 防火隔板
Fire behaviour 防火性能
fire boat 消防船
Fire branch 消防枪
Fire branches and monitors 消防枪炮
Fire brigade access window 消防窗
fire brigade of enterprises 企事业专职消防队
fire brigade of public security 公安消防队
Fire bund 防火堤
Fire Classification 火灾分类
Fire compartment 防火分区
Fire compartmentation 防火分隔
fire computer-communication system 消防计算机通信系统
fire conmmunition room 消防通信室
fire control console(panel,cabinet) 消防控制台(盘、柜)
Fire coupling 消防接口
Fire damper 防火阀
fire danger 火灾危险
Fire detector 火灾探测器
Fire door 防火门
Fire enclosure 防火防护外壳
Fire Evacuation Illumination 火灾疏散照明
Fire Evacuation Lamp 火灾疏散照明灯
Fire extinction equipments 灭火设备
Fire extinguisher 灭火器
Fire extinguisher of oil tank 油槽灭火装置
Fire extinguishers 灭火器
fire extinguishing system 消防系统
fire facsimile apparatus 消防传真机
fire fighting 灭火战斗
fire fighting access 消防通道
Fire fighting action 灭火战斗行动
Fire fighting commander 灭火指挥员
Fire fighting force 灭火力量
Fire fighting network 灭火战斗网
Fire fighting organizing and commanding 灭火组织指挥
Fire fighting planning 灭火作战计划
Fire fighting planning diagram 灭火作战计划图
Fire fighting tactics 灭火战术
Fire fighting tactics training 灭火战术训练
Fire fighting technique 灭火技术
Fire fighting technique training 灭火技术训练
Fire fighting training 灭火战斗训练
Fire fighting vehicle 灭火消防车
fire forces displaying devices 消防实力显示装置
Fire forcible entry tool 消防破拆工具
fire geographic locations displaying devices 消防地理位置显示装置
Fire hazard 火灾危害性
Fire hose 消防水带
Fire hydrant 消火栓
fire information 消防信息
Fire insulation 耐火隔热性
Fire integrity 耐火完整性
Fire ladder 消防梯
Fire lift 消防电梯
fire load 火灾荷载
Fire load density 火灾荷载密度
fire lookout 火警了望
Fire lookout tower 火警了望台
Fire man general Protection equipment 消防员常规防护装备
Fire man special protection equipment 消防员特种防护装备
Fire monitor 消防炮
Fire parameter 火灾参数
fire point 燃点
fire pool 消防水池
Fire prevention 防火
Fire priming pump 引水消防泵
Fire protection 消防
Fire protection control room 消防控制室
fire pump station 消防泵站
Fire pumps 消防泵
fire radio communication network 消防无线通信网
fire radio communication system 消防无线通信系统



地面搜索及拯救(英文:Ground Search and Rescue,缩写:GSAR)
城市搜索及拯救(英文:Urban Search and Rescue,缩写:USAR)
山岭搜索及拯救(英文:Mountain Search and Rescue,缩写:MSAR)
海空拯救(英文:Air Sea Resue)
(有的国家是军方,有的是消防局负责)战斗搜索及拯救(英文:Combat Search and Rescue,缩写:CSAR)


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