英语介绍自己的职业老师 ,三年级英语作文我的英语老师怎么写





My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman.


She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth.


There is always a smile on her face.



She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overcome the difficulties.


She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.


All of the students love her,and she is our good friend.



The teacher, our second parents!

XXX, my English teacher, a sunny good teacher, I respect her, admire her(his).
She taught me English has three years in a row. She looks small and exquisite, a pair of small, God's eyes, that look as sharp as eagles, we can see through the mind of each student. Class, no matter who desertion, can not escape her this pair of eyes and she will be arrested "a borrow this." So impressed me deeply, but also the voice of her lectures, always so delicate, like that stream, gurgling streams, refreshing, people intoxicated.
XXX towards work diligently, as a diligent work hard for cattle, in particular the treatment of some students who fall behind, she is so patient and meticulous. Although each time she gave us in class are very strict, will read a word out that we can back up, but the total Su strictly humor, without losing our love for each student, so we like the whole class her.
In the third grade, near the end of the second semester examinations that time, due to work out, I always do middle of the night, lack of sleep, always impatient and mind, learning is not practical. Class Zhu teacher reminded me several times, I fell on deaf ears. English class, Su Let us read the sentence over and over again, the word, I absent-minded and even played for more than yawn. Su shot a glance toward me a lot of eyes, I did not mind
. After class, the xxx teacher called me to the office, my heart was very nervous, knowing no good prospective. At this time, she was a warm hand to catch me big shoulders, earnestly taught me that: "Yu Jia Wei, the eyes of your teacher is a very well-behaved girls, today's classroom performance you know what, I hope that the classroom The situation will not happen again, and today's teacher to find out what you do not understand? ... ... "I head buried very low, very low, but the feeling of warmth within my heart: Su, you do not hurt me to self-esteem, in my desert, you just indicated with the look, and there is no direct point of my name, and I was so naive, do not seriously think of children ... ... here, I winked his eye, nose and a sour, tears of remorse from the cheek on rolling down. She cleaned my eyes, patiently helped me re-learned a lesson ... ... this moment, I forget; this lesson, I will never forget ... ...
Since then, I fell in love with XXX, but fell in love with the discipline of English.
Ten trees, takes a hundred years. XXX, you taught me not forget for life.
I think this job is very important.Teachers teach us how to get knowledge and look after ourselves.But they also very busy and tired.So I think tezcher is a very important and not easy job.



用英语介绍一下自已的英语老师:MissWang is our English teacher.She is young and beautiful.She has long hair.Her class is very interesting, and we like her very much.




My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.







以上就是关于英语介绍自己的职业老师 ,三年级英语作文我的英语老师怎么写的全部内容,以及英语介绍自己的职业老师 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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