有关颜色的短语英语 ,与颜色相关的英语短语表达



  1、(as) black as (one's) hat

  Completely black; totally without light or color.


  The basement gives me the creeps, it's as black as my hat down there!


  2、a black day

  a day when something very unpleasant or sad happens (usually + for ).

  发生了一些很不开心或悲伤事情的一天(常用作a black day for)。

  When we heard the news that David Bowie had died, we knew it was going to be a black day for all of his loyal fans.

  当我们听到David Bowie去世的消息,我们就明白这对于他所有忠实粉丝来说,将会是悲痛的一天。

  3、be in the black

  If a bank account is in the black, it contains some money, and if a person or business is in the black, they have money in the bank and are not in debt.

  如果一个银行账户in the black,说明里面还有一些钱。如果一个人或企业是in the black,那么他们在银行还有存款,没有负债。

  Incredibly, we're still in the black after our holiday.


  4、back the black stump

  In or of an extremely remote, isolated, and/or uncivilized location, usually meaning the Australian outback."Black stump" is used colloquially as an imaginary marker of the edge of civilized settlement, though the origin of the term is uncertain. Primarily heard in Australia.

  在一个相当偏远、孤立的地方,有可能是未文明化的地区,通常指的是澳大利亚的内陆。“Black stump”在口语中用作文明定居点的想象边缘线,虽然这个线通常不存在。主要在澳大利亚使用。

  There are many people who still live back of the black stump, lacking access to medical care and other basic social services.


  5、the new black

  used to say that something is the most popular or fashionable colour or thing at the moment


  Designers say that green is the new black.


  6、devil is not so black as he is painted

  No one is as bad as people say he is. (Implies that people are saying too many bad things about someone.)


  I can't believe that actress is as coldhearted as the gossip columns say she is. The devil is not so black as he is painted.


  7、give a black eye to (someone or something)

  To make someone or something look bad; to damage one's reputation.


  That food critic's negative review really gave a black eye to my restaurant.


  8、as clear as black and white

  Of the utmost clarity; clearly defined or differentiated; without any room for confusion, ambiguity.


  Love isn't always as clear as black and white, you know. You have to accept that there are many gray areas in relationships.


  The case made by the government seems as clear as black and white: raise taxes to pay for public amenities.


  9、the Black Maria

  A police vehicle, typically one carrying prisoners.


  Man, there's the Black Maria. Looks like I'm headed to a different jail.


  They just threw Billy in the back of a Black Maria and hauled him off to the police station!


  10、black out

  1) [for lights] to go out.


  Suddenly the lights blacked out.


  The power went dead and everything blacked out.


  2) to pass out; to become unconscious.


  After I fell, I must have blacked out.


  I think I am going to black out.






  blue Monday 倒霉的星期一

  white rage 震怒

  white lie 不怀恶意的谎言

  white night 不眠之夜

  yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道

  yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒

  red flag 让人生气的东西

  black dog 忧郁、不开心的人

  black letter day 倒霉的一天

  black smith 铁匠

  black sheep 害群之马,败家子

  black leg 骗子

  greenhorn: 指没有工作经验的人,生手

  to be green : 嫉妒

  green light : 许可,同意

  red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气

  see red : 发怒,冒火

  in the red : 亏损,负债

  a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子

  to feel blue : 忧郁,烦闷

  till all is blue : 直到铭酊大醉,到极点

  once in a blue moon : 难得,千载难逢的

  a bolt from the blue : 晴天霹雳

  be white as a sheet : 苍白如纸

  be in a black mood : 阴郁的,情绪低落的

  black and blue : 遍体鳞伤,青一块紫一块

  black and white : 白纸黑字

  in the black : 赢利

  in the pink : 非常健康


  [1] a white elephant

  释义:a very costly possession that is worthless to its owner and only a cause of trouble.

  例句:You have bought yourself a white elephant,this house is far too isolated.No one will stay here and the upkeep will ruin you.


  [2] show the white feather

  释义:to act in a cowardly way.

  例句:The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy.


  [3] show the white flag =surrender

  释义:to surrender and have no desire to continue resistance.

  例句:They failed,so they show the white flag to their enemy.


  Ok, Now let's have a guess,what on earth do the following phrases underlined mean?

  “if you wish me to speak more plainly,show me your palm.""And I must cross your palm with silver,I suppose?"

  Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet.

  Why do you let Jack blackmail you like this? He has bled you white.


  black leg 骗子green light : 许可,同意

  red tape : 指手续繁杂,办事拖拉,不讲实际的坏风气

  see red : 发怒,冒火

  in the red : 亏损,负债

  a red letter day : 重大,重要的日子

  Call black white and white black


  An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. 晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。

  Indigo blue is extract from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from.


  After black clouds, clear weather. 否极泰来

  After black clouds comes clear weather“雨过天青”,喻情况由坏转好。

  Red clouds in the east, rain the next day。“东有火烧云,次日雨来临”,

  Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。

  A fox may grow grey, but never good狐狸会变,但本性难移

  At night, all cats are grey. 猫在夜晚皆灰色(丑妍暗中难分辨)。

  They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon seen.


  a white lie善意的谎言

  a black sheep害群之马

  black and blue 青一块紫一块(鼻青脸肿)

  red eye 一种便宜的威士忌酒;照片中出现的红眼现象

  red-eyed pink eye 红眼病

  a black eye被打青的眼睛

  white elephant 大而无用的东西

  green hand 新手

  feel blue 感觉忧郁

  in the pink : 非常健康

  yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道

  yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒

  red flag 让人生气的东西

  black dog 忧郁、不开心的人

  white flag in the black 盈利

  make profit

  black letter day 倒霉的一天

  black smith 铁匠






  1.a white night. 白夜, 失眠的夜晚,不眠之夜

  2.a white elephant 大而无用的东西

  3.a white crow 稀有的东西;珍品

  4.the White House 白宫

  5.a white lie 无恶意的谎言

  6.White flag投降

  7.Black sheep败家子

  8.Black tea红茶

  9.Black coffee黑咖啡

  10.Black Dog沮丧

  11.Black gold石油

  12.Green hand新手

  13.Green tea绿茶

  14.Blue day忧郁的日子

  15.Blue collar蓝领

  16.Blue fear极度的恐慌



  Green with envy: 非常嫉妒

  green meat:鲜肉

  a green hand:新手

  look green: 脸色不好(苍白) have green fingers: 很善于摆弄花草 green在财经领域还有下列意思: the green stuff: 美钞

  green back:美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)(用于口语)

  green power:“金钱的力量”或“财团”

  green stamp:指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名

  green sheet指政府预算明细比较表

  green pound:绿色英镑(指共同体内部计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑。)

  give sb/sth the green light: 为某人某事开绿灯

  在英语中white常使人联想起清白,如: white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”

  有些事物因其颜色为白而得名,如: white goods:指的是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具,这类物体常刷成白色,故名。 white money:银币

  white coal:水力

  white elephant:昂贵却派不上用场的物体或物主不需要但又无法处置之物 white sale:大减价

  the white way:白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)

  white crow:罕见的事物

  a white lie:善意的谎言

  white coffee:牛奶咖啡

  white feather:胆怯

  Oh, don't forget Black and White. 这里,表示的是“白纸黑字”。

  grey market:半黑市

  grey area:灰色地区(指失业严重地区)

  pink slip:解雇职工通知单

  yellow pages:黄页(指分类电话簿,并非指黄书。)

  green-eyed 嫉妒的

  green hand 新手


  black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场)

  black market price:黑市价格 black and blue:遍体鳞伤的

  black sheep: 害群之马

  black Friday:耶稣受难日;不吉利的星期五

  black lie:用心险恶的谎言


  the pot calls the kettle black:五十步笑百步

  a black look 恶狠狠地瞪

  另外,英语中,和红色墨水是记帐时的意思相反,黑色还可表示盈利。例如: black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差

  black figure nation:国际收支顺差国

  interest in the black:应收利息

  call white black /call black white:混淆是非

  black tie:黑领结;小礼服

  in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差

  red ink:赤字

  in the red:亏损

  red-ink entry:赤字分录

  red balance:赤字差额

  red cent:一分钱;

  red gold:纯金;

  red tip on stock market:指股票市场的最新情报

  红糖:brown sugar

  红茶:black tea

  红榜:honour roll

  红豆:love pea

  红运:good luck






green (绿色)
green hand 新手
例:We are green hands, so we must learn from the old workers.
green 面带病容
例:What's wrong with you? You are looking green.
green 嫉妒
例:I was absolutely green (with envy) when I saw his splendid new car.
green fingers 有园艺技能
例:I know that his father was green fingers.
blue (蓝色)
once in a blue moon 难得
例:She visits us once in a blue moon.
blue 黄色的,有伤风化的
例:The blue film was banned by the censor.
blue 忧郁、沮丧
例:He looks blue today.
blue blood 贵族血统,名门出身
例:He is proud of his blue blood.
他为自己的贵族血统骄傲。 white (白色)
white coffee 加牛奶或奶油的咖啡
例:I want two white coffees.
white lie 无恶意的谎言
例:Tom sometimes tells a white lie.
white elephant 无用而又累赘的东西(尤指大而昂贵之物)
例:That would be a white elephant to me.
red (红色)
in/into/out of the red 有/没有亏损
例:The company has been in the red until he took over.
see red 大怒,生气
例:Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red.
catch somebody red-handed 当场发现某人正在做坏事或犯罪
例:The policeman caught the thief red-handed.
警察当场抓住了小偷。 black (黑色)
a black look 恶狠狠的瞪
例:He gave me a black look.
in black and white 以书面的形式
例:I want this agreement in black and white.
black sheep 败家子,害群之马
例:Tom is the black sheep of the family.


以上就是关于有关颜色的短语英语 ,与颜色相关的英语短语表达的全部内容,以及有关颜色的短语英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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