春节英语手抄报简单又 ,英语春节手抄报












Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and some Asian nations. Because legend has it that the beast is afraid of red, afraid of fire and afraid of sound, so people will have couplets, firecrackers, gongs and drums and other customs. Different periods.

春节是中国及一些亚洲民族一个古老的传统节日。因为相传年兽怕红色,怕火光和怕响声,所以人们便有贴春联、放鞭炮、敲锣打鼓等习俗。 不同时期、不同地区、不同民族的习俗都不相同。  

In China, the Spring Festival is also a minority national people's customs and festivals. People of all ethnic groups in accordance with their own customs, held a variety of celebration, with their strong national unique style. 

Spring Festival is an ancient festivalin China. It is also one of the most important festival in the whole year. 

How to celebrate this festival, in the history of thousands of years, has formed some relatively fixed customs, there are still many people who have been handed down.  








  A suichu fireworks, energy-saving. Numerous households very bright day, the new peach old fu." This poem Wang Anshi wrote a new year's lively joy and Everything looks fresh and gay. moving picture. "Find some free time and take the child home to see it." Cai Guoqing, Chen Hong, Jiang Tao, Zhang to sing this song "back" to write the sons and daughters of the family home, and the voices of parents and children, are now busy to remind young people even work Zaimang not forget the family, let go home to see the old man. There are many ancient poems and songs that express the excitement of the new year and the yearning for their parents.

  New year's Eve children do not sleep, spend the night like wow." Every family and also clean up the house, but also with the goalkeeper, Spring Festival couplets, New Year paintings hanging cage door, people change with festive colors and pattern on the clothes.  This is a pleasant thing, but for border guards, traffic policemen, police, electricians and so on, these are painful because they can't go home to work with family members because of their working relationships. In their minds, they can't see their family members are sad. But it is the selfless dedication of these people to make us have a happy new year. The border guards defend our frontier, the traffic police and the police protect our life safety. It is the electrician that maintains our demand for electricity.

  Because of the unselfish dedication of those people who remain on their jobs on the eve of the new year's Eve, the happy reunion of thousands and thousands of families has been created.

  When I watch the Spring Festival Gala, see a film, the film gave my heart a huge shock: a frontier soldiers with all soldiers missing and care for the family to go home to visit; an old man wearing new clothes to take a stool to sit at the intersection of children back home in Shandong; Xiajin home children snapping fingers to sit on the door so far in the field of parents working in the field; the children back home, hug and family affection; a human face filled with joy and happiness.

  With the sound of the new year's bell, the Spring Festival is like a shyness girl, jumping out of the crisp dance steps and making a curtain call in the people's laughter and laughter.


  To say the happiest thing of the Spring Festival, that is the shot!

  Dad once told me the story of "year", the year is a kind of monster, every year in the first year, the year comes out to eat people. It is said that years of fear: fear, fear, fear of the sound of light red color. Just after listening to this story, I said, "Dad, let's go and buy Spring Festival couplets and firecrackers. Otherwise I would have a whole night is not good, because I am afraid of ten year wandering around our home!" Dad said, "good!" Let's go now! " At the end of my father's talk, I was excited to jump three feet high. We ride the tricycle on the black street. It makes me feel like it's been close to me for a few years.

  Finally to the mall, where the goods are the fireworks, a superb collection of beautiful things, there are all sorts of strange things have different forms and colorful lanterns, the gun fell, some funny and fun toys. The most exciting thing for me was that there was a new year's food, looking at them all in color and fragrance, and couldn't help losing my mouth. The mouth water falls three thousand feet like a waterfall. Suddenly, a mask dressed as a year of disguise came into my eyes, and I cried out, "I want one." Dad said, "good!" So I was so excited to dance, and I almost planted it to the ground.

  After buying firecrackers, we went home, but at the moment I heard the sound of shooting indistinct, the deafening sound made me nearly senseless! I yelled angrily, "who did it!" After that, I turned around and saw that the naughty younger sister threw the throwing gun to the ground less than a centimeter above me. I panic and said, "now my trousers must be on fire!" I looked back to see the pants not on fire, my heart was calm down, I think: does the artillery have no attack? So  couldn't wait to get a gun and play the "race" with my sister. "Pops!" I was defeated! My sister continued to attack my "city". I got a brainwave. I jumped up. My sister was hit by me! I was as excited as I had dug in ten boxes of great treasure.

  Finally, we put the big fireworks, sparks like a arrow like launch into the sky, suddenly exploded, the resounding voice seemed to tell us in the coming of a new year!

  I love the Spring Festival, more love the Spring Festival people's family reunion atmosphere!











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