小学生英语介绍中国乐器 ,写英语小作文的格式



on my favourite instrument
I like different kinds of musical instruments,but the one I like the most is the sita.Not many people know about sita because it is an Indian instrument.It is shaped like a violin,only that sita is small and more rounded.What really makes a sita different from the rest of the instruments is that its sound is so clear and melodious it makes you almost feel like you are listening to water running smoothly over a flat riverbed.When you listen to any music that is composed using a sita,you feel a kind of tranquility and peace sweeping over you and you would think the world is so peaceful and pleasant.
on my favourite music
My favourite type os music is blues.Many people love blues for its peacefulness and tranquility,but I can hear something different from every blues song.They can be quiet,they can also be passionate.However,the main characteristic of blues music is indeed its soothing power.It makes you feel as if you are all alone in the world and there is nothing more important to do than to lie down and enjoy yourself.Maybe I am too pressurised by the constant hassle of daily life that I choose blues music as a kind of remedy for my tired body and mind.



古琴:Qin, also known as Yao Qin, Yu-Qin, a lyre, for the Chinese one of the oldest plucked instruments, the qin is already prevalent in the Confucian period instruments, there are words to consider the history of thousand years, according to "Historical Records" contains, The emergence of Qin period no later than Yao and Shun. The beginning of this century, only for the distinction of Western instruments in the "piano" added in front of a word "historic", called "Qin." Still ringing in his study so far, the ancient musical instruments on stage.

巴乌Bau, is a bamboo reed instruments copper, spring for the tongue. The Yi, Hani, Dai, Wa, Blang, Miao and other ethnic wind instruments. Yi called the local "and Fei Limo", Hani called "Meiba." Bau is popular in southwest China Yi, Miao, Hani and other single-reed wind instrument family, Bau is made with bamboo, has eight finger holes (seven before the latter), disposed in the mouthpiece of a brass reed tongue tip, blowing across the top of playing, vibrating reed sound. Bau smaller volume, but the sound soft, southwest China's people call it a talking instrument. Bau popular in the Red River in Yunnan Province, Wenshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Dehong, meltwater Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province, Guizhou and South Guizhou and other places.


Suona is one of the Chinese national wind instruments. It was introduced from Persia. In the frescoes of the Kizil Grottoes temple in Xinjiang during the Western Jin Dynasty, Suona performance paintings appeared, and at the latest it was spread among the Chinese people in the 16th century. Suona has a bright tone and a large volume. It is made of wooden tubular body. It has a circular vertebral shape. It has a copper tube with a whistle at the top and a copper bell at the bottom (called a bowl). So it is also called trumpet, which is called advocacy in Taiwan and "eight tones" in Guangdong. Folk musical instruments are widely spread throughout China.



Chinese national musical instruments, has a long history goes back to ancient times. The cultural relics unearthed from others can confirm that: far in the pre-Qin period, there is a wide range of musical instruments.
2. These foreign musical instruments, after constantly improving, so that they gradually become China's national musical instrument family member.
3. China's "Blow, to fight, bombs, and Latin America," the four major types of musical instruments, has gone through a long historical period.


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