介词题目及答案解析 ,关于英语“介词”

一提及介词题目及答案解析 很多人都想知道,因此,小编觉得有必要说明一下。英语四级语法介词练习题附解析和求几道填介词英语题目的答案介词题目及答案解析 的内容,方便您深入了解关于英语“介词”,那么一起看看吧。

介词题目及答案解析 :几道填介词英语题目的答案

1.over 飞过大桥
2.between 站在两个人中间
3.in 坐在房子里
4.off 脱掉大衣
5.on 坐在草地上
walk across the street:过马路
jump off the tree:从树上跳下来


介词题目及答案解析 :英语选择题 有关介词 解析和翻译

1题的翻译是 沿这这条街走在第三个转弯处左转、 至于搭配。有点忘了、 2题翻译是 —我不擅于记电话号码 —我也是、 答案 选B be good at doing sth (固定短语搭配) 3题翻译 —你用英语叫这什么?—这是邮票,常常贴在信封上送信用的 答案选 B be used to doing sth 习惯于做、、、 (be usd to do sth 被用来做、、 used to do sth 过去常常做、、)


介词题目及答案解析 :关于英语介词from和with的用法

different 后面的介词通常是接from, than(美式)/to(英式),不会接with
A is different from B---从 B 的角度来看 A 是不同的
A is different than B---和 B 比较起来 A 是不同的
A is different (when compared) to B---和 B 作对比 A 是不同的


介词题目及答案解析 :英语介词填空题 带答案

Mrs Brown worded in the west of Australia ________ last summer? A
A. / B. on C. in D. since
The first class begins _______ 8 o’clock ______ the morning. B
A. at/on B. at/in C. on /in D. on/on
_______the past two months he has been busy with his school work. A
A. For B. On C. Since D. At
________last Saturday, we had had two football matches with Class Two. C
A. For B. / C. By D. During
We will be in Nanjing _____ Tuesday ______Thursday. C
A. on/ through B. on/to C. from/to D. on./till
Mr Black will visit our new school building ______ two days. B
A. before B. after C. at D. in
_______ the end of last spring Wang Hai joined the army _______ the end. D
A. At/at B. By/in C. In /at D. At /in
We will have a football match _____ this Saturday afternoon.. B
A. on B. / C. in D. for
He came to see you _____ the evening of May 10th. C
A. in B. at C. on D. for
I’m afraid I gave you a lot of trouble ________ my stay here. C
A. in B. for C. during D. on
The singing group will have two performances ______ October. A
A. after B. since C. / D. for
The supermarket is open ______ midnight. A
A. at B. on C. till D. /
She didn’t go to work ______ that morning. She slept ______ noon. A
A. /…till B. on…till C. at…at D. /…at
He was ill _____ a week, and _______ the week he ate almost nothing . B
A. for/at B. for/during C. during/during D. for/for
Days are longer ______ summer than ___________ winter. A
A. in/in B. in/on C. from/to D. to/in
Children get presents ________ Christmas and ______ their birthday. Granny is coming for lunch________ Christmas day. A
A. at/on/on B. on/on/on C. at/in/at D. in/on/in
19.________ New Year’s eve people usually don’t go to bed until midnight. B
A. At B. On C. For D. In
Tom and Paul usually watch TV ______ weekends. A
A. at B. in C. for D. /
Every day the old man takes these children home _____ school. C
A. at B. to C. from D. after
Could you come to my office ________ the day after tomorrow. A
A./ B. on C. in D. at
We had built three bridges over the river _______ the end of 1994. D
A. at B. on C. for D. by
Life will be better _____ the 21st century. D
A. at B. on C. for D. in
Do you often work late _____ night. A
A. at B. in C. for D. during
I had a new card, and I didn’t write ________. A
A. on it B. it C. in it D. above it
There is a bridge ________ the river. B
A. under B. over C. on D. next
He said that he would meet us ____ the cinema. A
A. in B. at C. on D. in
There is a book store________ the street corner. A
A. at B. in C. on D. by
From the top of the teaching building we saw the lake ________ us. C
A. under B. over C. below D. above
There are many beautiful birds ______ the tree. C
A. on B. at C. in D. besides
It was written _______ page 20. A
A. at B. in C. on D. above
My house is _____ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day. A
A. between B. among C. in D. at
Lucy is waiting _____ No.3 bus stop ________ her father. C
A. for/for B. for/at C. at/for D. at/at
Don’t talk so loud ________ table. C
A. by B. on C. at D. beside
Is there anything interesting ________ today’s newspaper? B
A. in B. on C. at D. /
Cars and buses travel _________ the road to the town. B
A. on B. along C. in D. by
Can you tell me who spoke ________ the meeting ? C
A. at B. along C. in D. for
My uncle lives ______ 208 Smith Street. B
A. at B. on C. to D. with
At last we reaches the village ______ the hill. A
A. at the foot of B. at foot C. on foot of D. in the foot from
Shanghai is _______ the east of China and Japan is _______the east of China. C
A. to/to B. to /in C. in /to D. in /in
________ the end of the street you can find the post office. B
A. By B. At C. On D. In
Do you often listen ________the programmes ________ the radio. C
A. to/of B. to /in C. to/on D. on /to
Please wait ________the office . Don’t come in until you are called. D
A. in B. into C. inside D. outside
Are you going to leave Guangzhou __________ Beijing? A
A. for B. to C. from D. in
The whale has a nose _______ the top of its head. A
A. at B. above C. over D. on
You must go _____ the bridge and then you will see the bank _________ the left. A
A. over/on B. to /by C. to/on D. over/at
There is a hole _______ the wall. A
A. in B. at C. for D. towards
Can you tell me the way ______ Shanghai Zoo? A
A. to B. at C. for D. towards
Bill kicked the ball too hard , and it went ________ the street ________ one of Mr. Smith’s windows. C
A. across/on B. through./on C. across/through D. to / through


以上就是关于介词题目及答案解析 ,关于英语“介词”的全部内容,以及介词题目及答案解析 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年04月04日15时14分26秒
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