家长可以一有时间就给孩子放一些音乐歌听,也可以和孩子进行亲子共读,安排一定的计划进行朗读,也可以给宝宝听一些儿歌,启蒙对英语的兴趣; 《Hand》《神奇水管》《ISEE》《字母歌》等等,这些儿歌对孩子学习英语有启蒙作用。
Unpack Your Adjectives
Got home from camping last spring
Saw people, places and things
We barely had arrived,
Friends asked us to describe
The people, places and every last thing.
So we unpacked our adjectives.
I unpacked "frustrating" first.
Reached in and found the word "worst."
Then I picked "soggy" and
Next I picked "foggy" and
Then I was ready to tell them my tale.
'Cause I'd unpacked my adjectives.
Adjectives are words you use to really describe things
Handy words to carry around.
Days are sunny or they're rainy
Boys are dumb or else they're brainy
Adjectives can show you which way.
Adjectives are often used to help us compare things
To say how thin how fat how short how tall.
Girls who are tall can get taller,
Boys who are small can get smaller,
Till one is the tallest
And one is the smallest of all.
We hiked along without care.
Then we ran into a bear.
He was a hairy bear
He was a scary bear
We beat a hasty retreat from his lair
And described him with adjectives.
Boy! That was one big ugly bear!
You can even make adjectives out of
the other parts of speech like verbs or nouns.
All you have to do is tack on an ending
like "ic" or "ish" or "ary".
For example, this boy could grow up
to be a huge man but still have a boyish face.
Boy is a noun, but the ending "ish" makes it an adjective.
Boyish. That describes the huge man's face. Get it?
Next time you go on a trip
Remember this little tip
The minute you get back
They'll ask you this and that
You can describe people, places and things
Simply unpack your adjectives.
You can do it with adjectives.
Tell them about it with adjectives.
You can shout it with adjectives.
活动目标:1.教幼儿能听懂并说出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名称(Eye;Nose.Mouth) 2.通过各种游戏活动,培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣.3.通过各种游戏练习,使幼儿了解各器官的作用和功能.活动准备 1.字卡:eye眼睛 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 2.粘贴笑脸;大苹果若干 3.磁带 1、Greeting:T:Good morning!boys and girls S:Good morning!Miss Hou T:How are you?S:I am fine,thank you 2.和老师一起做“五官操”,以及激发幼儿的学习热情,让幼儿接触“eye,mose,mouth”的发音.儿歌:eye、eye、eye.眨呀眨 nose、nose、nose 闻一闻 mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波 ears、ears、ears 听声音 2.学习单词:eye、mouse、mouth.(师):我们每个人都有一张“Face”,在我们的”face”上长有器官,谁能告诉我这些器官的名称.[教师]指着自己眼睛问幼儿:“what is this?”待幼儿回答后,教师可以告诉幼儿眼睛有个很好听的英文名字hair ,(着重训练幼儿的读音);并用英语说:eye ;two eyes;.幼儿练习“eye”时要注意幼儿发音是否规范.教师用同样的方法教给幼儿Nose;Mouth的英文 3.游戏:摸鼻眼(摸对者奖励小红花) 方法:师:touch your eyes,one 、two、three,幼:(用食指眼睛)here 、here 、here,师:touch your nose,one 、two 、three,幼(用食指鼻子)here 、here、 here,师:touth your mouth,one、 two、three.幼:(用食指手指嘴边)here、 here 、here.4.活动延伸:方法:小朋友每三人一组,给缺少五官的脸谱添画eye nose mouth在添画时告诉大家你画的是什么.5.结束:和老师一起做“五官操”然后向客人老师说再见.
以上就是关于五官英语儿歌 ,关于五官.身体、长相高矮胖瘦的英文歌曲初一课程的全部内容,以及五官英语儿歌 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。