how to make friends作文 ,how to make new friend 作文


how to make new friend 作文

How to Make Friends A proverb says "One man is not good enough to live alone in the world." Indeed,there are many things in life which we alone cannot perform.We need friends' help.Friends are people who willingly and readily help us wh How to Make Friends
A proverb says "One man is not good enough to live alone in the world." Indeed,there are many things in life which we alone cannot perform.We need friends' help.Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble,and show sympathy for us when we are in misery.
The benefits of friendship are boundless and sometimes invisible.For example,when we have passed the graduation examination and are looking for a job,we need experienced and reliable friends to guide us and help us on our way.A good friend is also an adviser,because our own points of view towards things may not be always right.Therefore,it is necessary for us to seek advice from friends.
Of course,we can make friends everywhere.However,I think the best place is school,where we are among a big number of boys and girls our own age,so it is easy to get to know one another in a short time.Besides,we can also make friends among the people who work with us in the community.
In order to make friends,we ourselves must be honest,noble-minded and kind-hearted whereby to leave a favourable impression on others since other people observe us the same way as we do.
At the same time,we should avoid bad friends,because they always do harm to us and moreover,they are dangerous to the people around.What is even worse,they mar our friendship with good friends.Indeed,seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake.(这是我自己翻译来的,原文是在下面)
如何交往有句谚语说\”的人,不能很好地孤独地生活在这个世界.\”看,我们生命中的许多事无法独自完成了.我们需要朋友\ '的帮助.朋友是那些自愿容易帮助我们揭开了如何做朋友
有句谚语说\”的人,不能很好地孤独地生活在这个世界.\”看,我们生命中的许多事无法独自完成了.我们需要朋友\ '的帮助.朋友是那些自愿容易帮助我们当我们遇到麻烦时,和同情我们的时候,我们在痛苦中过活.

how to make friends 英语作文

How to Make Friends
Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?
First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.
When you don’t agree someone, please discuss with him.
Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend’s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.

以how to make friends为题的英语作文

Every person in this world are the needs of friends, so what friends are very important.
When you make friends when you first want to others, it's their right to others, others will equally Hello, this is the same principles.
In life, you may be exposed to many different people. Anytime, anywhere you want to learn to care for others, as do friends, certainly can not laugh at other people, do not Yimaoquren.
If you want to become friends with him, it is the first to remember his name, if you can not even remember his name, then others will think you are inadvertently making friends with him.
Friends inevitable quarrel, in which case, you should not blindly the quarrel with others. Among friends, if often quarrel to maintain such a friendship is not how long! As the saying goes good: "zeroing." Treat others as long as you mean it, not abandon them in times of crisis, then you will have some enviable friendship. 译文:每个人在这世界上都是需要朋友的,所以,怎样朋友是很重要的。
朋友之间难免会有口角之争,遇到这种情况的话,你不要一味的同他人争吵。朋友之间,若是时常争吵这样的友情是不会维持多久的!俗话说的好:“患难见真情”。只要你真心的对待他人,不在危机的时候背弃他们,那么你就会有一段令人羡慕的友情。 这是我自己写的,水平有限,你自己再改一改吧!^-^


  • how to make friends


  • Everyone needs friends.A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But how can we make friends?


  • First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.


  • Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don’t agree someone, please discuss with him.


  • Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble.Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.


  • Friends should be faithful to each other.So long as you can put your friend’s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.



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