表语从句后面的语序是什么 ,表语从句跟在什么后面





常见的引导表语从句的从属连词(Subordinating Conjunction)有when,where,why,who,how,that。它们都有代词(Pronoun)词性,即具备名词(Noun)性质,所以可以引导主语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句、表语从句全部四种名词性从句。





①语序: 从句的语序必须是陈述句语序,即“主语+谓语”这种形式。

②时态: 当主句是一般现在时或一般将来时的时候,从句可以是任何时态,而当主句是一般过去时的时候,从句,从句时态必须是过去时范围的时态,即(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时)。

③连接词: 当从句意思完整,主句意思肯定时,连接词用that,且可以省去,当从句意思完整,主句意思不确定或含否定含意时,常用if或whether(是否),当从句意思不完整时,连接词则是代替不完整部分的特殊疑问词。


【二】表语从句 :表语从句的定义:表语从句在复合句中作主句的表语.表语从句和主语指同一内容,它对主语进行解释、说明,使主语的内容具体化.
Lyne is an excellent student Henry was an American businessman
Henry met an American businessman The person stood in front of you just now ismy headmaster.
I didn’t know that it was you at that time. The door remained closed.
Mary’s daily job is cleaning the house. The house is not only large but also beautiful.
When I went to your house, you were out. No one was in the dorm, when shearrived.
My job is to teach you English. Thereason why he came late was that his clock didn’t work.
Position (位置)表语常位于系动词(be等词)之后,与主语共同构成主--系--表结构 (Subject-Predicative structure) 的句子.
Linking Verbs (连系动词)
除动词be以外,还有一些后面可接表语的特殊连系动词,如:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, fall, come, go(变成…), become, grow(渐渐地变化), turn(变成,一般用于颜色), appear, seem, get, keep, remain, stay等.
The question is who will do it.
(系动词) +引导词 +简单句
His suggestion is that we should stay calm That is why she was late.
【1】从属连词that,whether;that 在表语从句中不充当任何句子成分,也没有任何意义.
The trouble is that I have lost her address.
My question is whether he left ( or not ).
The question is whether weshould ask them for help.
The trouble is that he hasnever done the work before
The fact is that he hasn’t yet recover from illness.
The reason why he has to go is that his mother is ill inbed.
比较 that在定语从句中的用法.
There are some filmsthat I’d liketo see.
She is the onlystudent thatknows French.
结论:that 在引导定语从句时,指事物,也可指人,
【2】.从属连词as, as if / though引导的表语从句
由as if 引导表语从句时要注意语态.若从句表示与现在事实相反,谓动用be 动词要用were
与过去事实相反用 had +过去分词
Li Lei is now in a new jacket. He looks as if he were an Americanboy.
The girl is giving us a vivid description of the moon. It seems as if shehad been to the moon many times.
He looked just as he had looked ten years before. It sounds as if someone is knocking at thedoor.
It looks as if it were going torain.
whether在表语从句中表是否 ,但不充当句子的成分.if 不能引导表语从句.如:
What the doctor really doubts is whether mymother will recover from the serious disease soon
【3】because, why 引导的表语从句
(1) That’s because he didn’t understand me.那是因为他不理解我.(强调原因)
(2) That’s why he got angry with me 那正是他对我生气的原因.(强调结果)
4.连接代词who, whom, whose,whoever, what,
whatever, which,whichever 引导表语从句
(1) The problem is who we can get to replace her.问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢.
Guilin is not whatit used to be. What shewants to know is which dressshe should buy.
The question is what caused the accident. That mountain is not what it used to be.
What he told you was what had beendiscussed at the meeting.
【4】连接副词where, when, how
The question is how he did it.问题是他如何做此事的.That is where he was born. 那就是他出生的地方
That is where Lu Xun used to live. That is why he didn’t pass the exam.
四. 使用虚拟语气的表语从句(if不可以引导表语从句)
在表示建议、劝告、命令含义的名词后的表语从句,谓语动词需用"should+动词原形" 表示,should可省略.常见的词有:advice, suggestion,order, proposal, plan等.
My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow.
The question is whether we will have our sports meet next week.
The reason why he failed is that he was too careless.
The problem is who we can get to take the place of John.The question iswhen he can arrive at the hotel.
The question is whether the enemy is marching towards us. It looked as ifhe had understood this question.
The question is who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow. The question is why hecried yesterday.
注意点1:if 不能引导表语从句
注意点2:主句主语为reason, 只能用that引导表语从句,不可用because.
B 不可以用if,而用whether 连接表语从句(as if 例外).
C 不像宾语从句,在有表语从句的复合句中,主句时态和从句时态可以不一致.



一 定义:
A 表语从句就是用一个句子作为表语。
The problem is puzzling.
主语 连系动词 形容词作表语
The problem is when we can get a pay rise.
主语 连系动词 一个句子作表语---表语从句
B 连接表语从句的连接词有:that, what, who, when, where, which, why,
He has become a teacher.
He has become what he wanted to be ten years ago.
She has remained there for an hour.
She has remained where I stood yesterday for an hour.
His suggestion is good.
His suggestion is that we should stay calm.
The question is confusing.
The question is when he can arrive at the hotel.
who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow.
why he cried yesterday.
how I can persuade her to join us in the party.
whether the enemy is marching towards us.
二 注意:
A 表语从句一定要用陈述语序。
False: The question is when can he arrive at the hotel.
Right: The question is when he can arrive at the hotel.
B 不可以用if,而用whether 连接表语从句(as if 例外)。
False: The question is if the enemy is marching towards us.
Right: The question is whether the enemy is marching towards us.
Right: It looked as if he had understood this question.
C 不像宾语从句,在有表语从句的复合句中,主句时态和从句时态可以不一致。
Right: The question is who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow.
Right: The question is why he cried yesterday.
D that在表语从句中不可以省掉。



在复合句中作表语的从句, 就叫做表语从句。表语从句一般放在系动词之后,结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句”。




1、可接表语从句的系动词有be,look,seem,remain, sound,appear等。

2、连词that(不可省略),whether,as,as if/though引导的表语从句。


4、连接副词 where,when,how,why引导的表语从句。

以上就是关于表语从句后面的语序是什么 ,表语从句跟在什么后面的全部内容,以及表语从句后面的语序是什么 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年11月17日11时31分03秒
下一篇 2022年11月17日11时40分57秒


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