英语并列句例句00个带翻译 ,英语句子




1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)
2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)
3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)
4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)
5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)
6. Tom is an American boy.(Tom是个美国男孩。)
7. English is a useful tool.(英语是一种有用的工具。)
8. He is telling them an interesting story.(他正在给大家讲一个有趣的故事。)
9. Britain is a European country.(不列颠是一个欧洲国家。)
10. It takes an hour and a half to get there.(这要花费一小时半到达那里。)
11. It is a pig.(它是一头猪。)
12. It is cotton.(它是棉花。)
13. It is wheat.(它是麦子。)
14. It is a cow.(它是一头母牛。)
15. It is an orange.(它是一只橘子。)
16. It is rice.(它是稻子。)
17. It is an ox.(它是一头公牛。)
18. It is a duck.(它是一只鸭子。)
19. It is water.(它是水)
20. It is a hen.(它是一只母牛。)
21. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.(今天是星期一。明天是星期二。)
22. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday.(今天是星期三。明天是星期四。)
23. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday.(今天是星期五。明天是星期六。)
24. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday.(今天是星期六。明天是星期日。)
25. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday.(今天是星期日。明天是星期一。)
We are workers.(我们是工人。)
26. My sister and I are both pupils.(我的姐妹和我都是学生。)
27. You are all middle school pupils.(你们都是中学生。)
28. They are trees and flowers.(它们是树和花。)
29. Cats and dogs are animals.(猫和狗是动物。)
30. All of them are teachers.(他们都是教师。)
31. The sun is red.(太阳是红色的。)
32. That table is heavy.(那张桌子很重。)
33. I am sixteen.(我十六岁。)
34. Class is over.(课结束了。)
35. The river is faraway.(这条河很远。)
36. Time is up.(时间到了。)
37. The bottle is full of water.(这瓶子装满了水。)
38. I am from Shanghai.(我来自上海。)
39. Comrade Wang is out.(王同志外出了。)
40. The football match is on.(足球比赛开始了。)
41. The boy is over there.(那男孩在那边。)
42. My brother is at home.(我的兄弟在家里。)
43. He is not here.(他不在这里。)
44. She is good at swimming.(她擅长游泳。)
45. I am fond of sports.(我很喜欢运动。)
46. I am tired.(我很累。)
47. You are ill.(你病了。)
48. It is hot today.(今天很热。)
49. The weather is cold.(天气很冷。)
50. It is fine.(这个很好。)
51. The play is good.(这场演出很好。)
52. Snow is white.(雪是白的。)
53. The streets are clean.(街道是干净的。)
54. This hall is full of people.(这个大厅挤满了人。)
55. The library is open.(图书馆开门了。)
56. The film is on.(影片上映了。)
57. My uncle is over there.(我的叔叔在那边。)
58. The cinema is far away.(电影院很远。)
59. The light is off.(灯暗了。)
60. My father is out.(我的父亲外出了。)
61. Her brother is thirteen.(她的兄弟十三岁。)
62. I am eighteen.(我十八岁。)
63. Mr. Smith is from American.(史密斯先生来自美国。)
64. The boys in our class are fond of football.(我们班的男孩很喜欢足球。)
65. Wang Ying is good at music.(王英擅长音乐。)
66.I have a brother.(我有一个兄弟。)
67. He has two English books.(他有两本英语书。)
68. We have a lot of paper.(我们有许多纸。)
69. You have many friends.(你有许多朋友。)
70. My sister has a pen and a ball-pen.(我的姐妹有一支铅笔和一支圆珠笔。)
71. Her classmates have a small library.(她的同班同学们有一个小图书馆。)
72. Our school has twenty classes.(我们的学校有二十个班级。)
73. I have some bread and jam.(我有一些面包和果酱。)
74.There is a teacher’s desk in the classroom.(教室里有一只讲台。)
75. There are forty pupils in the playground.(操场上有四十个学生。)
76. There are some desks and chairs in the office.(办公室里有一些书桌和椅子。)
77. There are two blackboards on the wall.(墙上有两块黑板。)
78. There are four lights in the classroom.(教室里有四盏灯。)
79. There is a loud-speaker in the hall.(大厅里有一只喇叭。)
80. There are two portraits above the blackboard.(黑板上方有两张像。)
81. There is a map and two pictures in the reading-room.(阅览室里有一幅地图和两幅画。)
82.Your pencil is blue. Mine is blue, too.(你的铅笔是蓝色的。我的也是蓝色的。)
83. His book is new. Hers is new, too.(他的书是新的。她的也是新的。)
84. Our classroom is big. Theirs is big, too.(我们的教室很大。他们的也很大。)
85. Her brother is a worker. His is a worker, too.(她的兄弟是一个工人。他的也是一个工人。)
86. Their house is near the park. Ours is near the park, too.(他们的房子在公园附近。我们的也在公园附近。)
87. His room is tidy. Yours is tidy, too.(他的房间很整洁。你的也很整洁。)
88. My sister is not here. Hers is not here, either.(我的妹妹不在这里。她的也不在这里。)
89. Our classroom is not on the first floor. Theirs is not on the first floor, either.(我们的教室不在二楼。他们的也不在二楼。)
90. Your father is not a teacher. Mine is not a teacher, either.(你的父亲不是一个教师。我的也不是一个教师。)
91. Their library is not big. Ours is not big, either.(他们的图书馆不大。我们的也不大。)
92. How nice the song is!(这首歌多么好听啊!)
93. What a wonderful time we’re had!(我们过了一段多么美好的时光啊!)
94. How fast the dog runs!(这只狗跑得多么快啊!)
95. What a clever boy he is!(他是一个多么机灵的男孩啊!)
96. What beautiful music they’re playing!(他们正在演奏多么优美的音乐啊!)
97. How quickly time flies!(时间飞逝得多么快啊!)
98. What an excellent idea you’re got!(你有一个多么出色的主意啊!)
99. What a dear little child he is!(他是一个多么可爱的小孩啊!)
100. He is telling us an interesting story.(他正在给我们讲一个有趣的故事。)
101. We are having a holiday today.(今天我们正在度假。)
102. What are you doing these days?(这几天你正在做什么?)
103. You are speaking so quickly, I can’t understand you.(你这么快地讲着,我没能搞懂你。)
104. Jane’s studying in our school this term. She is preparing her lessons now.(这学期珍妮在我们学校学习。她现在正在准备功课。)
105. Can I use your dictionary for a moment? I’m sorry, but I am using it now.(我能用一下你的词典吗?很抱歉,我现在正在用。)
106. They are doing their best to finish the work in time.(他们正在努力及时完成这项工作。)
107. She is speaking.(她正在讲话。)
108. The children are singing.(孩子们正在唱歌。)
109. I am listening to the radio.(我正在听无线电。)
110. My brother is writing.(我兄弟正在写字。)
111. We are preparing our lesson.(我们正在准备功课。)
112. Our teachers are having a meeting.(我们的老师正在开会。)
113. The dog is running very fast.(狗正在非常快地跑着。)
114. Your sister is looking for her pen.(你的姐妹正在找她的钢笔。)
115. see a map on the wall.(我看见墙上的一张地图。)
116. My father works in a factory.(我的父亲在工厂工作。)
117. The pupils often play games in the playground.(学生们经常在操场上玩游戏。)
118. Tom and his sister often clean the room together in the morning.(汤姆和他的妹妹经常在早晨打扫房间。)
119. She studies politics, Chinese and other subjects.(她学习政治、语文和其他课目。)
120. The boys pass by the bookstore every day on their way to school.(孩子们每天在上学路上经过书店。)
121. My brother and I wash our clothes every day.(我兄弟和我每天洗我们的衣服。)
122. Our parents usually go to work at seven.(我们的父母通常在七点钟去上班。)
123. Birds fly south in winter.(鸟在冬天飞往南方)
124. Mary lives in New York.(玛丽住在纽约。)
125. We always get up early.(我们总是起床很早。)
126. He usually goes to bed at nine.(他通常九点上床。)
127. It often rains in spring.(天天常常下雨。)
128. I sometimes go to the park.(我有时去公园。)
129. She seldom comes late.(她不常迟到。)
130. Li-li never tells a lie.(丽丽从不撒谎。)
131. I often go to the cinema.(我常常去电影院。)
132. He seldom forgets to do his homework.(他不常忘记做回家作业。)
133. The boy usually goes to school at 7.30.(那男孩通常七点半去上学。)
134. She never talks to her teacher that way.(她从不以那种方式跟老师谈话。)
135. He usually studies in the reading-room.(他通常在阅览室里学习。)
136. We always listen to the radio at 8.00 p. m.(我们总是在上午八点听无线电。)
137. John sometimes watches television in the evening.(约翰有时在晚上看电视。)
138. Wang Fang never comes to school late.(王芳来上学从不迟到。)
139. They are always busy.(他们总是很忙。)
140. I don’t usually take a bath at noon.(我通常不在中午洗澡。)
141. Do you often work so late?(你常常工作得这么晚吗?)
142. This is sometimes true.(这有时是真实的。)
143. We can seldom do it without his help.(没有他的帮助,我们很少能做到。)
144. It is not going to be cold next month.(下个月不会马上很冷。)
145. He is always ready to help people.(他总是助人为乐。)
146. You must never do it again.(你千万不能再做这件事。)
147. She is seldom late for school.(她上学不常迟到。)
148. Do you often read the newspaper after supper.(你常常在晚饭后看报吗?)
149. Tom doesn’t usually wake up so early.(汤姆通常不醒得这么早。)
150. Mary can sometimes choose the right thing.(玛丽有时会选择正确的事情。)
151. Does he usually have breakfast at six?(他通常在六点钟吃早饭吗?)
152. The boys are seldom absent from school.(男生们不常缺课。)
153.Now I am reading the newspaper.(现在我正在看报纸。)
154. We are not going to play basket-ball after school.(我们不打算放学后打篮球。)
155. The workers are building a big ship these days.(这几天工人们正在造一条大船。)
156. The pupils are visiting a photo show now.(学生们现在正在参观摄影展览。)
157. We often play basket-ball with Class Three.(我们常常与三班打篮球。)
158. Wang Ling does a lot of housework every evening, but today he is helping his brother with his lessons.(王林每天晚上做许多家务,但今天正在帮助弟弟温习功课。)
159. I am going to study French next year.(我打算明年学法语。)
160. I am going to read the book this morning.(我打算今晚看这本书。)
161. She is going to help her classmate later.(她打算最近帮助她的同学。)
162. It is going to snow very soon.(过不了多久就要下雪了。)
163. We are going to go to Peking the day after tomorrow.(我们打算后天去北京。)
164. You are going to be middle school pupils next autumn.(你们明年秋季就要成为中学生了。)
165. They are going to visit the museum next week.(他们准备下星期参观博物馆。)
166. They are not going to stay here.(他们不打算住在那里。)
167. She is not going to mend her shoes.(她不打算补自己的鞋。)
168. You are not going to have an English lesson tomorrow.(你们没计划明天上英语课。)
169. I am not going to watch TV today.(我不打算今天看电视。)
170. You are not going to see the film next Sunday.(你们不打算下星期天看这部电影。)
171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚写信给他父亲。)
172. I shall be at middle school next year.(明年我将要读中学。)
173. You will hear the news tonight.(今夜你将会听到这条消息。)
174. He will tell it to you the day after tomorrow.(他将会在后天把这件事告诉你。)
175. She will play volley ball after school.(放学后她要打排球。)
176. It will be cold tomorrow.(明天要冷了。)
177. The baby will be able to walk soon.(这婴儿不久就能走路了。)
178. We shan’t be middle school pupils next year.(我们不会在明年成为中学生的。)
179. She won’t read the book this evening.(她今晚不会看这本书。)
180. They won’t see the film this week.(他们这星期不会去看这部电影。)
181. You won’t hear from him tonight.(你不会在今夜收到他的信。)
182. I shan’t be sixteen until early next month.(我到下个月月初才十六岁。)
183. They won’t be able to come this evening.(他们今晚不能够来了。)
184. There will be a football match next Sunday.(下星期天将有一场足球赛。)
185. There will be more new machines in the workshop.(车间里将有更多的新机器。)
186. There won’t be any rain next few days.(过几天不会下雨。)
187. There will be several new film on next season.(下个季度会有几部新影片。)
188. We don’t go to school on Sunday.(我们星期天不上学。)
189. He does his homework in the evening.(他在晚上做回家作业。)
190. I first met him on a spring evening.(春天的一个晚上我第一次遇见他。)
191. My sister usually gets up at six o’clock.(我姐姐通常在六点钟起床。)
192. Her father lived in Tientsin at that time.(那时他父亲住在天津。)
193. We have dinner at a quarter to twelve.(我们十一点三刻吃饭。)
194. I left for Peking on September 11.(我是九月十一日赴北京的。)
195. Chang Hua is going to stay here next month.(张华打算下个月在这儿呆着。)
196. We are learning Lesson Ten this week.(这星期我们正在学第十课。)
197. She often works at night.(她常常在夜里工作。)
198. She worked late last night.(她昨夜工作得很晚。)
199. They went to the park the day before yesterday.(前天他们去过公园。)
200. It will be very hot next month.(下个月将会很热。)




1. 英语中三个并列句怎么表达


Movies, which bring inspiration and thinking to people, relax us.


Movies bringing inspiration and thinking to people relax us.



2. 英语中三个名词或短语并列怎么表达



2、应该又快又好又简单,翻译为英语是:It should be fast, good and simple。




1、and 和

例句:I used to live in Paris and London.


2、both。and。 二者都

例句:Both Jane and Jim are interested in pop music.


3、either。or。 或者······或者······

例句:You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow.


4、neither。nor。 既不······也不······

例句:He neither wrote nor phoned.


5、as well as 也、连同

Bob as well as his parents is going on holiday this summer.


6、not only。but (also)。 不但······而且······

She is not only kind but also honest.




3. 英语中表示并列的句式有哪些

并列句(compound sentence)指的是由两个或两个以上的简单句并列在一起构成的句子。并列句的通常结构是:简单句+并列连词+简单句。其中的简单句通常被叫做分句。并列连词之前可用逗号,也可不用逗号。

如:由and ,not only 。but also ,neither 。nor ,then ,or ,either 。or ,otherwise,but ,still,however.yet ,while,so ,for ,therefore。连接的句子,基本结构是:分句+ 连词+ 分句

例如:■He drank beer, and it made him fat. 他喝啤酒,因此发胖了。(并列连词是and)

■He was ill for a week, and during that week he ate nothing. 他病了一星期,在那一星期里他什么也没吃。(并列连词是and)

■Stephen realized his mistake and he apologized at once. 斯蒂芬认识了他的错误,于是马上道歉。(并列连词是and)

■Stop the child or he will be falling over. 制止那孩子,要不他会掉下去。(并列连词是or)

■He speaks French, or perhaps he understands it. 他会讲法语。或者他懂法语。(并列连词是or)

4. 【用一

(hardly…when…)、(scarcely…when…)、(no sooner…than…)一共要5个 还是每个词组要5个呢?每个写给你造2个 不够的话 告诉我 我可以补She had hardly arrived when it began to snow.她一到就下起雪来了Hardly when I got ready to continue the topic I talked with my friend, the telephone rang!我一准备接着那个话题继续和朋友聊天的时候,电话铃就响了!He has scarcely got home when the telephone rang.他一回到家电话铃就响了起来.The meeting had scarcely begun when it was interrupted.会议刚开始当就被打断了.Her parents had no sooner come than she rented a flat.她父母一来,她就租了一套公寓.The bell had no sooner rung than the students quieted down .铃声一响,学生们就安静了下来.。

5. 英语句子这4种句型怎么写含me,is,are,的句子含单三一般疑问句特殊

含me,is,are,的句子:这个好像有点难,不过应该有:This is me,and I am a student,aren't 含单三一般疑问句:Does Jenny finish her homework on time every day?Has Terry bought the book Harry Potter?特殊疑问句:Where do you live?What are you doing?Which is your favorite subject?祈使句:Do sit down!You water the flowers.Open the window.Close the door,please.当然还有更多……。




1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)
2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)
3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)
4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)
5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)
6. Tom is an American boy.(Tom是个美国男孩。)
7. English is a useful tool.(英语是一种有用的工具。)
8. He is telling them an interesting story.(他正在给大家讲一个有趣的故事。)
9. Britain is a European country.(不列颠是一个欧洲国家。)
10. It takes an hour and a half to get there.(这要花费一小时半到达那里。)
11. It is a pig.(它是一头猪。)
12. It is cotton.(它是棉花。)
13. It is wheat.(它是麦子。)
14. It is a cow.(它是一头母牛。)
15. It is an orange.(它是一只橘子。)
16. It is rice.(它是稻子。)
17. It is an ox.(它是一头公牛。)
18. It is a duck.(它是一只鸭子。)
19. It is water.(它是水)
20. It is a hen.(它是一只母牛。)
21. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.(今天是星期一。明天是星期二。)
22. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday.(今天是星期三。明天是星期四。)
23. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday.(今天是星期五。明天是星期六。)
24. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday.(今天是星期六。明天是星期日。)
25. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday.(今天是星期日。明天是星期一。)
We are workers.(我们是工人。)
26. My sister and I are both pupils.(我的姐妹和我都是学生。)
27. You are all middle school pupils.(你们都是中学生。)
28. They are trees and flowers.(它们是树和花。)
29. Cats and dogs are animals.(猫和狗是动物。)
30. All of them are teachers.(他们都是教师。)
31. The sun is red.(太阳是红色的。)
32. That table is heavy.(那张桌子很重。)
33. I am sixteen.(我十六岁。)
34. Class is over.(课结束了。)
35. The river is faraway.(这条河很远。)
36. Time is up.(时间到了。)
37. The bottle is full of water.(这瓶子装满了水。)
38. I am from Shanghai.(我来自上海。)
39. Comrade Wang is out.(王同志外出了。)
40. The football match is on.(足球比赛开始了。)
41. The boy is over there.(那男孩在那边。)
42. My brother is at home.(我的兄弟在家里。)
43. He is not here.(他不在这里。)
44. She is good at swimming.(她擅长游泳。)
45. I am fond of sports.(我很喜欢运动。)
46. I am tired.(我很累。)
47. You are ill.(你病了。)
48. It is hot today.(今天很热。)
49. The weather is cold.(天气很冷。)
50. It is fine.(这个很好。)
51. The play is good.(这场演出很好。)
52. Snow is white.(雪是白的。)
53. The streets are clean.(街道是干净的。)
54. This hall is full of people.(这个大厅挤满了人。)
55. The library is open.(图书馆开门了。)
56. The film is on.(影片上映了。)
57. My uncle is over there.(我的叔叔在那边。)
58. The cinema is far away.(电影院很远。)
59. The light is off.(灯暗了。)
60. My father is out.(我的父亲外出了。)
61. Her brother is thirteen.(她的兄弟十三岁。)
62. I am eighteen.(我十八岁。)
63. Mr. Smith is from American.(史密斯先生来自美国。)
64. The boys in our class are fond of football.(我们班的男孩很喜欢足球。)
65. Wang Ying is good at music.(王英擅长音乐。)
66.I have a brother.(我有一个兄弟。)
67. He has two English books.(他有两本英语书。)
68. We have a lot of paper.(我们有许多纸。)
69. You have many friends.(你有许多朋友。)
70. My sister has a pen and a ball-pen.(我的姐妹有一支铅笔和一支圆珠笔。)
71. Her classmates have a small library.(她的同班同学们有一个小图书馆。)
72. Our school has twenty classes.(我们的学校有二十个班级。)
73. I have some bread and jam.(我有一些面包和果酱。)
74.There is a teacher’s desk in the classroom.(教室里有一只讲台。)
75. There are forty pupils in the playground.(操场上有四十个学生。)
76. There are some desks and chairs in the office.(办公室里有一些书桌和椅子。)
77. There are two blackboards on the wall.(墙上有两块黑板。)
78. There are four lights in the classroom.(教室里有四盏灯。)
79. There is a loud-speaker in the hall.(大厅里有一只喇叭。)
80. There are two portraits above the blackboard.(黑板上方有两张像。)
81. There is a map and two pictures in the reading-room.(阅览室里有一幅地图和两幅画。)
82.Your pencil is blue. Mine is blue, too.(你的铅笔是蓝色的。我的也是蓝色的。)
83. His book is new. Hers is new, too.(他的书是新的。她的也是新的。)
84. Our classroom is big. Theirs is big, too.(我们的教室很大。他们的也很大。)
85. Her brother is a worker. His is a worker, too.(她的兄弟是一个工人。他的也是一个工人。)
86. Their house is near the park. Ours is near the park, too.(他们的房子在公园附近。我们的也在公园附近。)
87. His room is tidy. Yours is tidy, too.(他的房间很整洁。你的也很整洁。)
88. My sister is not here. Hers is not here, either.(我的妹妹不在这里。她的也不在这里。)
89. Our classroom is not on the first floor. Theirs is not on the first floor, either.(我们的教室不在二楼。他们的也不在二楼。)
90. Your father is not a teacher. Mine is not a teacher, either.(你的父亲不是一个教师。我的也不是一个教师。)
91. Their library is not big. Ours is not big, either.(他们的图书馆不大。我们的也不大。)
92. How nice the song is!(这首歌多么好听啊!)
93. What a wonderful time we’re had!(我们过了一段多么美好的时光啊!)
94. How fast the dog runs!(这只狗跑得多么快啊!)
95. What a clever boy he is!(他是一个多么机灵的男孩啊!)
96. What beautiful music they’re playing!(他们正在演奏多么优美的音乐啊!)
97. How quickly time flies!(时间飞逝得多么快啊!)
98. What an excellent idea you’re got!(你有一个多么出色的主意啊!)
99. What a dear little child he is!(他是一个多么可爱的小孩啊!)
100. He is telling us an interesting story.(他正在给我们讲一个有趣的故事。)
101. We are having a holiday today.(今天我们正在度假。)
102. What are you doing these days?(这几天你正在做什么?)
103. You are speaking so quickly, I can’t understand you.(你这么快地讲着,我没能搞懂你。)
104. Jane’s studying in our school this term. She is preparing her lessons now.(这学期珍妮在我们学校学习。她现在正在准备功课。)
105. Can I use your dictionary for a moment? I’m sorry, but I am using it now.(我能用一下你的词典吗?很抱歉,我现在正在用。)
106. They are doing their best to finish the work in time.(他们正在努力及时完成这项工作。)
107. She is speaking.(她正在讲话。)
108. The children are singing.(孩子们正在唱歌。)
109. I am listening to the radio.(我正在听无线电。)
110. My brother is writing.(我兄弟正在写字。)
111. We are preparing our lesson.(我们正在准备功课。)
112. Our teachers are having a meeting.(我们的老师正在开会。)
113. The dog is running very fast.(狗正在非常快地跑着。)
114. Your sister is looking for her pen.(你的姐妹正在找她的钢笔。)
115. see a map on the wall.(我看见墙上的一张地图。)
116. My father works in a factory.(我的父亲在工厂工作。)
117. The pupils often play games in the playground.(学生们经常在操场上玩游戏。)
118. Tom and his sister often clean the room together in the morning.(汤姆和他的妹妹经常在早晨打扫房间。)
119. She studies politics, Chinese and other subjects.(她学习政治、语文和其他课目。)
120. The boys pass by the bookstore every day on their way to school.(孩子们每天在上学路上经过书店。)
121. My brother and I wash our clothes every day.(我兄弟和我每天洗我们的衣服。)
122. Our parents usually go to work at seven.(我们的父母通常在七点钟去上班。)
123. Birds fly south in winter.(鸟在冬天飞往南方)
124. Mary lives in New York.(玛丽住在纽约。)
125. We always get up early.(我们总是起床很早。)
126. He usually goes to bed at nine.(他通常九点上床。)
127. It often rains in spring.(天天常常下雨。)
128. I sometimes go to the park.(我有时去公园。)
129. She seldom comes late.(她不常迟到。)
130. Li-li never tells a lie.(丽丽从不撒谎。)
131. I often go to the cinema.(我常常去电影院。)
132. He seldom forgets to do his homework.(他不常忘记做回家作业。)
133. The boy usually goes to school at 7.30.(那男孩通常七点半去上学。)
134. She never talks to her teacher that way.(她从不以那种方式跟老师谈话。)
135. He usually studies in the reading-room.(他通常在阅览室里学习。)
136. We always listen to the radio at 8.00 p. m.(我们总是在上午八点听无线电。)
137. John sometimes watches television in the evening.(约翰有时在晚上看电视。)
138. Wang Fang never comes to school late.(王芳来上学从不迟到。)
139. They are always busy.(他们总是很忙。)
140. I don’t usually take a bath at noon.(我通常不在中午洗澡。)
141. Do you often work so late?(你常常工作得这么晚吗?)
142. This is sometimes true.(这有时是真实的。)
143. We can seldom do it without his help.(没有他的帮助,我们很少能做到。)
144. It is not going to be cold next month.(下个月不会马上很冷。)
145. He is always ready to help people.(他总是助人为乐。)
146. You must never do it again.(你千万不能再做这件事。)
147. She is seldom late for school.(她上学不常迟到。)
148. Do you often read the newspaper after supper.(你常常在晚饭后看报吗?)
149. Tom doesn’t usually wake up so early.(汤姆通常不醒得这么早。)
150. Mary can sometimes choose the right thing.(玛丽有时会选择正确的事情。)
151. Does he usually have breakfast at six?(他通常在六点钟吃早饭吗?)
152. The boys are seldom absent from school.(男生们不常缺课。)
153.Now I am reading the newspaper.(现在我正在看报纸。)
154. We are not going to play basket-ball after school.(我们不打算放学后打篮球。)
155. The workers are building a big ship these days.(这几天工人们正在造一条大船。)
156. The pupils are visiting a photo show now.(学生们现在正在参观摄影展览。)
157. We often play basket-ball with Class Three.(我们常常与三班打篮球。)
158. Wang Ling does a lot of housework every evening, but today he is helping his brother with his lessons.(王林每天晚上做许多家务,但今天正在帮助弟弟温习功课。)
159. I am going to study French next year.(我打算明年学法语。)
160. I am going to read the book this morning.(我打算今晚看这本书。)
161. She is going to help her classmate later.(她打算最近帮助她的同学。)
162. It is going to snow very soon.(过不了多久就要下雪了。)
163. We are going to go to Peking the day after tomorrow.(我们打算后天去北京。)
164. You are going to be middle school pupils next autumn.(你们明年秋季就要成为中学生了。)
165. They are going to visit the museum next week.(他们准备下星期参观博物馆。)
166. They are not going to stay here.(他们不打算住在那里。)
167. She is not going to mend her shoes.(她不打算补自己的鞋。)
168. You are not going to have an English lesson tomorrow.(你们没计划明天上英语课。)
169. I am not going to watch TV today.(我不打算今天看电视。)
170. You are not going to see the film next Sunday.(你们不打算下星期天看这部电影。)
171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚写信给他父亲。)
172. I shall be at middle school next year.(明年我将要读中学。)
173. You will hear the news tonight.(今夜你将会听到这条消息。)
174. He will tell it to you the day after tomorrow.(他将会在后天把这件事告诉你。)
175. She will play volley ball after school.(放学后她要打排球。)
176. It will be cold tomorrow.(明天要冷了。)
177. The baby will be able to walk soon.(这婴儿不久就能走路了。)
178. We shan’t be middle school pupils next year.(我们不会在明年成为中学生的。)
179. She won’t read the book this evening.(她今晚不会看这本书。)
180. They won’t see the film this week.(他们这星期不会去看这部电影。)
181. You won’t hear from him tonight.(你不会在今夜收到他的信。)
182. I shan’t be sixteen until early next month.(我到下个月月初才十六岁。)
183. They won’t be able to come this evening.(他们今晚不能够来了。)
184. There will be a football match next Sunday.(下星期天将有一场足球赛。)
185. There will be more new machines in the workshop.(车间里将有更多的新机器。)
186. There won’t be any rain next few days.(过几天不会下雨。)
187. There will be several new film on next season.(下个季度会有几部新影片。)
188. We don’t go to school on Sunday.(我们星期天不上学。)
189. He does his homework in the evening.(他在晚上做回家作业。)
190. I first met him on a spring evening.(春天的一个晚上我第一次遇见他。)
191. My sister usually gets up at six o’clock.(我姐姐通常在六点钟起床。)
192. Her father lived in Tientsin at that time.(那时他父亲住在天津。)
193. We have dinner at a quarter to twelve.(我们十一点三刻吃饭。)
194. I left for Peking on September 11.(我是九月十一日赴北京的。)
195. Chang Hua is going to stay here next month.(张华打算下个月在这儿呆着。)
196. We are learning Lesson Ten this week.(这星期我们正在学第十课。)
197. She often works at night.(她常常在夜里工作。)
198. She worked late last night.(她昨夜工作得很晚。)
199. They went to the park the day before yesterday.(前天他们去过公园。)
200. It will be very hot next month.(下个月将会很热。)




(1) 用来连接两个并列概念的连接词有and , not only…but also…, neither…nor…等,and所连接的前后分句往往表示先后关系、递进关系.前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时.
(2) 表示在两者之间选择一个, 常用的连接词有or,otherwise,or else,either…or…等,前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时.
(3) 表明两个概念彼此有矛盾、相反或者转折, 常用的连接词有but,yet,still ,however等,前后分句时态一致.
(4) 说明原因, 用连接词for ,前后分句时态一致.
(5) 表示结果,用连接词so, 前后分句时态一致.

While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.(爷爷奶奶们很爱孩子,同时对他们也严格要求.) / It seemed as if the meeting would never end.(看起来会议没完没了.) / Hurry up, or (else) you'll be late.(快点, 要不然就来不及了.) / However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.(不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃.)
(1) 表语从句:在句子中作连系动词的表语的从句,它位于主句中的系动词之后.
例如:That is why he did not come to school yesterday. / It is because you are so clever.
(2) 宾语从句:在句子中作及物动词或介词的宾语.
② 关于宾语从句连词的选择:
若从句来源于一个一般疑问句,连词则用if 或whether;
例如:They believe that the computer will finally take the place of human beings.(他们相信计算机终将代替人类.) (从句本来就是陈述句)/ I wonder whether I should say something for him to the headmaster. (我不知道是不是该为他在校长跟前说点什么.) (从句来源于一般问句Shall I say something for him to the headmaster?) / He asked me where he could get such medicine. (他问我在哪儿能搞到那样的药.) (从句来源于特殊问句Where can he get such medicine? )
③ 宾语从句的时态问题:如果主句是现在时,从句则用现在某一时态,甚至可以用过去时;
如主句是过去时,从句则相应地使用过去某一时态,遇到客观真理时仍然用现在时.如:I think I will do better in English this term. (我想本学期我的英语会学得好点.) / The teacher asked the boy if the earth is round. (老师问那个男孩地球是不是圆的.)
④ 下列结构后面的从句一般也作为宾语从句看待:
be sorry / afraid / sure / glad +that从句,如:I’m sorry I’m late. (对不起,我迟到了.) / I’m afraid he isn’t in at the moment. (恐怕他此刻不在家.)
(3) 状语从句:在复合句中作状语,其位置可以在主句前或主句后.状语从句可以分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、比较、让步、条件等几种.状语从句由从属连接词引导.
时间状语从句通常由when ,as ,while, after, before, since, as soon as ,since, till (until), while, whenever 等引导.时间状语从句一般放在句首或句尾,特别注意,时间状语从句不允许使用将来时,而应该用现在时替代.如: When you finish the work, you may go out to play with Sam. (你完成工作就可以出去和Jim一起玩了.) / I won’t leave until Mum comes back. (妈妈回来了我才会走.)
地点状语从句通常由 where, wherever等引导.如:Go back where you came from! (哪里来还滚到哪里去!) / I will never forget to catch the thief who stole my necklace wherever he may be. (我永远也不会忘记去抓住那个偷我项链的贼,无论他会在哪里.)
原因状语从句通常由because, since, as等引导,一般放在句首或句尾.如:He went abroad because his father had found a good university for him. (他出国了,因为他父亲给他找了一所好大学.)
目的状语从句通常由so that..., so...hat..., in order that... 等引导,往往放在句尾,从句中通常含有can / could / may / might等情态动词.如:He got up earlier so that he could catch the first train. (他起身更早为的是赶上第一班车.)
结果状语从句通常由 so that..., so...that... 等引导,放在句尾.结果状语从句一般表示已经发生的事情,故多为过去时态.如:He lost so many bikes that he decided never to buy a new one. (他丢了那么多辆自行车,他决定再也不买新车了.)
比较状语从句通常由as, than, as (so)...as等引导,一般省略从句的谓语部分,只剩下名词或代词(用主格或宾格均可).如:Jane is much taller than I/me. (Jane比我高多了.) / I don’t have as many books as you (do). (我书没有你多)
让步状语从句通常由though (although), as, even if( even though), however, whatever等引导.如:Even if you pay the debt(债务) for me, I will not thank you because it has nothing to do with me. (即使你替我还了债我也不会感谢你,因为它与我毫无关系.) / He wears a T-shirt though it is very cold. (他穿了一件T恤衫,尽管天很冷.)
条件状语从句通常由if, unless, as long as等引导,条件状语从句一般放在句首或句尾,特别注意,时间状语从句不允许使用将来时,而应该用现在时替代.You will certainly fail in the coming final exams unless you work much harder. (即将来到的期末考试你肯定考不及格,除非你更用功.) / If it doesn’ t rain tomorrow, we shall go hiking. (如果明天不下雨我们就要去徒步旅行.)
[注意] 1、because与so;(al)though与but;if与so不可以同在一个句子中成对出现.
(4) 定语从句:在复合句中作定语用修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句.
① 定语从句的位置:放在名词或代词的后面.如:The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle. (手上抓了一把雨伞的人是我的叔叔.)
② 语法术语的改变:被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词;引导定语从句的连接词称为关系词,其中that、which、who称为关系代词,where、when、how称为关系副词.
③ 关系代词或关系副词的作用:
关系代词who、whom 和whose指人,分别在从句中作主语、宾语和定语.which指物that多指物, 有时也指人,它们在从句中可以作主语或宾语.定语从句中关系代词作从句宾语时可以省略.This is the thief (that/who/whom) we have been looking for these days. (这个就是我们近日一直在找的小偷.) / Please find a room which is big enough for all of us to live in. (请找一间足够大能住下我们全体的房间.)
关系副词when或where引导定语从句时,它们在从句中分别作时间状语和地点状语.如:This is the room where they had a quarrel a week ago. (这是一个星期前他们吵架的房间.) / I can never forget the day when I first saw you. (我永远不会忘记第一次见到你的日子.)
④ 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句.限制性定语从句在句中不能省略,否则主句意思就不完整.非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,这种从句是一种附加说明,如果从句子中省去,也不致于影响主句的意思.如:She spent the whole evening talking about her latest book, which none of us had heard of. (她一个晚上都在谈论她最近的书,我们一个人都没有听说过那本书.)
当先行词是指事物的不定代词(all, anything等),或先行词部分含有最高级,或含有序数词时,不能用其他的关系代词,只能用that. 如:All that Lily told me seems untrue. (Lily告诉我的话似乎不真实.) / Can you give me anything that has no sugar inside? (能不能给我点里面没有糖的东西?) / This is the first two-story bus that runs in our city. (这是第一辆运行于我市的双层公交车.)
如:Do you know the woman who is weeping in the corner? (你认识那个在角落里哭泣的女人吗?) / Do not tell me any words that have nothing to do with me. (跟我无关的话,请一个字也不要说.)
如:Tom’s father was the first parent whom our teacher talked to. (Tom的父亲是我们老师第一个谈话的人.)
如:This is the room in which Miss Li once lived. (= This is the room Miss Li once lived in.) (这是李小姐曾经居住过的房间.)
(5) 主语从句:在句子中充当句子主语的从句叫主语从句.位于谓语动词之前.通常由that,whether以及疑问连词引导.一般情况下,常用it替代主语从句,而将主语从句移到句尾.如:When we should start is still a question. (我们该在什么时候开始还是个问题呢.)
③主句里的动词如果是过去时,间接引语中的时态一般应作相应改变: 一般现在时变一般过去时;一般将来时变过去将来时;现在进行时变过去进行时;现在完成时变成过去完成时;一般过去时变成过去完成时;但一般过去时如与一个具体的过去时间连用,则时态不变.
如:He says,"I am not from the USA.”→He says that he is not from the USA.
Mr Smith said to his girl friend,“ I haven’ t seen you for a long time.”
→Mr Smith said to his girl friend that he had not seen her for a long time.
2、直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,需用从属连接词whether或if引导,词序要改变.如:Lin Tao said to Miss Green, "Is it made in China?” →Lin Tao asked Miss Green if it was made in China.
如:Lucy said to me, “How can I help?” →Lucy asked me how she could help.
4、直接引语如是祈使句,变间接引语时,须将祈使句变为动词不定式,并在动词不定式前用tell, ask, order. 如:He said to the little boy,“ Come here, young man! ”
→He asked the little boy to go there.
倒装句: 谓语的一部分或者全部放在主语之前的句子称为倒装句.
1、THERE BE句型以及以here、there开头的句子.如: There are a lot of children in the showroom. (在展览室里有许多的小孩.)/ Here comes the bus. (公交车来了.) / There goes the bell. (铃响了.) / The door opened and in came Mr Lee. (门开了,李先生走了进来.)
2、用“So / Nor / Neither + 助动词 + 主语”倒装结构表示第二个人物的情况与上文的人物情况相同.如:Tom went to the beach last week, and, so did I. (Tom上个星期去了海滩,我也是.) / Li Mei’s bought nothing from the shop. Neither has Jim. (李梅没有在店里买什么,Jim也没有买.)
3、在疑问句中,通常使用在主语之前安放助动词的倒装方法,对主语提问除外.如:How did he find the lost book? (他是怎么样找到丢失的书的?) / Where are they going to spend the summer vacation? (他们打算到哪儿过暑假?)
4、感叹句中通常将被感叹的部分前移,而将句子的主谓语整体后置. 如:What a beautiful flower (it is)! (那是多漂亮的花!)
5、有引号引用某人的原话时,引号外面的主谓一般采用倒装形式放在句尾,但是,若主语是代词则不倒装.如:“What on earth are you doing up there?” said the father. (父亲说:“你在上边到底干什么?”) / “What on earth are you doing up there?”he said. (他说:“你在上边到底干什么?”)
die、dead、death的用法:die是动词,可以独立做谓语,有各种时态变化,也可以变成非谓语形式作句子的其他成分;dead是形容词,作句子的定语、表语或宾语补足语;death是名词,作句子的主语、宾语等.如:I’m going to die! (我要死了!) / The man has been dead for about three months. (那个人死了三个月左右.) / He is worried to death. (他急得要死.)


以上就是关于英语并列句例句00个带翻译 ,英语句子的全部内容,以及英语并列句例句100个带翻译 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年11月14日10时21分40秒
下一篇 2022年11月14日10时31分38秒


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