高中英语重点笔记大全 ,高三英语知识考点整理概括人教版



  高考对冠词的考查集中在基本用法上,主要既反映在对泛指、特指及固定 短语 冠词的考查。抽象名词、物质名词的具体化依然是高考的重点、难点。接下来是我为大家整理的 高三英语 知识考点整理概括,希望大家喜欢!



  Someone explain that one to me!


  Someone must be at the back of this.


  He found someone on him.






  在英语语言中,为了使语言简洁明了,重点突出或上下文紧密相连,可以省去某些 句子 成分而保持句子愿意不变,这种语言现象称之为省略。现就英语中的种.种省略现象分析如下:



  a) The boy picked up a coin in the road and (the boy ) handed it to a policeman. 这个男孩在马路上拾起一枚硬币并把他交给了警察。

  b) Your advice made me happy but(your advice made) Tom angry .你的建议使我高兴但使汤姆生气。

  c) Tom must have been playing basketball and Mary (must have been)doing her homework. 汤姆肯定一直在打 篮球 ,玛丽一直在写作业。

  d) Gao Xiumin was born in 1959 and Fu Biao (was born) in 1963.高秀敏出生于1959年,傅彪出生于1963年。



  一般说来省略现象多出现在下列五种状语从句中:由 when ,while ,as ,before, after , till, until, once等引导的时间状语从句;由whether ,if , unless 等引导的条件状语从句;由though , although ,even if ,whatever等引导的让步状语从句;由 as ,than 等引导的比较状语从句;由as, as if , as though 等引导的方式状语从句。上述状语从句在省略时应遵循下面原则:

  1) 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略状语从句的主语和系动词be,这时从句中可出现如下结构:(1) 连词(as, as if , once)+ 名词; (2) 连词( though, whether , when)+形容词;(3) 连词(whether, as if ,while )+介词短语;(4) 连词(when , while , though )+ 现在分词; (5) 连词

  (when ,if ,even if ,unless ,once ,until, than , as ) + 过去分词; (6) 连词(as if ,as though ) + 不定式。如:

  a) Once (he was)a worker ,Pang Long now becomes a famous singer .庞龙曾经是个工 人,现在变成一位著名的歌手。

  b) Work hard when (you are) young ,or you'll regret.趁年轻要努力学习,要不然你会后悔的。 c) He looked everywhere as if (he was)in search of something .他到处看似乎在找什么东西。 d) While (he was) holding talks with President Hu Jintao ,US President George W. Bush thanked China for its important role in the Six-Party Talks.美国总统布什在与胡锦涛同志会谈时,感谢中国在六方会谈中起的重要作用。

  e) The exhibition is more interesting than (it was) expected .这次展览比被预料的有趣的多。 f) Olympic gold medallist hurdler Liu Xiang opened his lips as if (he were) to speak。奥林匹克金牌获得者 跨栏 运动员刘翔张开嘴好像要说什么。


  1) 当从句的主语和主句的宾语一致时,间或也有这样的省略,如:

  Her father told her to be careful when (she was)crossing the street.当她过马路时父亲告诉她要当心。

  2) 当从句的主语是 it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be 时 ,可以把it和系动词be一起省略。此时构成连词(if , unless ,when , whenever)+形容词的结构。如:

  Unless (it is) necessary ,you'd better not refer to the dictionary.如果没有必要,你最好不要查字典。


  1) 一般说来,在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词 that ,which , whom 可以省略;如:

  Is this reason (that) he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?这就是他在会上解释他工作中粗心的原因吗?(2002上海春季)

  而在非限制性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词 which , whom 不可以省略。试比较:

  Tom (whom) you saw yesterday fell ill.( whom可以省) 你昨天见到的汤姆病倒了。

  Tom , whom you saw yesterday ,fell ill. ( whom不可以省) 汤姆病倒了,你昨天见到他了。

  2)在口语和非正式用语中,关系副词when ,where , 和 why 经常用that 来代替,甚至还可省略。如:

  a) This is the first time (when/that)he had trouble with the boss.这是他第一次麻烦老板。 b) He wants to find a good place (where/that) we can have a picnic during the “golden week ”holiday .他想找一个能在黄金周期间野餐的好地方。

  c) Could you tell us the reason (why/that)he was so unhappy ? 你能告诉我们他为什么如此不高兴吗?

  3)当先行词为表示方式的 the way 时 ,从句不能用 how 来引导 ,应该用that 或 in which ,或将它们全部省略。如:

  I don't like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.我不喜欢你嘲笑他的行为。


  1)在及物动词后面所接的宾语从句中,连词that 一般可以省略;但如果及物动词后面是由that引导的两个或两个以上的并列的宾语从句 ,那么只有第一个that可以省略。如:

  a) I think (that) the reform of the renminbi's exchange rate is necessary. 我认为人民币兑换率的改革是必要的。

  b) He said (that)the Anti-secession law had been passed and that President Hu Jintao had signed a presidential order 他说《 反分裂国家法》已被通过,而且胡锦涛主席已签署了主席令。

  2)由 which , when ,where , how,和 why 引导的 宾语从句,可以全部或部分省略。如:

  a) I know that NBA star Yao Ming will come to our city but I don’t know when (he will come to our city).我知道NBA明星要到我们城市来但我不知道他什么时候来。

  b) He wants to move abroad but his parents wonders why (he wants to move abroad)他想搬迁到国外但他的父母想知道为什么。

  4.在与suggest ,request ,order ,advise 等词相关的名词性从句中,须用虚拟语气形式“should +动词原形”,should可以省略。如:

  Chirac, President of the Republic of France suggested that the China-France Culture Year (should) last long in various forms.法国总统希拉克建议中法 文化 年以各种各样的形式长期持续。


  (It is a ) Pity that I didn’t go to Mary's birthday party yesterday.很遗憾,我昨天没有去参加玛丽的生日聚会。


  —Why were you absent from school last Friday ?—(I was absent from school)Because my mother was ill. —上周五你为什么没有上学? —因为我妈妈病了。



  1)祈使句中的主语通常被省略 如:

  (You) Open the door, please. 请开一下门。

  2) 其它 省略主语多限于现成的说法 如:

  a) (I) Thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助。

  b) (It)Doesn’t matter.没关系。

  2.省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分 如:

  a) (There is) No smoking. 禁止抽烟

  b) (Is there)anything else ? 还有其他事吗 ?

  c) (You come)This way please.请这边走。

  d) (Will you) Have a smoke ? 抽烟吗 ?

  3.省略宾语 如:

  —Do you know Mr. Li ? 你认识李先生吗?— I don’t know (him.) 我不认识他

  4.省略表语 如:

  —Are you thirsty ? 你30岁了吗? Yes , I am (thirsty). 是的,我是。

  5.同时省略几个成分 如:

  a) —Are you feeling better now? 你觉得好些了吗 ?—(I am feeling ) Much better (now) 好多了。

  b) (I wish) Good luck (to you) .祝你好运/祝你顺利。

  四、动词不定式省略,只保留to 的场合

  1.不定式作某些动词的宾语时,这些动词常见的有:love, like, care, wish, hope, expect, prefer, refuse, mean , try , oblige , advise , persuade , agree , want , afford , forget , remember , try , manage等。如:

  a)— You should have thanked her before you left . —I meant to ,but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.—你本该在离开前谢谢她。—我本打算这么做,但当我就要离开的时候我却找不到她了。(2000上海春)

  b) You can do it this way if you like to .如果你想做,你可以这么做。

  2.不定式作某些动词的宾语补足语或主语补足语时,这些动词常见的有:ask , tell ,advise, force, persuade, wish, allow, permit , forbid ,expect, order ,warn 等。如 :

  a) The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street ,but his mother told him not to. 男孩想在街上骑他的自行车,但他母亲不让。(NMET1995)

  b) She wants to come but her parents won’t allow her to (come). 她想来,可是她父母不让。

  3.不定式在句中作某些形容词的状语时,常见的形容词有:happy, glad ,eager , anxious , willing , ready 等。如:

  — I will be away on a business trip .Could you mind looking after my cat ? — Not at all.I would be happy to (look after your cat). —我要出差,你能帮我照顾一下我的猫吗?—没关系,我很愿意。

  4.不定式作某些复合谓语时,常见结构如:be able to, be going to, have to, ought to, used to等。如:

  He doesn’t like fish but he used to 他现在不喜欢吃鱼,但过去喜欢。

  五、动词不定式to 的省略

  1.主语部分有to do ,系动词 is 或 was 时 ,作表语的不定式通常省去to。如:

  The only thing you have to do is press the button.你必须做的惟一事情是按按钮。

  2.作介词but ,expect ,besides 的宾语,前面又有实意动词 do时,不定式通常省去to. 如: He said that Chen Shuibian had nothing to do except push a pro-“independence” timetable.他说陈水扁除了推进支持“独立”的时间表外,什么也没有做。

  3.主语部分暗含to do,表语中的不定式通常省去to。如:

  All I want (to do) is go to school and study hard .我想要(做)的就是上学,努力学习。

  4.当两个或多个不定式并列时,其后的不定式符号可以省略,但有对比关系时不可省略。如: It is easier to say than to do . 说起来容易,做起来难。

  5.在would rather?than? 等结构中,不定式符号常常要省略. 如:

  I would rather stay at home than go to see a film.我宁愿呆在家也不愿去看电影。

  6.在see ,watch ,notice ,hear, listen to ,look at ,feel ,have, make, let ,observe 等词后作宾语补足语时省略不定式符号to;why (not) do 结构 中, 不定式不带to。如:

  a) I saw her enter the room. 我看见她进入了房间

  b) Why not join us ?为什么不加入到我们的行列里来呢?



  We spent the weekend at the Mary's. 我们在玛丽家过的周末。

  2.What和 how引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语 it 和be动词 如:

  a) What a wonderful victory (it is ) for Tom ! 这对Tom来说是个多么大的胜利呀!

  b) How beautiful (it is ) to be treated like a normal child. 被当作一个正常孩子对待对他而言是多么美妙的一件事呀。



  1. About 60 percent of the students _____ from the south, the rest of them _____ from the north and foreign countries.

  A. are/is B. are/are C. is/are D. are

  2. Half of the workers here _____ under 30 _____.

  A. is/years B. are/year old C. is/years old D. are/years of age

  3. Now Tom with his classmates _____ football on the playground.

  A. play B. are playing C. plays D. is playing

  4. The number of pages in this dictionary _____ about two thousand.

  A. are B. has C. have D. is

  5. Thirty dollars _____ too expensive.

  A. are B. is C. were D. be

  6. The audience _____ so large that no seat was left unoccupied in the great hall.

  A. is B. are C. was D. has

  7. The secretary and principal _____ at the meeting now.

  A. are speaking B. is speaking C. were making a speech D. have a speech

  8. "If anybody _____, please put down _____ name," said the teacher to the monitor.

  A. wants to buy the book/his B. want to buy the book/their

  C. will buy the book/one's D. wants to have the book bought/her

  9. Nothing but one desk and six chairs _____ in the room.

  A. are B. is stayed C. is D. are left

  10. Having arrived at the station, _____.

  A. it was found that the train had left &nb, sp; B. th, e trai, n had left

  C. the train was found left D. he found that the train had left

  11. Between the two roads _____ a TV tower called "Skyscraper Tower".

  A. stands B. standing C. which stands D. stand

  12. Either of you _____ going there tonight.

  A. will B. was C. is D. are

  13. You as well _____ right.

  A. I are B. I am C. as I am D. as I are

  14. All but Dick _____ in Class Three this term.

  A. are B. is C. were D. was

  15. -- Shall I wait here for three hours?

  --Yes. Three hours ___, __ t, , , , , o wait for such a doctor.

  A. are not very long for you B. is not long enough fo, , , , , r you

  C. was not long enough for you D. will be too long for you

  16. Where to get the materials and how to get them _____ at the meeting.

  A. have not discussed B. have not been discussed

  C. has not discussed D. has not been discussed

  17. I took mathematics and physics because I think that _____ very important for me to make further research in this field.

  A. what is B. they are C. this D. which are

  18. Every student and every teacher _____.

  A. are going to attend the meeting B. have attended the meeting

  C. has attended the meeting D. is attended the meeting

  19. Three fourths of the bread _____ by Bob, and the rest of the bread _____ left on the table.

  A. was eaten/were B. were eaten/was C. were eaten/were D. was eaten/was

  20. This pair of shoes _____.

  A. is her B. is hers C. are hers D. are her

  21.There ______ no life on the moon.

  A. is said to have B. are said to have C. is said to be D. are said to be

  22.A group of ______ are eating ______ and ______ at the foot of the hill

  A. sheep; grass; leaves B. sheeps grasses leaves

  C. sheep; grass leaf D. sheeps grass leafs

  23.My family raise a lot of _______, including two______.

  A. cattles cows B. cows cattle C. cattle cows D. cow, cattles

  24.What he says and what he does_______.

  A. does not agree B. do not agree C. does not agree with D. not agree

  25.The boy and the girl each ______ toys.

  A. have their own B. has their own C. have her own D. has her own

  26.She is the only one among the ______ writers who ______stories for children.

  A. woman, writes B. women write C. women writes D. woman write

  27.The railway station is ______from our school.

  A. two hour`s drive B. two hours` drive C. two hour drive D. two hours drive

  28.Mike and John`s ______.

  A. father is a teacher B. fathers are teachers

  C. father are teachers D. fathers are teacher

  29.A great deal of talking and listening that ______ under casual circumstance may seem to be aimless.

  A. is occurred B. are occurred C. occurs D. occur

  30._______ the classroom needs to be cleaned.

  A. Either the offices or B. The offices and C. Both the office and D. The office and

  31.Three-fourths of the homework ______today.

  A. has finished B. has been finished C. have finished D. have been finished

  32.More than 60 percent of the world’s radio programmes ______in England.

  A. is B. was C. are D. be

  33. ______work has been done to improve the people`s living standard

  A.A great deal of B.A great many C.A large number of D.Many

  34.The rest of the magazines ______ within half an hour.

  A.is sold out B.are sold out C.was sold out D.were sold out

  35.There ______ a lot of sugar in the jar.

  A. has B.have C.is D.are

  36. “All ______present and all ______going on well”, our monitor said.

  A.is is B.are, are C.are is D.is are

  37.Yesterday the League secretary and monitor ______ asked to make a speech at the meeting.

  A.is B.was C.are D.were.

  38.Mary as well as her sisters ______ Chinese in China.

  A.are studying B.have studied C.studies D.study

  39.The rich______ not always happy.

  A.are B.is C.will D.may

  40. ______can be done ______done.

  A.All, have been B.All that ,have been C.All has D.All that ,has been

  41.Either of the plans ______equally dangerous.

  A.are B.is C.has D.have

  42.The police ______the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.

  A.is searching B.were searching for

  C.are searching D.was searching for

  43.Your trousers ______dirty, you must have______ washed.

  A.is it B.are it C.are them D.is them

  44.The Olympic games ______held every four ______.

  A.is years B.are years C.is year D.are year

  45.He is the oly one of the students who______elected.

  A.are B.have C.has D.is

  46. ______a good enough price for this book

  A.Two yuans are B.Two yuan are C.Two yuans is D.Two yuan is

  47.No bird and no beast ______in the lonely island

  A.are seen B.is seen C.see D.sees

  48.Every means ______prevent the water from______

  A.are used to polluting B. get used to polluting

  C.is used to , polluted D.is used to ,being polluted

  49.Each of the ______in the ship.

  A.passenger has his own room B. passengers have their own room

  C.passenger have their own room D.sengers has his own room

  50.What we need ______good textbooks.

  A.is B.are C.have D.has

  51.What you said just now______to do with the matter we are discussing.

  A.have something B.has something C.had something D.was something

  52.Either your parents or your elder brother ______to attend the meeting tomorrow.

  A.is B.are C.are going D.have

  53.Neither of the novels which ______popular with us ______been translated into Chinese.

  A.are has B.are have C.is have D.is has

  54.Every boy and every girl ______to attend the evening party.

  A.wish B.wishes C.hope D.are hoping

  55._______ has been done.

  A.nety—nine percents of the work B. Half of what he promised

  C. Two-fifths of the articles D. Three quarter of the business


  1-5 BDDDB 6-10 ABACD 11-15 ACDAB 16-20 DBCDB

  21-25 CACBA 26-30CBACA 31-35 CCADC 36-40CBCAD

  41-45 BBCBD 46-50 DBDDB 51-55 BAABB

高三英语知识考点整理概括相关 文章 :

1. 高考英语知识点归纳整理

2. 高考英语知识点总结归纳

3. 高考英语知识点考点归纳

4. 高考英语知识考点汇总

5. 高考英语知识点汇总大全

6. 英语考点知识归纳

7. 高考英语知识点归纳

8. 英语高考知识点归纳

9. 英语高考知识点总结归纳

10. 高中英语知识归纳笔记



知识是人们前进的最大动力,因为有知识,我们知道我们从哪里来,也知道我们将要到哪里去。下面是由我为大家整理的高中英语知识 总结 ,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


一般现在时 (do/does; is/am/are)

① 表示现在的情况、状态或特征。

例:He is a student.


② 表示经常性、习惯性动作。

例:He always helps others.


③ 客观事实和普遍真理。

例:The earth moves the sun.


④ 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作。

仅限于某些表示“来、去、动 、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词,可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用 。


例:The next train leaves at 3 o clock this afternoon.


⑤ 在时间、条件和让步状语从句中经常用一般现在(有时也用现在完成时)表示将的来事情。(即:主将从现原则)

例:I will call you as soon as I arrive at the airport.


When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.

等你完成这份 报告 的时候,我就已经等了将近3个小时了。


现在完成时(have/has done)

① 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成,强调对现在产生的影响。 

例:I bought a new house, but I haven t sold my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses.


② 表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去。此时经常用延续性动词。


例:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas have been challenged today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.



现在进行时(am/is/are doing)

① 表示此时此刻正在发生的事情。

例:He is listning to the music now.


② 表示目前一段时间内一直在做的事情,但不一定此时此刻正在做。

例:I am studying computer this term.


③ 现在进行时可以表示将来的含义。

a. 瞬时动词的进行一定表将来。

例:I am leaving.


b. 持续动词的进行只有有将来的时间状语或有将来语境中才表将来。

例:I am travelling next month.


④ 现在进行时与频度副词连用,表示说话者或褒义或贬义的感情色彩。

例:He is always helping others.



过去进行时(was/ were doing)

① 表示在过去具体的时间正在发生的动作。 

例:Mary was listening to light music 10 minutes ago.


② 表示过去某个时间段内一直在发生的事情。

例:I was travelling in London last summer vacation.


③ 过去进行时可以表示过去将来的含义。

a. 瞬时动词的过去进行时一定表示过去将来的含义。

例:Then she said she was leaving.


b. 持续动词的过去进行时只有在有过去将来的时间状语或过去将来的语境下才能表示过去将来。

例:She said that she was travelling the next day.


④ 过去进行时和频度副词连用可以表示说话者或褒义或贬义的感情色彩。



(1)will do

① 表示主语主观意愿的将来。

例:I will send her a glass hand-made craft as her birthday gift.


② 表示客观将来。

例:Fish will die without water.


③ 表示临时决定。

例:——Mary has been ill for a week.

——Oh,I didn t know. I will go and see her. 

(2)am/is/are going to do

① 表示计划、打算做某事。 

例:This is just what I am going to say.


② 表示根据某种迹象看,很可能或即将发生的事情,表推测。

例:Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It s going to rain.


(3)am/is/are about to do


例:Don t worry, I am about to make a close examination on you.


(4)be to do

① 表示“按计划、安排即将发生某事或打算做某事”。 

例:She is to be seen in the lab on Monday.


② 该做或不该做的事情(语气上接近于should, must, ought to, have to),表示一种命令、规劝性语气。 

例:You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids. Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes.

孩子们,你们必须 上床睡觉,不准吵闹。我们的客人5分钟之内就要到了。

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  take 的用法

  take 可作及物动词和不及物动词,主要有以下用法:

  一、take 作拿,拿走,带去讲。如:

  Please take the tea-things away.


  You'd better take your umbrella along.


  二、take 作"吃(喝),乘坐,接受" 讲。如:

  She asked us to take tea with her.


  We are waiting to take the plane to Yan'an.


  I'm very glad that you've taken their advice.


  三、take 作"测量,照(相),记录"讲。如:

  The doctor took my temperature.


  We took photos on the Great Wall.


  四、take 作"花费,需要"讲。如:

  It takes many hands to do the work.


  五、take + n. 构成的词组:

  take effect 生效,发生作用;

  take aim 瞄准;

  take care 当心,注意;

  take office 就职;

  take trouble 费事;

  take notes 作笔记;

  take pains 费力;

  take place 发生;

  take heart 鼓起勇气。

  take + adv. prep. 构成的词组:

  take away 拿走,拿开;

  take back 收回;

  take down 拆开,记下;

  take in 欺骗,领会,包括,容纳;

  take off 起飞,成名,脱掉;

  take on 呈现,接纳;

  take out 取出,拔出;

  take up 学习,占去,从事,接纳;

  take over 接收,接管;

  take to 喜欢。


  1. 动词转化为名词

  Let me have a try.


  They are only allowed to sell soft drinks at school.


  2. 名词转化为动词

  He shouldered his way through the crowd.


  The smell from the kitchen made his mouth water.


  3. 形容词转化为动词

  We will try our best to better our living conditions.


  They tried to perfect the working conditions.


  4. 形容词转化为名词

  He didn’t know the difference between right and wrong.


  The old in our village are living a happy life.


  5. 形容词转化为副词

  How long have you lived there?


  6. 个别词在一定场合中可转化为名词

  Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.


  Life is full of ups and downs.


  His argument contains too many ifs and buts.



  [1.定语从句在什么情况下用 whose 引导]

  whose 用于代替"表示人或物意义"的先行词,在从句中作定语,


  Whose 常表达"某人的、某物的"之意。


  Do you know the name of that girl whosebrother is your roommate ?


  Water whose boiling point is at 100 degreeCentigrade has no color, no flavor.

  沸点在摄氏 100 度的水无色、无味。

  [2.定语从句引导词 that 和 which 的区别]

  定语从句中的 8 种情况,只能用 that 引导

  1.在从句中为了避免与疑问词 who 重复时

  2.从句修饰词被 the one 修饰时


  4.从举所修饰词被 everything, anything, something 等不定代词修饰时

  5.从句所修饰词被 all , more, any 等不定代词修饰时

  6.从句所修饰的词又被 the only , the very(强调语气)the last, the same 修饰时



  [3. Turn 的几个短语]

  turn down 不接受,把...调小

  turn into sth. 转变

  turn off 关闭, 使...停止

  turn on 打开,是...开始

  turn out 终于成为...

  turn out a light 关灯

  turn over 把...翻转

  turn up 到达

  以上的 turn 均为动词词性

  in turn 逐个的

  take turn at sth.=take it in turns to dosth.逐个做某事

  turing 转弯口

  以上的 turn 为名词词性

  turn on 打开,是...开始

  turn out 终于成为...

  turn out a light 关灯

  turn over 把...翻转

  turn up 到达

  以上的 turn 均为动词词性



知识是一切力量的源泉,是文人骚客抒发豪情壮志的资本;是国家兴旺发达,科学发展的力量源泉;是人们独立于世界 文化 之林的基石,下面我给大家分享一些高中英语必修一单词知识,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读!


right away =at Once=immediately 立即

burst into laughter/ tears 突然笑了/哭了

burst out doing sth突然就做某件事

as if / though好像 in ruins损毁

injure =wound hurt伤害

be trapped in被陷入……之中 dig out挖出

bury oneself in doingsth专注于做某件事

rise升起 raise抬起 arise产生

too… to太……而不能 be away离开

it seems as if + 陈述语气/ 虚拟语气好像 act out把……表演出来

be pleased / willing/ glad to do sth有意愿做某事

hOnor=in honor of为了向…表示敬意

be proud of以……为自豪

express my thanks表达我的想法


of high/ good quality 质优 devote to + doing投身于做某事

set up建立,安排 in principle主要 in peace和平

out of work失业 in work处于有工作的状态

out of control失控 in control处于被控制的状态

vote for投票选举 vote against投票反对

be equal to 与……等同 in trouble 有麻烦

turn to求助,转向

turn on / off 开关灯

turn up / down 出现/拒绝


lose one's heart to爱上某人;倾心

escape from / + doing sth逃避去干某事

come to power / in power掌权,当政

be sentenced to被宣判为

in one’s opinion某人认为,以某人的观点来看

fight for / against为……而战/为反对……而战 blow up 爆炸 爆发

dream of/ about梦想着……

imagine doing sth 想象着做某事

the first time首次(后面加时间状语从句)

for the first time第一次(做状语)


1. add up 合计

add up to 总计达

add… to… 把。。加到。。。里

add to 增加增添 扩建

2.calm… down 平静下来

3.have got to 不得不,必须

4.be concerned about / for 关心

5.walk the dog 遛狗

cheat …of 欺骗

6.go through 穿过

go ahead 同意某人的请求

go by 流逝

7.set down 记下

set up 建立

set off 出发 引爆

set out to do=set about doing 着手做某事

8.a series of 一系列

9.on purpose 故意地

byaccident= chance 偶然地

10. in order to=so as to 为了

11. at dusk 在黄昏 at dawn 在黎明

at midnight 在午夜 at noon 在中午

12.face to face 面对面

13.no lOnger= not … any longer 不再

14. settle down 安顿下来

suffer from 遭受,患病

15.recover from 恢复 ,痊愈

16. get/ betired of 对…感到厌烦

17. make a listof 列清单

18.pack… up 装箱打包

19.get along/ on with与…相处,/ 进展

20. fall in love爱上

21. be gratefulto sb. for sth.对某人因为某事表示感激

22. join in/take part in /join/ attend 参加… 加入

23. make sb/ sth+ 宾语补足语 使…

24. havesomething/little /nothing to do with 与..有关, 与。。。无关

25. it’sbecause….. +原因

26. it’s why…. +结果

27.dare + (to) do (实义动词)

do (情态动词) 敢

28. a year and ahalf= one and a half years 一年半

29. it’s nopleasure+ doing sth


30. happen to dosth 碰巧做。。。

31.have trouble/ difficulty with sb /(in) doing sth


32. exactly 的确如此 not exactly 不完全是

33. find it +adj. + to do sth 发现做。。。很。。。

34. make friendswith 与。。。交朋友

35. swap … with 与。。。交换

36.it is / was + 序数词 time + that +has done / had done ….某人第几次做。。事


because of由于

come up上来;发生;提到;开庭

come up with想起

come in进来,进入

come on快点;开始;前进;开始工作

come out出来,发芽

actually= in fact =as a matter of fact=in reality实际上

be based on在……的基础上

at present现在

make use of make full/ good use of充分利用

such as例如

play a part/ role in在……扮演角色

recognize … as将……认成……、

more than one + 谓语用单数 不止一个的……、

at the end of在……的末尾

in the end 最终

at an end到头;结束,终止,耗尽

voyage= tour= travel= journey旅行,旅途

than ever before 比以往都更……、

even if / though虽然

communicate with those + 定语从句 用who


in his forties 在他的40多岁的时候

the former the latter 前者……后者……

a number of很多

the number of……的数量

make sense 有意义 对usage /use 用途

believe it or not信不信由你

there is no such + 名词 (不加冠词) 没有这样的

the way + in which / that /省略 ……的方式

especially = specially尤其

straight adj/ adv 笔直的,正直的


prefer to do , rather than do 喜欢做,而不喜欢做

would rather do , than do喜欢做……而不喜欢做

would do , rather than do喜欢做……而不喜欢做

fare VS fee费用 ever since自从

it’s is / has been + 时间段 + since 从句 自……以来已经

graduate from/ in从…… 毕业 be fond of喜爱

cut across穿过打断;抄近路穿过;遮断;与…相抵触

cut up切碎;砍伤;恶作剧;使悲痛

cut down砍倒 care about照顾 care for关心

determine to do sth = be determined to do sth 决心做某事

change one’s mind改变主意

make up one’s mind改变主意

at an altitude of在……的海拔高度

give in 屈服 give up 放弃

give off发出,放出 give out分发,公布

give away泄露,赠送 keep pace with与……并进 as usual像往常一样

bend over趴;伏;弯腰,弯曲

take the advantage of利用

persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth not todo sth/ out of doing sth


advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事

try to persuade sb to do sth试图说服某人去做某件事

although =though虽然 grow up成长 insist on坚持 put up张贴

put down记下,放下 put off延期 put on穿上

put away收起来、 can hardly wait to do sth忍不住做某事

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