BBC英语短篇新闻摘抄 ,英语时事短篇新闻3分钟




When the earthquake occurred in Japan, 130 kilometers northeast of Fukushima Prefecture, a huge tsunami was formed due to the earthquake, and it invaded the port at a very fast speed. 

Hundreds of people died. The earthquake is the strongest in Japan in more than 100 years, causing huge losses.





海上:at sea ; on the sea ; seaborne。

海啸:bore ; tidal wave ; seismic sea wave ; seaquake。

侵袭:make inroads on ; invade and attack ; smite ; hit。

数百:hundreds of ; several hundred ; people lost their jobs。

丧生:meet one's death ; lose one's life ; get killed。

多年来:over the years ; for years ; through the years。

以上内容参考 百度百科-日本地震


到BBC、AFP(法新社)、AP(美联社)或者New York Times等相关国外新闻网站上可以看看,经常会有突发性新闻,非常短。


Asia Stocks Post Weekly Drop on Record Oil, Growth Concern 亚洲库存在记录油的岗位每周下落,成长关心 May 10 (Bloomberg) -- Asian stocks fell this week, snapping a two-week rally, led by banks and oil refiners on concern earnings at banks and automakers will slow with record oil prices and a slowing U.S. economy. Bloomberg) 5月10日 -- 亚洲股票落这个星期,攫取一次两星期集会,带领由银行和在关心收入的油去渣机在银行和汽车制造商将减慢与记录油价和缓慢的美国经济。 Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Average fell 2.8 percent to 13,655.34, while the broader Topix Index declined 2.6 percent. Japan's markets were closed Monday and Tuesday.而更加宽广的东证指数下降了2.6%,日本的日经225储蓄平均下跌2.8%到13,655.34。 日本的市场是闭合的星期一和星期二。 The Chinese government maintains price caps for refined oil products in an attempt to restrain inflation. Crude oil topped $125 a barrel to a record in New York this week on concern supplies of diesel and gasoline may be insufficient to meet demand during the U.S. summer driving season.中国政府维护精制油产品的工资上限为克制通货膨胀。 原油名列前茅$125每桶对一个纪录在纽约在柴油关心供应的这个星期,并且汽油也许是不足适应需要在驾驶季节的美国夏天期间。Clinton, a New York senator, has 275.5 to Obama's 271, according to lists provided by both campaigns and public announcements. Obama has gained three times as many superdelegates as Clinton since the March 4 round of election contests. The New York Times and ABC News, using different methods of counting, put Obama ahead克林顿,纽约参议员,有275.5对Obama的271,根据竞选和公告提供的名单。 Obama获取了三次许多superdelegates作为克林顿从3月4日圆竞选比赛。 纽约时报和ABC新闻,使用不同的方法计数,投入了前面Obama


A train crash in eastern India has killed at least 52 people, officials say.
A passenger train ploughed into another that was waiting at a station in the town of Sainthia, West Bengal state, early on Monday.
About 90 people were injured in the accident.
TV footage showed local residents climbing through the mangled trains as they searched for survivors. The cause of the crash was not immediately known.
Emergency workers later used gas cutters and other tools to free passengers trapped in the wreckage.
Bodies recovered
Local officials say the accident occurred at about 0200 local time on Monday (2030 GMT Sunday) when the Uttar Banga Express crashed into the stationary Bhagalpur-Ranchi Vananchal Express at the station in the Birbhum district, about 200km (125 miles) north of Calcutta.
The impact of the collision was so strong that the roof one of the coaches hit a footbridge above the tracks.
Birbhum district magistrate Soumitra Mohan later told the BBC that at least 52 bodies had been recovered.
He said that all the passengers trapped in the wreckage were rescued and all the injured were taken to hospitals, ending rescue operations.
Officials believe that the trains were packed with commuters heading back to work after spending a weekend with their families.
Many inter-city trains from Bengal to Calcutta have been cancelled because of the accident.
There is speculation that faulty signalling may have been the cause of the crash. A police investigation is now under way.
This is the second major railway accident in West Bengal this year.
In May, nearly 150 people died when a Bombay-bound passenger train derailed and was hit by a goods train. Police accused Maoist rebels of sabotaging the track, but Maoists denied the charge.
Accidents are common on the state-owned Indian railway, which operates an immense network connecting every corner of the vast country.
It operates 9,000 passenger trains and carries some 18 million passengers every day.

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