妈妈教育孩子的英语作文 ,父母如何培养孩子的独立性英语作文50字





My father and my mother is a thrifty generation, life in that era, we are brother and sister have university, originally poor families become more poor, mom and dad's Thrift Savings in the subtle, I become a thrifty man. Small, there is no good, no good clothes to wear, when we wear clothes is very old, most mother with old clothes or transformation of the hand sheets of, and is a patch mosaic of. Mom and dad in order to let us eat a little good, I never want to spend money. Our small mainly rely on manual bed of mom and dad money family (a US on the other side of the bed, is woven coir rope, the bed frame is wood, remember when we there from house to house all the, now almost invisible, but we still sleep to the bed, the bed breathable is very good. And do a good job in the bed to use human car pull to the city to sell (from our house to the city to go a few hours. Now the car needs 50 minutes), every time I go to the city to sell to day dawn, after mom and dad hot leftovers to eat on the road, every time you want to sell to the sun from the city back, each home are already very late, every time we are brother and sister will hear mom and dad's voice in anxiously waiting for. Every time in the city to sell bed are hungry, until it was too late to go home to eat, because of this, resulting in mom and dad's stomach, now is still in take the medicine. Under such conditions, mom and dad supported us college, this is the great mom and dad.
My father mother is my guide, in daily life, mom and dad always taught us to be polite. My memory in the most profound thing is the mother and the village of a personal quarrel, after a fight, mother with us said: "quarrel is between adults and children can not follow bad, see the somebody else is the same to greet the." It is also in the mother's education, we meet the brother and sister met the village people will say hello, and so fell a good reputation - courtesy. Said our brother and sister, everyone will praise: they learn good grades, very polite. Mom and dad listened to heart.
My mom and Dad were strict with us and made mistakes and never tolerated us.. In I was four years old, my brother went out to play, the people in the vegetable cabbage to smash the, know that mom and dad with brother door to make amends, and finally from the neighborhood in their corresponding number of cabbage to the people lose. One brother fought with others, home was a lesson from his father, after the lesson kneeling on the ground to reflect on several hours.
Mom and dad in order to we never worry about, now we have three siblings have been married, mom and dad always assured that the rest assured that the next to that. She did the mother, the more you can understand the parents are not easy.
The epitome of life in some small things is that mom and Dad, the parents of the subtle, we grow up, mom and Dad this should enjoy life, but to our growth. They are always thinking about us, cares for us, this is a great mom and Dad, who also replaced the fatherly motherly love.
Thanks to mom and dad is teach you the my life, is you comfort me to grow, I was growing up every step is full of your sweat and toil, you are in the world the most respectable people, is in the world the most lovable person. Borrow this essay to you sincerely say thank you, your hard work, the child has grown up, you have less to worry about it, raise their own body.
Finally, the blessing of the world's parents happy Ankang, health and longevity, happy every day.




妈妈从小教育我,要一步一个脚印的走,所以,我走的有点慢,而且,我学不会耍手段~~~~ 妈妈从小教育我,不管别人怎么说,要安然走好自己的路,做好自己,一定会得到大家的认可,所以,我学不会弄虚作假~~~~ 妈妈从小教育我,要懂得谦让,不要和别人拼命抢什么,是谁的终归是谁的,所以,我学不会像你们一样削尖了脑袋用各种方法得到想要得到的东西~~~~在不考虑自己的资本时就那样奋不顾身~~~ 我是独生女,家里很照顾我,我承认最初我并不能很好的和大家融合在一起,但妈妈从小就不允许我被娇惯,妈妈一直把我当作一个独立的大人看待,无论我多么年幼,我要我对自己的错误和过失负责,要我独立,要我泰然处事~~~~ 小的时候,听到一个妈妈这样教育她的孩子:“孩子,你就要和她抢,妈不管你用什么方式,抢到了才是咱们的,得到了那个奖状妈妈带你买新裙子~~明白么~~”。看到那个小女孩眼中即刻迸发出的杀气,我被“哇”的吓哭了~~~~顷刻的觉得寒冷~~~~ 我有和美的家庭,所以我从小不知道什么是战争,什么是勾心斗角。爸爸妈妈对我的教育很严格,所以我从小就能分清什么是原则性问题,什么是可有可无的事情,什么要没有任何商量的按照常理办事~~~~我有非常爱我的家人,总是觉得,被爱包围的人,才懂得接受与赋予爱~~~~这也是为什么找男女朋友爸爸妈妈们都要看对方家庭的原因~~~~ 那天晚上,我和琳发信息到很晚:“琳,我们的妈妈教育我们要按部就班,要实事求是,要泰然处事,难道,她们错了么~~~~我们不是笨到不会走捷径,只是,我们不愿意做违背良心的事情~~~我们又错了么~~~”琳说,社会越是处于近乎畸形的状态,我们越要泰然处事~~~相信我们的努力会有结果的~~~~ 第二天,大课间,书记说,输了,没什么,我们输得起,就当作一次挫折试验了~~~~身后,一只温暖的小手拍拍我,我和琳,会心的笑了~~~~我们会是最棒的,因为,我们的妈妈给了我们最好的榜样,最好的家教~~~ 而且,至少,我还没有输呢~~~~~
My mother taught me to go step by step, so I go a bit slower, but I couldn't learn to play, my mother taught me ~ ~ ~ ~ means, no matter what others say, Enron to take their own way, do their own, will be recognized by everyone, so I will not resort to deceit. My mother taught me to ~ ~ ~ ~, don't know humility, and others who are trying desperately to grab what, it is who, so I don't like you sharpened used a variety of methods to get want to get things without considering their own capital ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ just that regardless of personal danger I was an only child, the home is very take care of me, I admit that I was not very well and everyone together, but my mother doesn't allow me to be pampered, mother always treat me as an independent adult, no matter How young I, I want me to their own mistakes and errors responsible for me to be more independent. Should I take things calmly small ~ ~ ~ ~ when, hear a mother educated her children: "my child, you have to and she rob, whether you use what way, grab the is our, got the Awards mother take you to buy a new dress ~ ~ understand? ~ ~". See the little girl's eyes immediately burst out of the murderous look, I was "wow" was scared to cry ~ ~ ~ ~ instantly feel cold ~ ~ ~ ~ I have a beauty of the family, so I was very small, do not know what war is, what is the intrigue. Mom and dad is very strict to me, so I had to distinguish what is the principle problem, what is not essential things, what should not discuss any work in accordance with common sense ~ ~ ~ ~ I love my family very much, always feel, surrounded by love, only know how to accept and give love ~ ~ ~ ~ this is why looking for mom and dad are male and female friends to see why the other family ~ ~ ~ ~ that night, I send a message and Lynn late: "Lynn, mother taught us we have to follow the prescribed order, to be realistic, to take things calmly, does she have wrong why we are not stupid enough to ~ ~ ~ ~ do not take shortcuts, but we don't want to do anything against conscience and wrong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ we" Lynn said, the more society in almost abnormal state, the more we have to take things calmly ~ ~ ~ I believe that our efforts will result. ~ the next day, the big break, the Secretary said lost, nothing, we can afford to lose, as a setback test the ~ ~ ~ ~ behind a warm hand patted me, me and Lindsay, hearty laugh ~ ~ ~ ~ we will be the best, because our mother gave us the best example, the best tutor ~ ~ ~ and, at least, I didn't lose. ~~~~~


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