关于时尚服装的英语作文 ,英语作文我最喜欢的衣服40字



I most like the clothes -- cheongsam
The cheongsam, the most Chinese characteristics apparel, has always been my favorite! It's not like European dress as publicity, not like Japanese kimono as complex, also unlike is so exaggerated, but it was simple and dignified, implicitly without losing the gorgeous, beautiful yet noble. Fully embodies the Oriental female slender figure and low-key connotation!
I like cheongsam is generally a long sleeveless cheongsam, so wear more noble and solemn, and usually wear a cheongsam mood will generally choose with sleeves, because the cotton material into a sleeveless, does not show the elegant feeling.


Loafers were popular in high school - shoes, not kids - penny-loafers, too. You younger folks will have to pardon us if we boomers scoff at walking shoes, running shoes, climbing shoes, hiking shoes, racquetball shoes, pump-up shoes... and hundred dollar sports shoes. When we were kids, we had tennis shoes - black or white - period. They cost about $25, in today's terms.
Guys might wear a watch; and for a short while in junior high, ID bracelets were popular for guys. But there were no chains or necklaces, gold or otherwise. Pocket protectors? Not used as widely as you might think. I'm no expert on this, but girls did not get their ears pierced as early. Many of them never did. As I recall, they did not wear earrings to school. Too dressy.
A lot of girls confiscated their dad's long sleeved white shirts and wore them after school. Permanent press came into existence in the late 60's. But I still remember ironing my shirts in college, permanent press or not.
A little more on shoes: we wore shoes back then... at least where I grew up. For us guys, there was not much choice: dress shoes and tennis shoes. Dress shoes usually had laces. Tennis shoes were black or white, usually white. There were no Reeboks, no "walking shoes" - just tennis shoes. For females, there were flats, low heels, high heels, and tennis shoes.... and penny loafers. A toe showing meant you needed a new pair of shoes. No boots; boots were for horse riding.... except when it snowed. When it rained... we wore rubbers... yep, that's what they were called; rubber "overalls" for shoes. In the winter, we wore boots; big boots over our shoes for guys. Girls usually wore boot-shoes and carried their regular shoes... I donno'... somewhere, and then switched when they got where they were going. Life was tough back then.


Fashion clothes
I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.
The trainers are young people’s favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if they’re made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.
However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very smart.
I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!
It's not that easy to answer the question, "what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people. Fashion is an art. It's a religion. It's a job. It's a peek into a personality. It's playfulness. It's an escape or a disguise. It is a feast for the eyes. But ultimately, fashion is an individual statement of expression for each of us.
French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
It's true. Fashion isn't defined solely by our clothing choices, but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves, our personalities and our views of the world.
At its most fundamental (and straight from the dictionary), fashion is simply the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior.
So, who exactly answers the question "what is fashion"? Who decides what's fashionable and what isn't? What's in or what's out?



Fashion show is the stage art closest to life. In this way, it not only means that fashion plays an important guiding role in people's life, but also means that the actions in fashion show are taken from life, faithful to life and higher than life.



以上就是关于关于时尚服装的英语作文 ,英语作文我最喜欢的衣服40字的全部内容,以及关于时尚服装的英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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