喜欢夏天的十个理由英语 ,谁能有英语把自己喜欢夏天的原因写出来翻译



I like summer because hot girls often wear short skirts and thin tops during hot days, if you know what I mean.



Summertime is a magical moment in the course of a year, and each summer vacation represents a brief period of freedom in my life.
I love my summer time not only because it is my summer vacation, but also I can fully enjoy the incredible power of nature. Can you imagine the relaxing moment in beach? Watching the tide come in and enjoying the ocean breeze. Perhaps go biking would be a wonderful idea to stretch out my lazy body. However, sometimes I will just be lazy and sitting in front of my precious TV, and enjoying some TV shows. At the same time, I would like to get some ice-cream as a reward of my laziness!
I am really having fun with my summer, and I hope you so!






  I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content.

  I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesn't blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I can't study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

  All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer.





  The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such asswimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday ismy favorite time. I don't have to go to school in holidays, so I can play withmy friends. I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, suchas Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer.


  My favourite season- summer

  Every time, when the sun shining brightly, I know summer is coming. Though it is very hot, I still prefer summer. In hot summer, I like lying in the sunshine, sometimes. Because it's too hot, I always stay for fifteen minutes. Always, you can see lots of people swimming in the sea, or in the swimming pool, I like playing with my friends in the swimming pool and enjoy the happy time.

  Most people hate the sunshine in summer because it's too hot, but I just like it. It makes me feel happy, bright and warm .




The summer is coming.I like summer very much.In summer days,I can do a lot of things,such as swimming,eating ice cream,drinking cold water.Besides,the summer holiday ismy favorite time.I don"t have to go to school in holidays,so I can play withmy friends.I can travel with my parents,too.I want to go many places,suchas Beijing,Shanghai,Xiamen and so on.This is why I love summer.




Summer arrived,a lot of people played to the outside.Summer is very hot,everybody wears very f ew dress,besides fool ability can wear a lot of dresses.Summer can swim,eat ice-lolly and bathe cold water to wait.

For instance,a few days ago very hot,I ate a few ice-lolly and a few ice to stimulate drench.Eat so that my mouth resembles iced mouth.

For instance,very hot yesterday,and I went cinema.I gave kubla khah,after coming home,I bathe d,after be being washed,I feel very cool.Next I slept.

Ilove summer!







以上就是关于喜欢夏天的十个理由英语 ,谁能有英语把自己喜欢夏天的原因写出来翻译的全部内容,以及喜欢夏天的十个理由英语 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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