in the clothes shop作文 ,my favourite clothes的作文

有关in the clothes shop作文 想必大家一知半解。今天就给家解读一下。Intheclothesshop五年级英语作文怎么写o和以my clothes store写一篇作文in the clothes shop作文 的内容,令您更加清楚了解my favourite clothes的作文,来了解了解。

in the clothes shop作文 :she many trousers in the clothes shop.

she ( buys )many trousers in the clothes shop.

in the clothes shop作文 :clothes in the closet的作文

There are many clothes in the closet.

in the clothes shop作文 :Intheclothesshop五年级英语作文怎么写o



Today, I thought the weather was good, so I put forward an opinion to my mother, suggesting that we should go to the China Resources Vanguard clothing store in the public square to have a look and play.


in the clothes shop作文
,my favourite clothes的作文图1

Finally, the shopping mall arrived. We took off one cotton padded jacket and prepared to pay attention to it. There are many shops in it, including free bird, Yichun, dupigou, LiLang, and many others. I can't say or see it all! Finally, my mother and I stopped in a very cool and elegant shop. The waiter came to us warmly and said "welcome to us"!


Here, my mother and I took a fancy to a earthy red dress that was more fashionable. Looking at the price, my mother and I said in one voice, "Oh, where can I get so much money? 1380 yuan! Withdraw, withdraw, and when there is gold, it's not too late!


in the clothes shop作文 :英语作文my favourite shop for clothes不用太多五六句就行简单一点的

my favourite shop for clothes
There is a clothing shop near my house which named "Yi Yi Ai". It is my fabourite shop because there is a lot of clothes style in there, sports suits, sweaters, T-shirts and so on. No matter what style or color you want, this shop all can meet your requirements.
My Favorite Shop
In Fact, there are many shops around my area. The one I like the most is the Toy Shop. I love all of cute toys in that shop. Everyday I pass by, I want to go into and have a look. In addition, the sales lady there is very nice and beautiful. In short, I love the Toy Shop because it brings me happiness and enjoyment. All my pressure from school and homework release when I enter that shop. The Toy shop is definitely my favorite shop.My favorite shop
These days . There are many kinds of shops in our city. They make our lives more convenient . Although there are so many kinds of shops . I love the bookstore best.
I like reading .If I have free time . I always go to the booksrore . Sometimes ,I also go there with my friends.
I have been studying four nine years . I think it is not enough . I want to learn more knowledge. It is necessary to read books. So I go to the bookstore .


以上就是关于in the clothes shop作文 ,my favourite clothes的作文的全部内容,以及in the clothes shop作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年04月03日14时44分42秒
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