

  1. I have been studying English for two years.

  2. She has been working at the company since 2010.

  3. They have been living in London for six months.

  4. He has been playing soccer for three hours.

  5. We have been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

  6. The children have been playing outside all afternoon.

  7. She has been watching TV since she got home.

  8. He has been learning how to cook for a month.

  9. They have been traveling around the world for a year.

  10. I have been reading the book for two hours.

  11. She has been working on the project for a week.

  12. We have been trying to find a solution for the problem.

  13. He has been practicing his guitar skills for hours.

  14. They have been discussing the issue for a long time.

  15. I have been writing the report since this morning.

  16. She has been studying for the exam for weeks.

  17. He has been watching the movie for the third time.

  18. We have been thinking about our future plans for a while.

  19. They have been hiking in the mountains for days.

  20. I have been cleaning the house all day.

  21. She has been attending the class regularly.

  22. He has been working on his fitness goals for months.

  23. They have been renovating their house for a year.

  24. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

  25. We have been enjoying the beautiful scenery for hours.

  26. She has been practicing her dance routine every day.

  27. He has been studying for his driver's license exam for weeks.

  28. They have been planning their wedding for months.

  29. I have been trying to learn a new language for years.

  30. She has been taking care of her sick mother for months.

  31. He has been playing the piano since he was a child.

  32. We have been trying to save money for a vacation.

  33. They have been volunteering at the local shelter for months.

  34. I have been searching for a job for weeks.

  35. She has been taking yoga classes for a year.

  36. He has been working on his computer all day.

  37. We have been waiting for the train for an hour.

  38. They have been studying for their final exams for weeks.

  39. I have been trying to quit smoking for months.

  40. She has been taking care of her newborn baby all day.

  41. He has been trying to fix the car for hours.

  42. We have been enjoying the sunny weather for days.

  43. They have been practicing for the upcoming concert for weeks.

  44. I have been trying to lose weight for months.

  45. She has been working on her painting skills for years.

  46. He has been taking care of his sick father for months.

  47. We have been trying to repair the broken fence for days.

  48. They have been training for the marathon for months.

  49. I have been trying to finish the book for weeks.

  50. She has been working on her thesis for months.

  51. He has been trying to learn how to swim for years.

  52. We have been waiting for the rain to stop for hours.

  53. They have been preparing for the party for days.

  54. I have been trying to improve my public speaking skills for months.

  55. She has been taking care of her garden for years.

  56. He has been working on his photography skills for months.

  57. We have been trying to find a new apartment for weeks.

  58. They have been practicing for the dance competition for months.

  59. I have been trying to learn how to code for months.

  60. She has been working on her novel for years.

  61. He has been trying to quit drinking for months.

  62. We have been enjoying the snowfall for hours.

  63. They have been rehearsing for the play for weeks.

  64. I have been trying to save money for a new car for months.

  65. She has been taking care of her elderly grandparents for months.

  66. He has been working on his math skills for weeks.

  67. We have been trying to fix the broken dishwasher for days.

  68. They have been practicing for the chess tournament for months.

  69. I have been trying to learn how to sew for months.

  70. She has been working on her music composition for years.

  71. He has been trying to overcome his fear of heights for years.

  72. We have been waiting for the concert to start for hours.

  73. They have been preparing for the camping trip for days.

  74. I have been trying to improve my cooking skills for months.

  75. She has been taking care of her sick cat for weeks.

  76. He has been working on his writing skills for months.

  77. We have been trying to fix the broken bike for days.

  78. They have been practicing for the science fair for weeks.

  79. I have been trying to learn how to play the guitar for months.

  80. She has been working on her fashion design skills for years.

  81. He has been trying to learn how to ski for years.

  82. We have been enjoying the beach for hours.

  83. They have been preparing for the business presentation for weeks.

  84. I have been trying to save money for a down payment on a house for months.

  85. She has been taking care of her newborn puppies all day.

  86. He has been working on his public speaking skills for months.

  87. We have been trying to fix the leaking roof for days.

  88. They have been practicing for the spelling bee for weeks.

  89. I have been trying to learn how to play the piano for months.

  90. She has been working on her baking skills for years.

  91. He has been trying to learn how to surf for years.

  92. We have been waiting for the traffic to clear for hours.

  93. They have been preparing for the science project for weeks.

  94. I have been trying to improve my drawing skills for months.

  95. She has been taking care of her sick dog for weeks.

  96. He has been working on his programming skills for months.

  97. We have been trying to fix the broken refrigerator for days.

  98. They have been practicing for the spelling competition for weeks.

  99. I have been trying to learn how to knit for months.

  100. She has been working on her calligraphy skills for years.


上一篇 2023年06月09日16时44分23秒
下一篇 2023年06月09日16时46分38秒


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