关于教育的英语作文00字左右 ,接受好的教育的优势作文



Education background is becoming more and more significant in the modern world.First of all,good education enable people to have high quality taste of beings around.No matter when,you'll feel proud of yourself and never get depressed.What's more,it's a good start of you career.In addition,the society precious people of good education background.The higher your academic career is ,the more chances are there for you to be accepted by companies.From a far big picture,a society of various well-equipped people will be in harmony.And finally,we come to the most concerning part,which is,the job oppotunity.Although the mass claim that they just judge the KSA's of a single applicant.However,the fact lays before everyone: within the same condition of two candidates, corperates are likely to choose the one with higher education certificate.And sometimes even come to a place people call "unfair".All in all,be equiped with high education,we're sure that people will go through better in the society,
教育背景正变得越来越重要,当代世界,第一所有良好的教育使人们能够有高品质的味道. 无论何时,你会感到骄傲自己从来没有压力.更多的是,这是一个良好的开端你职业.I 此外,宝贵的社会人民的良好教育背景.The较高的学术生涯是,更多的机会是您所接受的公司.远远大图片,一个社会的各种良好装备的人.最后,我们来到最令人关注的一部分,这是这项工作机会,尽管大众声称,他们只是判断库特萨蒙同仁公司的单一的求职。 然而,事实面前人人规定:内在相同条件的两个候选人, 很可能会选择一个与高等教育证书.同时有时甚至到了地方被人们称为“不公平” 。总之,具备高学历,我们相信,人们会去通过更好的社会,




Western education is a kind of trial education, let students try first, accumulate experience and draw conclusions from it, and get their own research results. Western education attaches importance to people-oriented, which is conducive to the cultivation of students' innovative ability.



Chinese education is a kind of indoctrinated examination oriented education, which directly tells the students of adult experience, so that they can remember and accept it. Results the students lack of innovative thinking.


Western parents cultivate and exercise their children's sense of independence and ability to live independently from an early age. We should attach importance to children's self-training and their free development, and strive to cultivate children into social people who can adapt to various environments and have independent survival ability.


Chinese parents, in addition to double concern in life, parents are most concerned about their children's academic achievements. It seems that learning well is omnipotent, but little attention is paid to children's independent living ability, social adaptability, mental health level, moral sentiment and citizen consciousness, and some even ignore it completely.


From birth to adulthood, parents have almost everything for their
children, such as cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, saving money for
their children to go to university, go abroad, get married, raise
children, etc. Foreign parents pay attention to the Chinese parents'


Whether it is school education or family education, we must attach importance to the cultivation of children's ability while paying attention to their academic performance, so that they can adapt to various environments from childhood. Let children have independent thinking, adapt to social changes.



Maria,My English Teacher.
Maria,my endearing english teacher who is also a benevolent woman.She comes from London of the UK.Maria is very versed in english and her pronunciation is perfect!She often asks us speak loudly and more because it can facilitate us to learn english better.She is kind but sometimes she is stiff,especially for our study and we all understand she just wants us to be a better student and therefor we will not dishearten our parents.Maria loves watching film and listening music,she will introduce or express the good film and music to us owing to the postive effection for our learning.Maria,she is oue beloved teacher.


Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. When it comes to college education, we naturally link it with one's future success. Different people have different opinions about what a role college education plays in the process of someone making success.

以上就是关于关于教育的英语作文00字左右 ,接受好的教育的优势作文的全部内容,以及关于教育的英语作文100字左右 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年08月27日11时01分19秒
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