与家人发生有趣的事英语作文 ,家庭趣事英语作文50字带翻译




Look,this is my family photo .


This is my father .His work in hard,Because he is a driver.


This is my mother .My mother doesn’t have a job .


Because I have a sister and a brother,My mother must take care of us .



My sister’s name is Wang Meng yao .My brother’s name is Wang Lu yao .They are cute .


This is my uncle,My uncle also is a driver.My aunt is a shop assistant .but she desn’t like her job she wants to be a poliewoman.


My uncle desn’t like to be a policeman Because he thinks it’s a little dangerous Those are my cousins .


They are leaming at kangyuan Middle school .they like going to the mories with me .their favorite actor is paul Jackson .


He har a new movie, My Fatber’s Birtbday .It’s a very funny comedy .these are my grandparentThis is my family.


Do you like then ?I do.



When I was a little child,I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents.They always blamed to me,but I never listened to them.I thought they were too strict with me.But I changed in someday.My parents always told me to be careful when I went out.However,all I thought was they worried too much.On my way to take the bus home,there was a traffic light.That day,when I got to the cross road,the light was red,but there was no car crossed the road anymore.So I went across the road without the light turning to green.At this moment,a car rushed quickly towards me.I was suddenly scared,so that I couldn’t move but stood still.Luckily,the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt.But I did scared.I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time.I told my parents what I experienced.At first,they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time.Therefore,I did not say anything.They realized that I was frightened,so they comforted me patiently.I finally knew that all they said and done was good to me.After that,I was much more careful and I listened to my parents.

春节期间和父母发生的事情 英语作文六年级

  Spring Festival this year, I and my parents go back to my grandmother's country home for the new year. And uncle, aunt, aunt, uncle, brother, brother, family reunion, enjoyable. Although the weather is cold, but the warmth of affection.
  The first day of the first month in the morning, I still immersed in her sleep, was suddenly a burst of rapid bite billion -- the alarm clock awakened by the sound, I out of bed in the impatient to Tanchunaodai, semi squinting looked at the clock, only seven points, turn off the alarm clock and went back to shout to sleep. Sleep I suddenly remembered last night Daddy told me a thing, dad said Lunar New Year's day morning Shuilanjiao not, children need to get up early to the elders greet new year, begging for a red envelope. Thought here, I jump out of bed, Sanxiawuquer dressed to go grandma sleeping room. But I still threw an empty, grandma is not in bed. I just turned around and walked back, did not expect grandma hand side of a cup is standing behind me, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I ran said: "Grandma happy new year, happy New Year's happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea longevity." A grandmother hugged me and said: "Oh, my grandson really sensible, small mouth is really sweet, come and drink a cup of sugar, sweet little mouth." I saw grandma hands only end up a cup of sugar, no red, when I stretch a stretch, waved his hand, the cup fell to the ground, then grandma quickly pull the live my hand said: "it's all right, 'pieces' safety, small obediently didn't burn begin?" Then she squatted down body with the hand to pick up the broken glass, then a glowing red envelopes from her hand slipped on the ground, but then I feel his face become burning hot, I was mistaken about grandma.
  I turned and looked out of the window, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, my eyes suddenly become blurred, but at this time I was obviously feel the warmth of my grandmother's house, such as spring.




From childhood to adulthood, our parents care about us all the time. When we fall, when we are injured, when we are sad, the first ones who come to us are our parents.


I remember once when I was ill, my parents rushed me to the hospital. Looking at my parents' anxious look, I was very pleased. Inadvertently, I saw a few white hair of mom and Dad, ah, mom and dad have changed and become old.



I seem to have seen the vicissitudes of years, the hardships of life, and their hard work for me in their body... Read and think: No, mom and dad have not changed, their love for me has not changed at all, I still feel warm and happy!


Today, I'm going to do something to make my parents happy to repay them. After repeated thinking, I decided to cook a bowl of noodles for my parents.


I opened fire first, then put some oil. After a while, I put the eggs in. The "zizizi" pot made a sound immediately. There was still a lot of oil jumping up from the pot, almost "jumping" to my hand. After frying one side, I add a small spoon of salt, and then turn the eggs over with a spatula. After frying, I put the eggs in a small bowl, and then I start to cook noodles.


I first put some water into the pot. After a while, when the water boiled, I put the noodles in. Then I picked up a pair of chopsticks and kept stirring. Then I put in some vegetables, ham sausage and eggs to cook. After a while, I turned off the fire and put the noodles in two bowls. Wow, it's delicious! I couldn't help smelling it.


I put the cooked noodles on the table, then put a piece of paper with the words "Mom and Dad, I love you" on the side, and then hid in the room waiting for mom and dad to get off work. After a while, mom and Dad were exhausted after work, but when they saw the noodles and notes on the table, their faces showed a happy smile.


Dad, you are like a big tree, shielding me from the wind and rain. Mom, you are like the sun in spring, giving me boundless light; You are like a wisp of breeze in summer, give me refreshing. In short, thousands of words into a sentence: "Mom and Dad, I love you!"


以上就是关于与家人发生有趣的事英语作文 ,家庭趣事英语作文50字带翻译的全部内容,以及与家人发生有趣的事英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年08月23日15时19分34秒
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