关于职业的英语作文 ,关于秋天的英语作文怎么写,带翻译





There are all kinds of occupation。 Everyone has the hearts of the most
want to do occupation planning。 So everyone will firm belief in the
ideals and efforts。 I also like this。 My ideal occupation actually said
not particularly special。 I want to be a psychologist。 Want to ask me
why, because now a news to tell me this job is very important。



Now the students especially middle school students of teenagers have
some extreme idea that they make extreme behavior more serious injury of
his own life。Maybe they just need a proper guidance that will not
happen。If before they make this thing has a pull them rather than
pushed them they can certainly live very happy。


Personality is to
nurture,the heart is also acquired established。As long as the day
after tomorrow to mental health and personality can change。They just
one can understand their feelings,the patience to help them solve
problems people。They don't need to laugh anddiscrimination and
everyone don't need。


I hope I can do my part to guide them and help them in the future。





I'm active and diligent. I'll do whatever I think I should do, no matter how much trouble I have, but I'm tired of doing what I think is meaningless.



Seeking truth from facts, having goals and ideas, pursuing specific and clear things, and working style is pragmatic.


When you interact with people, you are humble and compassionate. Be faithful and friendly to friends and have dedication. Care for others and provide practical help.


Have a strong principle, study life is more organized, willing to take responsibility.


I feel that the career planning I have formulated is based on my reality, because I am lack of experience at present, and some aspects are not clear enough. I still need to improve and develop in my later life.


But generally speaking, I only have my own way one day. Although the employment pressure of college students is very high, I have my own pursuit and plan.


With navigation, I will approach my goal step by step along this line, and finally achieve it. I believe that the path I choose is right, because I firmly believe that I am the master of my future.



What do I want to be when I grow up:writing,nursing,teaching and engineering.Different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers.This is because everyone has his own interest.As for me,I have made up my mind to be a teacher.I choose to do so mainly for three reasons.First,I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar.Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection,research and writing.Secondly,I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes,to learn my own lesson,to stimulate myself and my students.And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning.Finally,I want to teach because,being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me,I will grow and change with them too.But teaching is no easy job at all.I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge.And,at the same time,I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man’s soul





There are all kinds of occupation。 Everyone has the hearts of the most
want to do occupation planning。 So everyone will firm belief in the
ideals and efforts。 I also like this。 My ideal occupation actually said
not particularly special。 I want to be a psychologist。 Want to ask me
why, because now a news to tell me this job is very important。



Now the students especially middle school students of teenagers have
some extreme idea that they make extreme behavior more serious injury of
his own life。Maybe they just need a proper guidance that will not
happen。If before they make this thing has a pull them rather than
pushed them they can certainly live very happy。


Personality is to
nurture,the heart is also acquired established。As long as the day
after tomorrow to mental health and personality can change。They just
one can understand their feelings,the patience to help them solve
problems people。They don't need to laugh anddiscrimination and
everyone don't need。


I hope I can do my part to guide them and help them in the future。


以上就是关于关于职业的英语作文 ,关于秋天的英语作文怎么写,带翻译的全部内容,以及关于职业的英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年08月21日09时31分57秒
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