whycanyouseewiththeeye歌 ,why can't you give Elsa a balloon


why can't you give Elsa a balloon

歌曲名:Why Can't You See?
专辑:The Day We Sold Out
Saosin - Why Can't You See
If we've got something going tell me why is he here?
You leave me hanging by the thread when the lion is near.
I'm not about to drop the ball
You clearly cannot stay
Why can't you see with my hands holding your eyes open
It's hard for me to think when your mouth is always moving.
(He Screams Something)
Keep yourself quite now.
Just be quite.
Just be quite now.
Well you could have been all I wanted and all that I need.
But you had to leave cause its so easy to fall in love with machines
I'm not about to drop the ball
You clearly cannot stay
Why can't you see with my hands holding your eyes open
It's hard for me to think when your mouth is always moving.
Shut up sit down but your way out just leave me alone.
You cant make me belive that you have changed at all.
Go away. No please stay.
Go away. you'll stay.Stay away.
Go away. No please stay.
Go away. you'll stay.Stay away.
Why can't you see with my hands holding your eyes open
It's hard for me to think when your mouth is always moving.
Shut up sit down but your way out just leave me alone.
You cant make me belive that you have changed at all.


你是我的眼 You are my bright eyes

如果我能看得见 If I can see with my eyes

就能轻易的分辨白天黑夜 no matter it’s white day or dark night

就能准确的在人群中牵住你的手At least I can hold your hand in the crowded street
如果我能看得见If I can see with my eyes

就能驾车带你到处遨游 I can drive you to the place we dreamt of

就能惊喜的从背后给你一个拥抱And give you a surprising hug from your back
如果我能看得见If I can see with my eyes

生命也许完全不同 My life is different from before


Maybe my favorite , my love are not the same as before
眼前的黑不是黑 You know the black is not the black

你说的白是什么白 Why the color is white , tell me why?

人们说的天空蓝 I know the blue sky is blue,

是我记忆中那团白云背后的蓝天 In my heart , the clear blue sky is behind the white cloud
我望向你的脸 When I see your face with my eyes

却只能看见一片虚无 But there is nothing, nothing in my eyes

是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了帘 I ask the God why he covered my eyes

忘了掀开Forget to move!
你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换 You are my bright eyes , let me feel the seasons has changed

你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮 You are my bright eyes, let me go through the crowed street

你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海You are my bright eyes, leads me to the sea of knowledge

因为你是我的眼 Because you are my bright eyes,

让我看见这世界就在我眼前 Let me see the world is just right before my eyes


如果我能看得见 If I can see with my eyes
就能轻易的分辨白天黑夜 no matter it’s white day or dark night
就能准确的在人群中牵住你的手At least I can hold your hand in the crowded street
如果我能看得见If I can see with my eyes
就能驾车带你到处遨游 I can drive you to the place we dreamt of
就能惊喜的从背后给你一个拥抱And give you a surprising hug from your back
如果我能看得见If I can see with my eyes
生命也许完全不同 My life is different from before
Maybe my favorite , my love are not the same as before
眼前的黑不是黑 You know the black is not the black
你说的白是什么白 Why the color is white , tell me why?
人们说的天空蓝 I know the blue sky is blue,
是我记忆中那团白云背后的蓝天 In my heart , the clear blue sky is behind the white cloud
我望向你的脸 When I see your face with my eyes
却只能看见一片虚无 But there is nothing, nothing in my eyes
是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了帘 I ask the God why he covered my eyes
忘了掀开Forget to move!
你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换 You are my bright eyes , let me feel the seasons has changed
你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮 You are my bright eyes, let me go through the crowed street
你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海You are my bright eyes, leads me to the sea of knowledge
因为你是我的眼 Because you are my bright eyes,
让我看见这世界就在我眼前 Let me see the world is just right before my eyes

how can you see into my eyes

  欧蓝德汽车广告曲《Bring me to life》
  How can you see into my eyes
  Like open doors
  Leading you down into my core
  Where I've become so numb
  Without a soul. My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
  Until you find it there and lead it back home
  (Wake me up) Wake me up inside
  (I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
  (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark
  (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
  (I can't wake up) Before I come undone
  (Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
  Now that I know what I'm without
  You can't just leave me
  Breathe into me and make me real
  Bring me to life
  (Wake me up) Wake me up inside
  (I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
  (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark
  (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
  (I can't wake up) Before I come undone
  (Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
  Bring me to life
  (I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
  Bring me to life
  Frozen inside without your touch
  Without your love, darling
  Only you are the life among the dead
  (All of this time I can't believe I couldn't see
  Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me)
  I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
  Got to open my eyes to everything
  (Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul)
  Don't let me die here
  (There must be something more)
  Bring me to life
  (Wake me up) Wake me up inside
  (I can't wake up) Wake me up inside
  (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark
  (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
  (I can't wake up) Before I come undone
  (Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
  Bring me to life
  (I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
  Bring me to life

以上就是关于whycanyouseewiththeeye歌 ,why can't you give Elsa a balloon的全部内容,以及whycanyouseewiththeeye歌 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年08月20日13时15分25秒
下一篇 2022年08月20日13时35分17秒


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