2022英语新闻报道短篇30篇 ,英语新闻报道短篇150词






da and mint -- the two flavors everyone wants combined.


Well, like it or not, Tic Tac has done just that with its new limited-edition Tic Tac Coca-Cola breath mints.

不管你喜不喜欢,嘀嗒糖公司已经做到了,推出了新的限量版Tic Tac可口可乐薄荷糖。

According to Tic Tac, the unique combo will have fans "enjoy a revitalizing taste experience which combines the refreshment of Coca-Cola with the iconic taste of Tic Tac."


Tic Tac, a brand owned by the Ferrero Group of Italy, originally announced the product's launch back in October, but only recently revealed that Tic Tac Coca-Cola will be coming to North America in late January.

嘀嗒糖是意大利费列罗集团的一个品牌。该品牌原定于十月份推出该产品,但最近才表示Tic Tac可口可乐薄荷糖将于1月末在北美上市。


Conservation efforts in Inner Mongolia have spurred the northern region's development and benefited the national capital,top regional officials said yesterday in Beijing.
The autonomous region,which is known as a major source of the seasonal sandstorms that blanket Beijing,has "done what it could" to curb ecological deterioration,Yang Jing,chairman of the regional government,said.
"Protecting the environment has been listed as Inner Mongolia's most important infrastructure project," Yang told a press conference organized by the State Council Information Office yesterday to mark the region's 60th anniversary.
"The number of sandstorms has fallen significantly in recent years,which favorably influences the weather in Beijing and Tianjin."
Inner Mongolia,which is some 300 km north of Beijing,has long been thought of as the capital's backyard.However,the distance is not enough to protect Beijing from the wind-borne dust and sand that blow down from the region.
Dust blown in from western Inner Mongolia blanketed Beijing nearly two months ago,lowering visibility to 4 km from 20 km the previous day.
Inner Mongolia has spent some 20 billion yuan ($2.7 billion) on efforts to halt desertification in an area measuring 16.7 million hectares over the past five years.It has also increased its forest coverage to 17.6 percent of its total area from 14.8 percent in 1999,Yang said.
At least 3 billion yuan was earmarked to implement the massive "Beijing-Tianjin windblown sand sources control project" in a bid to build a green ecological belt in northern China,according to regional government sources.
The project involves 458,000 sq km of land,about 48 percent of which lies in Inner Mongolia.
"There are several sources of sand and dust (affecting Beijing) besides Inner Mongolia.We have done what we could on our part," Yang said.
Chu Bo,secretary of the regional committee of the Communist Party of China,said yesterday that 70 percent of the region's livestock has been confined to enclosed pastures to reduce the grazing pressure on grasslands.
In addition to returning farmland to forests and reclaiming overgrazed pastures,Inner Mongolia has encouraged traditional pastoral areas to develop alternative industries.
Citing Erdos as a success story,Chu said the city would have plunged into an ecological vicious circle had it not built up secondary and tertiary industries.
As a result,the city of 1.4 million people is expected to have a gross domestic product of 100 billion yuan ($13 billion) this year,a level of prosperity that can only be found in the country's coastal regions,Chu said.
Inner Mongolia is home to China's largest grasslands.The region spans 1.18 million sq km,which is about twice the size of Ukraine.




When the earthquake occurred in Japan, 130 kilometers northeast of Fukushima Prefecture, a huge tsunami was formed due to the earthquake, and it invaded the port at a very fast speed. 

Hundreds of people died. The earthquake is the strongest in Japan in more than 100 years, causing huge losses.





海上:at sea ; on the sea ; seaborne。

海啸:bore ; tidal wave ; seismic sea wave ; seaquake。

侵袭:make inroads on ; invade and attack ; smite ; hit。

数百:hundreds of ; several hundred ; people lost their jobs。

丧生:meet one's death ; lose one's life ; get killed。

多年来:over the years ; for years ; through the years。

以上内容参考 百度百科-日本地震


Iraq's Guns for Hire 伊战前线
Back at the Armor Group compound, another team prepares for a different kind of mission. They'll travel low profile, trying to blend in with the Iraqis.
Low profile certainly can be an awful lot safer. If faced down properly, people will not know, they will not know who we are, until even if it's too late they do see who we are, by that time we have gone.
Traveling under cover requires a different set of high-tech toys and tactics. And after 23 years of service in the British army, Steve Finleyson knows them all. He's been a contractor in Baghdad for 30 months. Today, that experience will come in handy. The mission: transport Armor Group executive John Garing to a meeting at the Iraqi Ministry of Finance and do it undetected.
Steve's convoy will travel under cover. But that doesn't mean they won't be prepared.
When we go in high profile, every one knows who we are and what we are. The people in Bagdad know they are so used to us, they'll see us coming in the rear mirrors of their automobile and will pull over and just let us go with them. Low profile however, is different, you can say you are quite hybrid, just want the traffic and you just blend in a heavy steel car.
The cars look like any others on Iraqi roads, Mercedes, BMWs, but they sport some premium features not available to the average consumer. Thick factory armor hides under the exterior panels. And advanced communication systems track the team's movements, just like high profile convoys. Steve's colleague Peter Hays, makes sure the transponder's well hidden. The alarm button is kept within reach.
Hey, sir, good voice here, is that your panic alarm for the transponder?
These two little buttons pressed at the same time send the distress call to headquarters. But contractors can't wait for backup, so they rely on specialized equipment/ to help them dodge danger. A stationary target is an easy target. So run flats, tires within the tires, enable these vehicles to keep rolling at 50 miles, even after a bullet or shrapnel damage. And if stopped, smoke canisters provide cover. Insurgents can't shoot if they can't see and smoke screens can give contractors the time they need to run to safety.
There're needs and ways to help us get away from what's going on without, you know, causing more casualties or intriguing the crime.
The vehicles aren't the only things modified for a low-profile mission. The weapons are too. They need to be small enough to be concealed inside a compact car, yet powerful enough to hold off insurgence. Harry O'secnic customizes the guns to the contractors' specifications.
We cut them down, we recrown, we machine everything back down again, we press back on the gas cylinder, we press on the front sight. We re-pin it then we draw out the gas system to 4mm. If somebody got killed, which does happen and some of my friends have passed on, I feel bad. But I will feel even worse if I could have done something and kept him alive and didn't do it.
国家地理:The Real Roswell 罗斯维尔飞碟
Jesse Marcel remains convinced that there was one thing in the debris that could only be extraterrestrial. He described small metal-like I-beams with hieroglyphic symbols.
The metal beam like our small miniaturized I-beam, and had these perplexed violet symbols on the inside edge of that. You know, that's something like, this is alien writing.
While Marcel Junior described as metal I-beams, his father remembered them as not being like metal: it looked more like wood. Such contradictions among eyewitnesses are widespread among the Roswell faithful. Other key witnesses also described very earthly debris of wooden sticks, tinfoil, a tough paper and rubber strips. Scientists and skeptics alike find it hard to believe an alien spaceship would be constructed from such simple materials.
If you're gonna go from one star system to another, you need a craft that can go a fair fraction of the speed of light. It has to go ten, maybe 100,000 miles a second. Well, a craft like that is going to have to have enormous engines. It's just gonna be something that's gonna, you know, probably be the size of an ocean liner. This is not gonna be a little, you know, souped-up motorbike.
While the physical abilities of this material remain(s) in question, almost all the key witnesses made reference to seeing unusual markings. Jesse Marcel described seeing alien hieroglyphics on small metal I-beams.
I have to believe this was something from another civilization. I'm actually convinced of that.
The Marcels both think they saw alien hieroglyphics. But other witnesses testify to seeing nothing more than flower patterns. If the origin of these markings can be identified, it might solve the Roswell mystery once and for all.


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