难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 ,英语作文关于家庭成员之间的温馨回忆

关于难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 网上众说纷纭,今天就给家解读一下。关于我的家庭并且写一件难忘的事的英语作文,120词左右并附加翻译和关于我的家庭并且写一件难忘的事的英语作文,120词左右并附加翻译难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 的内容,令您更加清楚了解英语作文关于家庭成员之间的温馨回忆,来深入了解。

难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 :《一次家庭回忆》英语作文

I have often been told that times in life would not be as picture perfect as I would want them to be - that hard times would come rushing towards me like a stampede, but given time I would learn and mature from them. I will never forget the first day my father brought his schizophrenic mother home to stay with us - we didn't have the money to afford a nursing home and my father's siblings had seemed to turn a blind eye to taking care of her so he took it upon himself to do the task. To tell the truth, as far back as I can remember my father has been almost solely taking care of her. Buying groceries and driving to another parish just to provide her with food while he had siblings that lived around the corner from her that sometimes would not lift a finger or show any concern. It was only a matter of time until he had brought her in to live with us.
At the time I was quite naive to the condition that she had until I began to experience it first hand; her talking to inanimate objects and people that either did not exist or were no longer alive. I remember once she came to us asking for her mother, when she herself was about the age of 84. Not to mention the constant yelling, screaming, cursing and of course arguing, especially with my parents. It is easy to say that her presence here has made my home an uneasy place to be. I was so embarrassed about her that I didn't want anyone to come to my house and I was always saddened when I heard my friends talk about all the good experiences they had shared with their grandparents. I thought that it was so unfair to have her at my house and Ii kept wondering why my father would give up the serenity of our home for that, that person.
It was not until one night at a family meeting that my father asked us to be more patient with his mother. And then it dawned on me, that despite all the struggles we have had to face because of my grandmother, she was still family, and my father still loved her. Out of all the people with the blunt of the stress and the most provoked by her behaviour was my father, and he himself knows how upset she can make him, but he loves her nonetheless. It wasn't until I put myself in my father's shoes that I truly realized how he feels; that was enough to bring about some more patience and compassion in me. Since then I have changed the way I interact with her. Even though she still lives with us and can still be a burden at times, now that we see her as family and not as a burden, times don't seem to be so distressing. I guess things are a lot easier to handle now that we share the same compassion as my father.


难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 :关于我的家庭并且写一件难忘的事的英语作文20词左右并附加翻译

.An unforgettable thing during Summer vacation
It was a sunny day today,when
i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the busgot
there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.
In the
afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see
the flowers smiling in the wind.
In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because
i saw my relativeshelped people.


难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 :关于家庭难忘的一件事的英语作文

  I liked playing computer games,but my daddy was not happy because he thought it was not good for my study。
  Sometimes I felt I was not a free boy when my daddy was so strict with me,so I tried to talk to my daddy,and he said he was happy because I talked to him,and now he let me play games if I study well。
  From this,I understand a friendly talk can help people get along well。


难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 :英语作文:与家人最幸福的回忆

幸福就是和家人一起享受快乐的时光  小时候的那次记忆令我记忆犹新,那次的记忆可以说是难过的。当我一次次想到那段时光里的事,眼角总会有泪光闪烁。想过那段记忆之后,令我更加珍惜现在的一切。  初中的时候,父母因为工作的原因要到外地工作,而我似乎成为了他们的牵挂。终究有一天,我像扔垃圾似地,被无情的丢进了‘寄宿部’,而父母却连要走的消息也没有对我说一下,我连向他们告别的机会都没有……  看到这陌生的老师、陌生的同学、陌生的一切……孤独和无助如同潮水一样,向我袭来,让我无处可逃。那一刻,我多么想念我的爸爸妈妈,多么想扑进他们的怀抱痛哭一场  看到别的同学的父母来探望他们,他们脸上露出幸福的微笑。曾几何时,我的脸上也有过这样幸福的微笑。而现在,‘寄宿’生活剥夺了我幸福的权利。每次放学回家,我都会扑向爸爸妈妈的怀抱,向他们讲述学校里的生活,告诉他们我今天都干了些什么。而现在,每次放假回家,迎接我的是空空如也的冰冷的空房子,我多么想拥有一个有父母在家的屋子啊!  每次,当与同学聊天的时候,同学们会说:“你这次回家,你爸妈会给你做什么好吃的啊?”当同学问我这个问题的时候,我不知道该如何回答,心里面有抑不住的酸苦往外面溢出。当同学们问我:“你爸妈这个星期会来看你吗?”我的回答只能是摇摇头,这个答案似乎既苍白又无力,我多么想告诉我的同学们我父母离开我了,在外地……  每天下晚自习的时候,我都会自己一个人到空旷的操场上,独自一个人默默的哭泣、默默地思念着他们。想起以前,自己总是很任性的在父母面前撒娇,惹他们生气,耍耍小脾气。而现在,什么都已不复存在了,再也没有人会微笑的包容我的任性。自己只能躲在角落里默默的哭泣。  直到有一天我惯性的望向校门口的时候,看到了令我惊呆的两个人,我的爸爸和妈妈……  飞一般的扑向他们的怀抱,把心里的酸苦变成了泪水流淌出来。那一刻,我感到了幸福……  有人总在问‘幸福’是什么?其实幸福很简单!  我总认为,当一个人拥有很多很多东西的时候,才会有‘幸福’可言。而现在,我的幸福推翻了我心里对幸福的定义  幸福就是和家人一起度过的时光!朋友,把握幸福吧!珍惜幸福吧!


以上就是关于难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 ,英语作文关于家庭成员之间的温馨回忆的全部内容,以及难忘的家庭回忆英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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