含有各种从句的英语文章 ,一篇英语有很多状语从句的作文怎么写



在大家心里,市花有很多种。可在我的心目中,只有梅花才是最美的。俗话说 “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”梅花象征着坚韧不拔、不屈不挠、自强不息的精神品质。在百花凋谢的冬天里,只有它依然花色美秀、幽香宜人,用一首小诗来形容就是:梅花的色,艳丽而不妖。梅花的香,清幽而淡雅。梅花的姿,苍古而清秀。它经历的困难不知有多少。生活中,有些人的意志都没有它强,因为有些人本来可以克服眼前的困难,但却不积极面对,有的甚至采取逃避的办法。如果人人都具有梅花♧的精神和品质,有何困惑不能解决?有何难关不能跨越呢?



ntroduces oneself: Hello! I am come from Pucheng. the second highschool nine grades 0 class of schoolmates Today very much is honoredthe station lectures in here for fellow schoolmates teacher, I lecturethe topic is lets the Earth smile Earth, we dearest mother. But when the earth is polluted works as theair in is not fresh, when forest no longer cover The dear friends youhave thought? This is how serious issue! The pollution environmentquestion everywhere obviously, the Earth mother soon lost the formerdays the brilliance. The friend, asked we also can be aloof? FriendsRegarding the pollution environment question everywhere obviously, themother is not smiling. Aren't we grieved? The dear schoolmates, let usgo into action, starts from the minor matter Launches theenvironmental protection activity, but also a mother piece of pureland Let us the mother anew have an enchanting smile



port is good with our body,if you play sports everday,you can get
many good things.For example:you can eat some health food,becaues,if you
play sports more,you must need food,then,your body can be heathy
more!heathy is good with body,and the sport is good with body too!



基本概念:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句在句中的作用相当于一个形容次, 因此也叫形容词性从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的次叫关系词。
关系词分为关系代词和关系副词两种。 关系代词和关系副词在句中起引导定语从句的作用,同时又在定语从句中担任主语,宾语,表语,定语和状语等成分。
e.g. He is the only person that I can trust. the only person是先行词,that 是关系代词,关系代词做trust的宾语。
e.g. Do you still remember the factory where a big fire broke out last winter?
the factory 是先行词,where是关系副词, 关系副词 where做状语。
第一节 关系代词 关系代词有:who, whom , whose, which , that ,as 等。
1) who , whom
who 和whom 只用于指人,who 在定语从句中作主语,whom作宾语,但在口语中常用who代替whom作宾语(作宾语时可省去)。
e.g. The professor who gave us a lecture last Friday is from Beijing University.
The man (who/whom)you saw just now is a famous painter.
e.g. The man whom (who , that) I spoke to just now from Japan.(whom作介词 to的宾语,可用 who或 that替换)
但 “The man to whom I spoke just now came from Japan.”句中,只能用whom。
2) which
which 只用于指物,也可指整个主句的概念,在定语从句中作主语和宾语(作宾语时可省去)。
e.g. I lost the pen (which) my father gave me last year.
The letter which came just now is from my uncle.
It rained all day long , which forced the sports meet to be put off.
which作介词宾语时,还可将介词放在which之前, 这时不能用that替换。
e.g. The soldiers came to a farmhouse , in front of which sat a small boy.
3) that that 在定语从句中既可指人,也可指物,可担任主语和宾语,常可以代替which、who和whom。
e.g. That’s the man (that) we met yesterday. My hometown is no longer the one (that) it used to be.
4) whose whose 既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中放在名词前作定语。
e.g. We live in a room whose windows face south. Do you know the boy whose brother is a famous artist?
5) as
a. as也可作关系代词,指整个主句的概念,常译为“正如”之意,在句中作主语或宾语。as引导的定语从句既可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后。
e.g. More than seventy percent of the surface of the earth is covered with water, as we all know.
As is reported in the papers , our country has launched another manmade earth satellite.
b. as引导定语从句还常放在 the same …和such…后。
e.g. This is the same one as I showed you the other day. Keep away from such things as will do you harm.
第二节 关系副词
关系副词有when, where, why等,在定语从句中分别作时间状语、地点状语、原因状语等。
1).when when在定语从句中作时间状语。
e.g. Einstein had to stop his research work in the year when the First World War broke out.
That happened on the day when I saw you.
2) where where在定语从句中作地点状语。
e.g. What is the name of the town where we stayed last?
My neighbor bought this TV set in the shop where her brother works.
3) why why 在定语从句中作原因状语,多放在名词the reason后。
e.g. The reason why he did it will always remain a mystery.
I don’t know the reason why he always looks at me coldly.
e.g. This is a place which I’ve longed to visit.(因先行词a place 作visit的宾语,所以用which,而不用where.)
Do you remember the years that we spent in the countryside?(因先行词the years 作spent的宾语,所以用that,而不用when)
2.that也可用作关系副词,在定语从句中作状语,常用在the day, the time , the moment ,the year, the way ,the reason等名词之后(也可省略)。
e.g. This was the reason (that) (=why) we raised the out put . This is the first time (that) I came to Guangzhou.
1949 was the year (that) (=when) the People’s Republic of China was founded.
By the time (that) you are dressed ,breakfast will be ready.
The moment (that) he entered the room ,everybody became silent .
e.g. He will never forget the years in which (=when ) he studied at college.
That is just the farm on which (=where) my father works.
第三节 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句
e.g. This is the professor who is going to give us a speech this Friday afternoon.
Charles works in a chemical plant, where he holds an important position.
We can talk in English now, which makes us very happy.
The man , from whom I learned the news , is an engineer.
1. 关系代词指物时,在下面几种情况中只能用that,不能用which:
1) 先行词为 all , everything, nothing , something ,anything, little等不定代词时。
e.g. Is there anything here that I can do for you ? All that can be done has been done.
2) 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。 e.g. This is the most exciting trip that I have ever experienced.
3) 当先行词被序数词修饰时。 e.g. This is the first car that arrived this morning .
4) 当先行词被 the only, the very, the right 等词修饰时。
e.g. the picture is the only thing that his father can be proud of .
5) 当先行词既指人又指物时。
e.g. They talked for about half an hour of things and persons that they remembered in the school.
1) 当介词放在关系代词之前时。
e.g. The room in which she lives is a large one. Who’s the man with whom you just shook hands?
2) 在非限制性定语从句中。
e.g. He showed me his new watch, which his father has bought him recently.
Professor Smith, who invented the machine, is coming to visit out city.
3) 当关系代词指整个主句的概念时。 e.g. I said nothing ,which made him still more angry.
3. that引导定语从句与引导同位语从句的区别:
引导定语从句时,that是关系代词,在定语从句中担任主语或宾语等成分;而引导同位语从句时,that是连接代词, that只起引导词作用,在从句中不担任任何成分。
e.g. We must face the fact that we are living in a changing world.
He collected the facts that could prove heavy objects and light objects fall at he same speed.
He told the news that the new shop would be open on and after next Sunday.
He told us the news that he got form his classmate this morning.


以上就是关于含有各种从句的英语文章 ,一篇英语有很多状语从句的作文怎么写的全部内容,以及含有各种从句的英语文章 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年08月10日09时51分45秒
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