grammar的重要性 ,英语语法对英语的重要性的作文



我们平时所说的语法,其实包含了两个方面:形式以及意义。形式就是上文提到的语法规则,比如现在完成进行时应该用 have been doing,情态动词后面应该用动词原形。但大部分语法书以及课堂教学都停留在这一点。在熟悉语法规则的基础上,更加重要的是掌握每个规则的含义(比如 will be doing 用来表示礼貌地询问他人的计划),这样才能真正理解并使用它。从这个意义上来说,单纯看语法书或者上语法课是不够的,因为它们最多能教给你语法的规则(形式),但每个规则背后的含义还是要靠你自己去慢慢理解和感受。而这个过程主要是靠阅读来完成。在阅读中能够不断重现语法点,并且阅读提供了一个很具体的语境,这样才能理解和应用。这一点和记单词很类似,出来混总是要还的,背过的单词最终还是要回到语境中去。


学习英语的重要性 英语作文

The importance of learning English
English is the most widely used language in the world. Therefore, having great English skills will have numerous advantages. Luckily, I have realized the importance of learning English and worked hard on it since I was a child. However, 13 years of learning English experience didn’t lead me to success, but being a person who can hardly communicate in English and definitely unable to write an essay. Once I came to the USA, I knew that I had made too many mistakes in learning English. Those mistakes are translating English into different languages, don’t learn vocabulary as much as I can, and don’t read and write enough.
First of all, every language is unique. They usually have different grammar and use of vocabulary, which means learning English by translating it into different languages will lead to an inevitable defeat. For example, I have worked hard on learning a lot of vocabulary by translating them into Chinese. I thought it was a good idea to build up my vocabulary in order to read and write better. However, those translation processes were hugely disappointing. At that time, I failed to express my idea accurately by those translated vocabulary. As a consequence, good grade and improvement seemed untouchable. Also, when I either wrote or read, I had to use Chinese to think about the passage. As a result, I didn’t do it well and did it very slowly. When I came to the USA, I desperately and completely stopped translation. Just a year of time, my English was obviously and generally improved. I attribute my success to the stop of translation.
Second, I would like to show about how best we can utilize our English skills by learning more vocabulary. When I came here, I bought a book about the Second World War. The book is very thick and has too many new words for me. While I started reading, I could only read 5 pages per half an hour. However, I had never been frustrated. Whereas, I worked hard on it and learned 10 new words from it every day. Subsequently, I can probably read 12 pages per half an hour. On the other hand, the vocabulary can also help me in different aspects. Whenever I read a newspaper, a magazine or other books, they help me to understand more about the context. In addition, they also work when I write. They enable me to write in various ways for the same meaning and provide me with more word choices to write accurately. So my essay is generally improved. In my opinion, my reading and writing improvement are partly from the extension of my vocabulary.
Finally, I am going to talk about reading and writing. They are undoubtedly the key element to learn English comfortably and effectively. In the past, I put majority of time on doing grammar exercises, but improvement is near invisible. Once I put my heart into reading and writing, I can feel my English is leaping over many steps. On the other side of the coin, let’s talk about soccer. If I just tell you how to control and shot the ball, but don’t give you any chance to practice. Do you think you can still play it well? Improving English from only doing grammar exercises is usually inferior to reading and writing practice. Only practices can help us to react to the reality. Therefore reading and writing are crucial to our English.
In conclusion, stopping translation processes, learning more vocabulary, reading more, and writing more are the most effective way or even the only way to improve our English. The advice is invaluable and learnt painfully. If I have learnt them before, my English must be much better than now. Anyway, I hope you guys can pay heed to me and have a good future.





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