
本文总结了40个常见的英语介词及其用法,包括基本介词如“at”,“on”,“in”,“to”,“for”,“with”,“by”,“of”,以及复合介词如“according to”,“ahead of”,“along with”,“apart from”,“as for”,“as of”,“because of”,“due to”,“instead of”,等等。这些介词在英语学习中非常重要,用来表示名词或代词与其他单词之间的关系。


  1. At:表示时间、地点、价格等概念。例如:at 2 o'clock、at home、at a reasonable price。

  2. On:表示日期、天气、表面等概念。例如:on Monday、on a sunny day、on the table。

  3. In:表示时间、空间、情况等概念。例如:in winter、in the room、in good health。

  4. To:表示方向、目的地、时间等概念。例如:to the park、go to bed、from Monday to Friday。

  5. For:表示目的、时间、价值等概念。例如:for fun、for two hours、for a good cause。

  6. With:表示伴随、带有等概念。例如:with a friend、with a smile。

  7. By:表示方式、经由等概念。例如:by bus、by phone、by email。

  8. Of:表示所属、材料、数量等概念。例如:book of poems、made of wood、a cup of tea。


  1. According to:根据。例如:According to the report, the company will expand its business next year.

  2. Ahead of:在…之前。例如:She finished her homework ahead of time.

  3. Along with:和…一起。例如:Along with her sister, she went to the party.

  4. Apart from:除…之外。例如:Apart from English, he also speaks Spanish and French.

  5. As for:至于。例如:As for me, I prefer tea to coffee.

  6. As of:截至。例如:As of today, we have received more than 100 applications.

  7. Because of:因为。例如:She was absent from work because of her illness.

  8. Due to:由于。例如:The flight was delayed due to bad weather.

  9. Instead of:代替。例如:I'll have tea instead of coffee.

  10. In addition to:除…之外。例如:In addition to his job, he also volunteers at a local charity.

  11. In case of:万一。例如:In case of an emergency, call 911.

  12. In spite of:尽管。例如:In spite of the bad weather, they went hiking.

  13. Next to:在…旁边。例如:The library is next to the park.

  14. On account of:由于。例如:On account of his age, he retired early.

  15. On behalf of:代表。例如:On behalf of the company, I would like to thank you for your hard work.

  16. On top of:在…之上。例如:The cat is on top of the table.

  17. Out of:从…中。例如:Out of all the applicants, she was the most qualified.

  18. Prior to:在…之前。例如:Prior to the meeting, please read the agenda.

  19. Regardless of:不管。例如:Regardless of the cost, we must finish the project on time.

  20. Thanks to:由于。例如:Thanks to her help, we finished the project ahead of schedule.

  21. Together with:和…一起。例如:Together with his colleagues, he developed a new product.

  22. Up to:多达。例如:The store offers up to 50% discount on selected items.

  23. As per:根据。例如:As per the instructions, please submit your report by Friday.

  24. Close to:接近。例如:The hotel is close to the beach.

  25. In front of:在…前面。例如:The statue is in front of the museum.

  26. In lieu of:代替。例如:In lieu of a bonus, the company offered extra vacation days.

  27. On account of:由于。例如:On account of the rain, the game was postponed.

  28. On the part of:在…方面。例如:On the part of the government, new measures have been taken to reduce pollution.

  29. On top of:除…之外。例如:On top of his salary, he also receives a bonus.

  30. In line with:与…一致。例如:The company's policy is in line with the industry standards.

  31. Accordingly to:相应地。例如:Accordingly to the plan, we will launch the new product next month.

  32. In compliance with:遵循。例如:The company is in compliance with the safety regulations.

上一篇 2024年01月27日10时38分17秒
下一篇 2024年01月27日10时49分06秒


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